A Not-so hypothetical question.

Lets play this scenerio out a little further. Lets suppose you get a smart bad guy, who decides to follow you around for a night and make a visit to your house to pick up the keys. Then What?

Then they could watch me dropping the key and my paperwork off at the office before going home. :D I'm not dumb enough to take the keys home with me. That is the one thing I can avoid!

The people I work with don't make life any easier. (I am 1 of 4 drivers doing this same bank route... just different areas.)

Just last night I show up at my first stop where I pick up all of the empty bags that I switch out at the banks... Walk up to the door. Low and behold, a bank key hanging from the door. I check the tag... that route driver was supposed to be out of the bank 20 minutes ago... and he was! So, I call the office and ask them what they would like me to do with his key, since he has to return for it in order to do his run.

Imagine that... A Key that opens the front door to every branch of this particular bank... and its just hanging in the door, 20 feet away from the main road.

My overactive imagination immediatly kicked into high gear, as it always does, and here is what I came up with.

The New Twist (part 2)

What if someone gets ahold of a key that is not mine, and makes a quick stop at one of the banks on my route, only to discover he still cant get into the vault. While he is in there, I show up... Of course nothing is going to be out of place... The BG isnt entirely stupid, he locked the door behind him. No vehicles in sight, nothing out of the ordinary. So I turn the key, push open the door, reach for my bag sitting on the chair next to the door only to realize I have just suprised the BG who is standing a mere 15 feet away from me, and could be armed!
Hence why it wouldn't be a bad idea to carry. Remember, dude, most people carry because of what COULD happen, not what routinely DOES...
A gun might make you feel better, but I wouldn't sweat it too much.


Not that he is in mortal danger, but he is in more danger than most of us. I carry when I go to Kmart for a pack of big red. I don't leave the house without a gun. I'd be damn sure to carry a gun if I was entering banks after hours on a schedule. If I wasn't allowed to carry, I would find a new job.

As pointed out, what is in the bag doesn't mean anything. For one, criminals are stupid. You don't need only fear the pros but the hard up crack heads that have no idea what they are doing. Maybe a pro knows his mark but a strung out junkie that needs money quick is gonna see the bag and see dollar signs. Simple as that.

And as he said gaining access to the bank is probably the main conern anyway.
Pro's don't concern me nearly as much than jim-bob billy-joe down the road who needs money for beer.

A pro will know exactly what they are after and how to get it. In a situation like this, usually no one gets hurt. Jim-bob billy-joe, on the other hand, would panic and open fire the second he entered the bank.

Remember, dude, most people carry because of what COULD happen, not what routinely DOES...

Well put. I definitly wouldn't keep my job if bad things routinely happened... especially for the crap pay I get.

I say it's even silly to wonder.. yes carry a weapon!! The other poster who summed it up about you being the meat hit it perfectly. Hmmm your coming out of a bank at night with a large bag of cash.. hmm (I'm ROLFing btw).
Yes your a f'in target. Even if "the rules" say no, Duhh... I'll take the fine & or imprisonment over death.

As the cops say, "Rather judged by 12 than carried by 6."

Now go get a gun meat!
When I was in college I worked for one of these big overnight delivery services and one of my stops was a diamond broker. You walked in the place, and you all you saw was a small room and a receptionist window surrounded by some thick, thick glass. Anyway most of the time it was regular letter packages, but ever once in a while you got a small brick package and you needed to fill out insurance coverage paperwork, so you get a hint of what might be inside. Regardless to say that was a long, nervous, walk back to the truck. Of course we were not allowed to pack a weapon due to company policy (fired if caught), and sure enough at least two drivers were robbed, one at gun point, when coming out of that building, in the one year span that I worked there. Thankfully, no one got killed, but one guy got sent to the hospital after getting wacked with a pipe in the head for not handing over the package (containing nothing of value) fast enough. If you have the option, I would carry. You could be carrying nothing of value , but the BG could think you carry million, or that you have access to the vault.

p.s. While it is nice to have Hand to Hand combat skills, never rely soley on them to get you out of every jam. If a BG or a group of BGs decide to come into the bank while you have the door open, they will bring more than a knife, and even if you were Bruce Lee, you will be S.O.O.L
I'd Carry

Chris, If I had your job I'd definately carry. I would think you'd be a likely target for some BG. Fortunately for you your state is "shall issue" so I wouldn't think there would be a problem for you to get a permit. You can look up information about it at packing.org. They mention that open carry is legal in Maine, so you might consider that. Only problem with that is you need a permit to open carry a loaded firearm in a vehicle. I guess you could open carry an automatic and have a loaded magazine on you. IANAL but in Illinois you can carry a loaded magazine next to a handgun in a case or on your person so that might work in Maine. I think it would be much, much preferable to get the permit, it might save your life.

I carry out of state on a non-resident Pennsylvania handgun license, as Illinois is a "right denied" state. I don't live in a high crime area either, but I wouldn't bet something will never happen.

It is good you don't have to take the keys home. But I wonder if the BG would know that? Actually, whether you have the keys on you or not is like whether there is money in the bag. It doesnt matter.
Hey I wasn't implying you are dumb :D I think you know what I meant. right?

Now the people you are working with I might consider Dumb. Like the one that leaves keys in doors.
Here we go again. Some people need to get a life. Time to go.

Do people like you feel better after putting other people down? Does it make you feel more important or knowledgeble? Do you sleep better at night knowing you can insult other people while hiding behind a keyboard? Do you feel special knowing you are an internet badass?

You are right. some people DO need to get a life. Good riddance.