A question of priorities...


Do you all allow serious, yet somewhat silly questions here? If not, then go ahead and just ignore this thread! :D

Ok, if you were trapped on an island, what 3 things in your life would you want with you? I am just curious as to what is most important to you. I'd have to say my family, my house, and all the food in my cabinets! :D
Since I do not own a gun I can not say that, however, would your gun be on your list of 3 things to have with you?


~*~Forgive my ignorance, I am here to learn! :) ~*~
interesting question for me i would have at least one of my guns both for my defense from preditors and for food other than that my survivel gear and some basic tools to construct shelter
btw welcome to the firing line

Welcome to the Forum LoriAnn.

I'll have to agree that my family would be first. Followed by a large bowie knife, a Steyr Scount rifle or a shotgun.
My cats (I count them as one because they're inseparable), my Mossberg 500 12-gauge, and a metric buttload of shells. Everything else, I can fashion myself or do without.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I would also have to agree, a firearm of some type could be just as good as having a cabinet full of food. With it a person could, protect themselves from predators, provide food for themselves and others, adn being on a desserted island, gunpowder can be used as a source of a good hot flame to dry woodenough to get a fire started. I personally would rather have a way to provide my own food than be stuck with a cabinet of food that is steadily getting empty.Also, welcome to the Line, im sorta new here myself, and remember, there is no such thing as an ignorant question , just a person who is begging you to teach them.-----Cuz in La.
My beautiful Wife, my beautiful (insert firearm description here - ammo included as part of the package) and a generous supply of toilet paper!

:D Thanks everyone! You'll notice I said my cabinet of food. However, I do not own a gun. I was curious as to how many would say their gun so that they can hunt their own food. That would have been my line of thinking if I were a gun owner. I'm sure it would be better than my cabinet of food, considering I would be the one to take the food yet forget the can opener! :D

Thanks again for answering. I guess I am just trying to learn a little more about everyone! :)
My fiancee, my Ruger MkI (a simple .22 for hunting) and a Simonich Nordooh (I can't describe this thing, look at http://www.simonichknives.com if you wanna see it.)


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
LoriAnn, please dont take this the wrong way, but i would like to explain something to you and maybe you could tell others. For just one moment, imagine yourself as a crook, theif, burglar, carjacker, or just plain ole bad guy. Now imagine how much you could get away with if you owned a gun, and no-one else did.
Would be pretty simple wouldnt it? Now imagine yourself as the same bad guy, but everyone else had some type of firearm also..
How would you feel now?,knowing that you could be shot and killed just as easily as you could have done it to someone else? It just seems to me that if more people were to base their opinions on their own thinking and research, instead of what someone who is completely biased tells them is right, we would have more people like you here. I commend you for having an open mind, and looking at both sides of the subject. I wish there were more like you . ----Cuz
Why would I want my family trapped on the island too? Well, maybe if this is some Swiss Family Robinson thing and we're going to live there for ever....
But, I'm going to try my damndest to get off the island and back to the US.

I think the original post restricted us to stuff we already have at home. So, I guess I can't pick a satellite phone.

In that case I'd want either a Ruger 10/22 with a couple bricks of ammo or something like a Winchester Model 70 (either pre-64 or the newer "Classic" action) in .308 with a few hundred rounds.
#2: A solar powered calculator.
#3: A flash unit for an SLR camera.

Okay, by now you're all wondering what I need to add up and flash with light.

With the strobe unit I could rig up a spark generator. I could rig it to emit a powerful single burst, or with some dinking around, smaller quickly-repeatable bursts.
With the spark, which emits a broad-band electromagnetic impulse, I could possibly summon help.

There are HAM operators listening all the time. After a few sequences of ---...--- somebody listening will call the authorities.
The solar calculator is going to be dissassembled for parts. The solar panel can be used to recharge the capacitors of the flash unit (albeit very slowly), and other parts in it can be used to make an antenna for the spark-radio generator. The keypad will be rigged up as a momentary switch/trigger for the spark impulses.

Obviously, the firearm is for getting food and warding off any predators. (I would also cheat and sneak a butane lighter and some water-purification tablets into my pocket.)

:) -Kframe

[This message has been edited by Kframe (edited December 09, 1999).]
Lessee now...
my baby boy, Mini-14, my collection of knives, the dog, the cats, a few thousand yards of mountain rope, my Rem 870, the 1911, a bunch of various books, 2 yrs supply of diapers, some tools

Whats that you say...I took more than 3 things? Well, all my ancestors up through my parents are Sicilian....we never follow rules :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Nope, my wife isn't looking:
1.) Catherine
2.) Zeta
3.) Jones

hehe, I'll edit it later to say wife,dog and gun ;)

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.

My .22 pistol (SW 617) & lots of cartridges(does that count as two things?)

a magnifying glass (neverending fire starter)

A good hunting knife (Ka-Bar or similar)
The professor, ginger and marianne ;)

now for the not - so smart assed answer:

1. a swiss army knife (macguyver got this right)

2. a first aid kit (really good one)

3. a sturdy bolt action rifle and some ammunition.

#4 some dreamy leggy island girl to share paradise with who knows which plants are poisonous and knows which tribes are cannibals.

Trutrh is without the FIRST two items ANY stay on the island might be a very very rough one.

But seriously loriann, most of us carry some sort of survival gear ALL THE TIME. Not necessarily firearms but for instance:

EVERY October before the first snow the following items go in the jeep:

a wool blanket
tire chains
a snowmobile suit
a shovel
a snack box (not for snacking but for survival)

and ALL Year long I have in my jeep:
a first aid kit
Tool box
road flares
spare fuses
2 quarts of oil
a gas can

The real trick to survival is BEING prepared and being trained what to do when the situation arises.

You don't EVEN want to know how much stuff I normally carry on a jaunt through the woods in hunting season.. or even on a day hike. But here in the high country (colorado) the weather can change INSTANTLY. I've lived here for 22 years and I can honestly say i've been snowed on in EVERY MONTH of the year in this state at one time or another.

Ever the boy scout,

Lets get serious, and concentrate on the really important stuff. I would want my Krieghoff KS5 Special, a PAT trap and several million cases of clay birds. Will also need a generator and fuel to power the trap.