a little different spin on the walmart scenario...

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I never stated that I would shoot anyone in the head. All I said is that, depending on his state's law, he could very well be able to legally defend another persons life if it was threatened. I believe there are many states which adhere to that.

If you and a friend were out and a stranger approached, pulled a gun and shot your friend, are you saying you would not have the right to draw a gun? You should never draw your weapon unless prepared to use it and, according to your logic, you can not use it as the shooter did not shoot at you....just your friend.

Your logic is flawed and I would bet you do not know your own state's CCW laws, much less everyone elses. Do not paint with to broad of a brush, as you'll likely just make a big mess.

You do have a concealed permit by the way, don't you?

Where do you get this stuff? What state are you from - the state of confusion?

NY it is legal to use deadly force to protect yourself OR A THIRD PERSON...(whether it is SMART or not is another issue)


" and he may use deadly physical force for such purpose when he reasonably believes such to be necessary to:

(a) Defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force"

And what crap is that about Walmart?? They are suddenly a "no carry" zone? Says WHO??

Whose to say the one with the gun pointed at him just didn't try and molest or kidnap a little girl in the neighborhood? Maybe the 20 guys chased him to the parking lot from the little girls house? Whose to say is the process, the bad guy beat the hell out of her, and emotions are high? You have to think about stuff like this. I am not supporting vigalantees, but what if the guy with the gun, took it off of the perp. What if the guy with the gun is the neighborhood "good guy" and is being faced with the above situation. Ask your self how might you handle that situation, if you found yourself in it?
Call the professionals, I've seen Reno 911, it should be a very good show. ;)
Oh and by the way, carrying a gun in the parking lot of wal mart is also illegal. They have issued statements and signs prohibiting the carry of firearms anywhere on their property, unless it's being carried in the trunk. So as soon as you take that gun out you're breaking the law.
No, Hank you once again are wrong.
Not only do the notice carry no legal weight in some states, Fla for example, many here have already contacted Wal-Mart corporate and have been told that it is not corporate policy to ban legally carried guns in their stores
Use the search feature

Police officers don't even have the right to shoot someone unless the criminal aims the gun at them, or is actually shooting in the parking lot. So if you think you can just shoot someone because they have a gun you're incredibly naive and ignorant. .
Once again your tolerance of your own ignorance shines through.
Cops do not have to have a gun pointed at them to shoot You could ask Amado Diallo about that but he's dead cause cops shot him for getting his wallet, maybe you could track down Lon Horiuchi and ask what are the rules about shooting unarmed citizens.
And did you miss the part in the orginal post where the guy was shooting in the parking lot?
Half the people here seem to think that the ccw permit gives them more rights than the average citizen, or somehow makes them security guards
It has already been stated that any citizen has the right to stop a crime in progress, but true to Hank protocol you still don't bother to read the comments or answer questions put to you.
And by the way armed security guards don't carry concealed and their carry privileges only extend to on duty times and locations and most security guards are unarmed.
What if the guy with the gun is the neighborhood "good guy" and is being faced with the above situation. Ask your self how might you handle that situation, if you found yourself in it?
The neighborhood good guy should not be shooting in the air.

Duck and cover call the cops, be a good (live) witness.
Protect innocents if it's a reasonable goal
A many times banned troll that has gone by Joshua, HanhB and Hanksterhk among other names.

He's a persistant but transparent little guy
Saber, no offense, but you're wrong. The only people that have the right to protect total strangers by shooting and killing someone are officers of the law.

In Texas you allowed to use deadly force in defense of yourself or others if you are afraid for your life or thiers.
In Texas you allowed to use deadly force in defense of yourself or others if you are afraid for your life or thiers.

The language of common law, which most states have written into their statutes is: deadly force may be used to neutralize the threat of death or serious bodily injury to yourself or another.
HH, sounds to me like you did the right thing. I keep reading advice you should have gone inside, but from what I read you got the tag number, gave it to the cops and got the guy taken off the street.

Good job.

Plenty of reasons not to intervene; here's a few:

1.There's really nothing else you could do. With a 1911 cocked, safety off at someone's chest, I wouldn't have shot the gunman. Even if it was pointed at my kid. Too much risk that he'll pull the trigger, intentionally or not.

2. As others said, there were 20 other guys out there. If they all shot back they might hit you.

3. More likely, they would miss a lot and spray bullets at all those innocent bystanders.

4. You didn't have the whole story.

In my opinion, it would not be illegal or immoral to intervene when an innocent person is in danger and you could help them.

Just to correct some bad info...namely

Police officers don't even have the right to shoot someone unless the criminal aims the gun at them, or is actually shooting in the parking lot

Um, I don't have to wait for a criminal to aim a gun at me or they are actually shooting. That is sheer stupidity. (Let you in on a little secret. The law says I don't even have to SEE a gun. I just have to believe that said individual is attempting to gain immediate access to a weapon (of any kind) and believe they will use it on me or anyone else.

Oh, and in TN, a CCW holder would have also been justified in shooting said BG with the gun to the other's chest. You know, the whole "protect yourself and others from imminent death or bodily harm" thing. (Not that this would have been the prudent move of course). And I may be incorrect here in the following statement. A non-CCW holder may also be ok legally. This comes from a thread on TFL about the guy who shot some second-time robbers who made him go to a bank to take some money out. Something from the local attourney about using a gun in self defense, but I don't remember it exactly.
And I may be incorrect here in the following statement. A non-CCW holder may also be ok legally. This comes from a thread on TFL about the guy who shot some second-time robbers who made him go to a bank to take some money out. Something from the local attourney about using a gun in self defense, but I don't remember it exactly.

I do not think you are incorrect at all. Using a gun for self defense and carrying one in public are two separate issues. They might get you on carrying without a permit but they will not get you for manslaughter if the shoot is good. The CCW only confers the right to carry (open or concealed, depending on state), not any other privelages.
jcoiii You're not the judge or the jury. You have abosolutely no control over what happens to the individual who shoots that person. Sounds like you really know a lot about the judical system.
It stands to reason that he knows a bit more about his job than you do.

Your problem is that you're telling us how the law works without actually knowing yourself. Not a single one of your statements can be assumed to apply nationwide since each state has it's own set of codes on the subject. You're also the only person in this thread that has been corrected on every single issue you've brought up.

I'm pretty new here myself and while I'm as apt to share my opinion as the next guy, I don't open my mouth when I have no idea what I'm talking about.
jcoiii You're not the judge or the jury. You have abosolutely no control over what happens to the individual who shoots that person. Sounds like you really know a lot about the judical system.

No I'm not the judge (though I could be the jury sometime), but I do know what the law states. Do you? If so, please quote the statutes for all of us to learn
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