A new reason to be paranoid?

Just get a wmildly wild look in your eye, squint real hard at the teller, and in your best Deliverance voice, say, "A multitude of sexual appliances for my next camping trip".
Never had a postal clerk ask me what a money order is for. NEVER!

Never had a bank clerk ask me what a cashier's check is for, or the reason I have withdrawen a few thousand in cash at one time.

Now the last time I did get a cashier's check for a gunbroker payment, I told (voluntarily) to the clerk what the check was for. But it was to let her know this new Beretta was replacing a SIG she wanted to purchase.:D

There ya go. Fighting terrorism, as I said. I asked bank teller this afternoon. She was upfront about it and said they're told and taught to be friendly, but ask. If you're a regular customer, no biggie. If you're not... you're being recorded anyway, so smile at the camera. (she laughed when she said that and so did I, because it beats cryin') ;)

She told me where to look it up. It's all there. A whole lot of newly defined by legislature "financial institutions". I feel safer already. Freedom's just another word for one more thing to lose. We're all slaves to something... possibly. A POV thing perhaps.

I mean, if you're not doing anything illegal... :o

There ya go. Fighting terrorism, as I said. I asked bank teller this afternoon. She was upfront about it and said they're told and taught to be friendly, but ask.

The Patriot Act, eh - that's a pretty dense and scary law. Did the teller point to a specific provision of the Patriot Act or just say that the law required them to ask?

I encounter tellers fairly frequently who make things up and, when called on it, claim that their fantasy is required by law.
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Just don't answer.... To those who think that approach to be too rude, simply tell them you're buying a mail-order vacuum cleaner or something silly like that... Who cares?

I seriously doubt there is a legislated requirement for tellers/USPS to inquire about purchases. However, if there is, it's likely that you're under no obligation to tell them.

If they persist, vote with your money (i.e. go somewhere else).