A new meaning for 'take out the cat'

Doc Max-
I think that apology cuts both ways. Some of us were a bit flip in our responses (myself included). I don't really think anyone here is talking about shooting strays on sight (I hope not). As a dedicated Vet, I can see where we might have touched a hot button.

The feral cats issue is something different to many, though. As I said, I don't see them in my neck of the woods. My last dog, an Aussie, was found in the mountains of NC running with a near wild pack. Took us 3 weeks of feeding just to get a hand on him. Had him for 17 years.....best dog I've ever owned.
Dr. Max,

I was speaking only of ferels, not domestics that may have gotten out on accident.

From experience and just with common sense, a ferel and a house cat are pretty easy to tell the difference. Sometimes not so if you're not sure then take out a cat that you know is ferel.

If I see a tagged cat (this is the reason that I tagged mine), it's free from being shot and I do try to lure it in so I can call the Vet's number on the tag. If I can get it to just sit there long enough to get my binocs then I try to read the number and discribe the cat.

In no way and at no time was I speaking of just "hunting kitty" for fun and pleasure, even through I know that some would be happy to do just that (but not on this board... I hope).

I've lived here in Eugene for about 5 years now and unfortunatly had to thin the ferels twice. I have tried to get the humane society and the county to develope some sort of program but they won't. I call the LEO's when I see people abdaning the animals and I get tag numbers, discribtions, the whole nine yards and the LEO's won't do anything (can't blame the Sheriff, he and his deputies have a huge county to patrol and many out of the way areas).

When I see an abdaned animal I do try to lure it in and then find a home for it. Sadly, the animals usually have been beaten or hurt by a human and are scared of people (not to mention just being dumped) and run.

It's the people in this town that piss me off and when I have to thin the ferels, I don't feel good about it, more angry with the people in this town and the state, county (and the humane society which is anti hunting but won't do anything about the cats/dogs that people dump off).

Be assured, I get no pleasure from having to do such a job.

This Story Just Hit Fox News

Shep Smith ran a piece on it tonight. Looks like tensions are heating up out there; proponents are receiving death threats.
I just hope you all can realize there is an enormous difference between culling nuisance stray and presumably feral cats, and shooting your neighbor's pet for being on your property.
No Max, we sit around in our ninja suits planning raids on little old ladys' apartments to kill their cats and making gratuitous threats to strangers about what we're going to do to them if we catch them disagreeing with us. :rolleyes:

OK, on careful reflection, I must appologize for my emotional outbursts.
Mighty kind of you.

BTW my nearest neighbor who harbors nuisance animals lives a little less than a half mile away.