A question about kids and guns

I have been plaing those games since they came out the orginal Duke Nukem, Wolfenstien, etc since I was 14. I kill everyone thing moves. because its more fun that way. I'm 21 now and yet to hurt anyone with my guns. If you don't have niolent tendencie, the video games and the media won't give them to you. you need outside influneces other than media dn video games to become violent

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Miss D;
You said.......

"I know they are good kids, but at that age your mind is very curious. Kids that are learning about guns in this manner are most likely the type to bring a gun to school or worse. I will bet that of all the school shootings that have happened, not one of those kids were brought up around or taught about firearms."

In a very respectfull manner and tone, I would like to disagree with this because children see nothing BUT the use of a gun and killing on television every day. The media glorifies the gun and creates and unnecessary fascination in a childs mind about the gun. When they get to their grandparents house and find a gun in a drawer, they are fascinated by it just because of what they have seen on television. They realize there is POWER in their hands and they can DO THINGS with it. If they have been watching a lot of television or movies then they have been taught by example the possibilities of using a gun. Just what choice is a child going to make? Sometimes it's a bad one......as Columbine, Johnsbourough, West Peduka, etc demonstrate. You see, the media, television, movies are far more damaging and destructive than the gun because they influence the young mind towards evil. The proof is all around you if you will just look!
Miss D

Try the NRA website: www.nra.org
Here you will find many Youth programs that the NRA sponsors for young people teaching them gun safety and the respondsibility that comes with owning/using firearms. Lately the liberal media has given the NRA a bad rap. Don't buy into the media garbage about the NRA not being concerned for the safety of our children. The NRA is more concerned about the safety of our children that any liberal organization that I can think of. I don't see any liberal organization teaching proper firearms safety, such organizations teach kids that guns are the "forbidden" fruit and when this happens bad things are sure to happen. But when you teach children the proper safety rules and respect for firearms you will have no problem with them. Look the NRA website over I'm sure you will find some program that may appeal to you in teaching your kids firearms safety.

One more Idea, enroll them in a hunter education class. Firearms safety is a number one priority in hunter education.