a little SECRET about good shooting

Who's talking to who?

No one knows who you are talking to, CobrayCommando, unless you address them, but if you addressing me, no I am not talking to you.I assumed that your other posts were not addressed to me, but to Bravo25.
Whew, this gets confusing.

I was trying to politely disagree with Blackminds statement that if you move your head over then the sights would be misaligned anyways, so gathering that his point was it's OK to have misaligned sights.

That is, if I am the one you are addressing:
Are you talking to me?

:cool: :cool:
Sight alignment error is actually manifested as a cone of fire as opposed to a triangle - since errors in elevation produce the same effect. It follows that it is somewhat less important at contact and short distances and more important as distance increases.

Hence some argue completely unsighted fire close up, flash sight picture and then sighted fire depending on a relationship between the distance to target and the demands of speed.

Sight picture indicates where you intend the bullet should go. Sight alignment determines where the bullet actually will go.
OK, the simple break-down with what I was taught. Your target is the focus, your sights are not. Call it instinct, muscle memory, whatever. It's pretty basic to understand and recognize what the sight picture for a given weapon is "supposed" to look like. So when the reflex/muscle memory kicks in and brings the same sight picture within your field of view between your eye and the target you're focusing on, the bullet is going to go relitive to where you aim.

Make sense, or am I making noise in an otherwise technical thread?