A miserable hunting day, but I wasn't suffering

Yeah, I know what you mean. Last week I shot a doe for the freezer. Too far away for a head shot, so put one thru her vitals. She jumped about 4 feet high and I knew I was in trouble. Another hop and she was in the briars crashing around. We looked for her till dark thirty, then went home for a blood transfusion. Next morning, bright and early, we were back out looking. After another 2 hours of searching, by then a bloody mess in tattered clothes and running out of cuss words, we gave up.

A couple of days later, while checking my game camera, I noticed that the buzzards had found her. Not 30 yards from where I had shot her, in a briar bush that was two stories tall and covering as much area as a football field...... I overheard one buzzard tell another,” To hell with this, lets go kill something in the open.” and off they flew.
Orange and black striped leathers???

Now theres a thought.

They would look like they played for the Cinncinatti Bengals. :eek::D