A question of priorities...

Let me add a different spin on your question, LoriAnn. I live in S. Florida, which is a Latin word for "Hurricane Target" ;), and so, between the months of July and November, I keep a large Alice Pack ready with some spare clothes in case I need to evacuate quickly (the NHC is pretty reliable, but it ain't foolproof).

Additionally, I pack spare food (about a week's worth of self-heating MREs), some bottled water, and have ready to go about three other extras:

Some books, including pocket survival and first aid manuals, and two Bibles--a 1545 Luther facsimile (that was quite a find) and the 1912 Luther I usually carry around with me.

My pistol, ammo, and some cleaning supplies.

Personal Documents: Passport, Birth Certificate, Driver's License, CCW, Last Bank Statement, etc.

I have no biological family in this state, nor any "significant other" at the moment.
So, if a disaster suddenly threatened, necessitating that I get my hind end out of here NOW, this is what you would probably find on me.


"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges." (The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
Well if I am trapped I would want something to help me get off the island.

1) A fully stocked Riva yacht with transoceanic range.
2) a Barrett light 50 for pirates
3) Claudia Schiffer

On second thought,
1) Claudia Schiffer
2) Remington 870 Marine with shells
3) fishing equipment including a knife.
LoriAnn, I would want my G.O.D. kit, my 1911 and my .308 bolt action rifle.

G.O.D. means "Get Outa Dodge". I have several spare magazines for the 1911, ammo for both the rifle and pistol, a change of clothes, spare glasses, medicines, my K-bar and now a machete. Oh, yeah there is a few hundred feet of para cord, some fishing hooks, a good first aid kit as well as a couple canteens (V.N. collapsible 5 liter), a pull thru cleaning kit and firestarters.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
1. Yasmine Bleeth
2. Denise Richards
3. That Doritos chick

I figure with three women and only one man, no matter how hot they are and how geeky I am, they will still be forced to fight for my affections due to lack of choices. Therefore, I can use this to my advantage. They can hunt, make things, etc., for me - I will live in (relative) comfort. If it's a cold island, Yasmine should be able to help me survive the winter (and survive herself), due to her robustness. The Doritos girl (what is her name?) looks pretty athletic, so she could hunt and so forth. And Denise- well, she'll find something to do. Let's just say I'll make good "use" of all three. :) :)

You asked for silliness....and priorities.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited December 10, 1999).]
Ok, I was gonna give a semi-serious survival response, but I like the 3 wishes from the genie angle also. The question was "trapped" on an island. I will not be TRAPPED with 3 choices! 1. A well maintained and fueled Grumman Mallard. 2. A skilled co-pilot, masuesse, chef, and security backup (sorry, no famous vicarious name-I already know her).3. 500,000 in cash (not mine). We don't like islands. We're taking this duck to Tahoe for the weekend!
Sorry to be flip, but after some serious thinking -- Reba McIntire and two clones.
Green-eyed redheads, what else would one need?