a new argument

Most of us have probably heard of Buffalo Bore ammo; I have. But when they just write "bb", they shouldn't assume everyone knows what they're referring to.
Well, for one thing, .357 mag. and .44 mag. factory loads have been wimped down by SAAMI. Look at advertised velocities for the two cartridges as posted in the mid 1960's. Check current advertised speeds in today's ammo. Check the charge reductions for the two in the loading manuals.
In handloads, powder choice can make a difference in the timbre of the report and muzzle blast although they're still too loud to use without hearing protection. I much prefer A2400 in the two cartridges and as loud and sharp as the report is, it's a bit more tolerable than when I use W296/H110. The regular load for the .44 in the beginning was 22.0 gr. of H2400 when the powder was made by Hercules. Hercules sold their powder portion of the usiness to Alliant and then data dropped to 20.0 gr. as maximum. So were presssures just too high at the original loading or has there been a change in the powder's formula. Alliant says there is no change. I wonder?
The same thing happened with the .357 mag. The original max load of 15.0/15.5 gr. was dropped to 14.0 gr. This is with A2400 powder.
Needless to say velocity of the original loads also dropped with the change in max loads.
Regarding recoil of the two, both guns set back pretty hard from the original loads. However, the .44 mag. with it's larger bore and large cylinder holes was alway the lighter gun, in this case both on the S&W "N" frame. I see no reason that anything would change when comparing two revolvers made by Taurus using the same frame/barrel length style. The fact that the .44 is magnaported, or had a copy similar to magnaporting would alter the recoil of the .44 Mag. The .44 will always be the harder kicker.
FWIW, I have two Ruger Super Blackhawks, one old model and one new. The old madel has been magnaported nd frankly, do not see any real difference in the recoil. :eek: The OM gun is louder though.
I hear the comments on hearing protection with either caliber. I recently bought an expensive pair by Pro-ears and about three weeks ago bought two sets of cheapie protectors for $10.00 plus tax each so my grandkids from out of town could do a day of shooting. The $10 muffs worked better than those pricey $150 a pair muff. They were even more comfortable. They're brand marked Winchester and I got them at Walmart, in case anyone is interested.
Paul B.
, everyone knows BB is buffalo bore

I guessed Buffalo Bore from the context, because in my world, everyone knows BB is a shot size, and the caliber of Daisy and Red Rider air guns.

In the same size(weight) class of guns, full house .44Mag will always have more recoil energy than full house .357 Mag. Its not rocket surgery or very much brain science, a larger heavier bullet at the same speed has more energy, on both ends.

That being said, how much an individual feels the difference varies widely, depending on the individual, and the way the gun fits them.