A prayer over your deer?

Thank you Lord for being so good and forgiving and for giving us dominion over the beasts of the earth. We strive to be good, ethical stewarts.
At the beginning of a hunt I ask the Lord if He has any critters to spare, please send them my way. If He does, I thank Him...if He doesn't I thank Him.
I do not have the power to make the creatures I hunt live, and therefore I do not take the power I am given to kill them lightly or without thought. But it is not the creatures themselves I am ultimately responsible to- it is the One who created all of us. And it is the Creator I address with humble thanks on every appropriate occasion, be it a sunrise, a meal, a hunt or a kill.

Two I found.

This one popped into my hands when I found a dead butterfly when I was 11, and wanted to have funeral for it: Psalm 50: 10-12...for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountains, and the creatures of the field are mine.

This one I found, trying to find the specifics of the first one to reference.
Isaiah 43:20...the wild animals honor me,the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

As for praying for the animal, I used to think thanking the animal and God was necessary, but hunting one is different.
I always hunt from a stand, so I pretty much always have time to prepare my shots for at least a few minutes. In that interim, between seeing what I'm about to shoot and actually taking my shot, is when I have a little piece. I guess I'm just thinking it in my head rather than saying it out loud, an although there are variations, it's something to the effect of:

"Lord, let my bullet fly true, make this a swift and humane kill. Save him from any suffering. Amen."

Then, hopefully bang/flop.