A Man threatens/attacks you with a wooded cane?

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Ok thesheepdog, what methods beyond Tasers and bean bags (already attempted by the police and shrugged off by the BG) would you have attempted vs a large, 30ish man who was attacking with a length of wood?

If you want to run down the officers, at least tell us what better thing you would have done.

Same to you, 8Shot357. If you want to criticize, try offering a concrete, practical alternative.

Well, like I said, "I don't know, I just don't know." I just wonder though. And I'm not trying to be a poet.:confused:
Well, that didn't take long. It went from "is deadly force justified against a cane" to a brief, secondhand account of a news article, to Monday morning quarterbacking and cop bashing.

If someone can come up with a reputable link to a detailed article, feel free to restart this, but this one's done.

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