A little confused about 3d printed guns

Ricko, I used "9mm training ammo". It is a polymer case and polymer bullet with a small aluminum case head. I used the German stuff, but there is a Swedish version too. I never fired a full powered round through the set-up. I do a lot of testing of firearms and material failure issues, so I knew what the risks were. I can't go into significant detail, but suffice it to say, we were able to dispatch slaughter animals with the set-up with about 95% one shot kills after a few tweaks to the ammo.
This is being handled exactly like the first "plastic gun" ban. A bunch of politicians trying to create panic and invent a problem that does not exist in order to justify them being needed to "solve" the non-existant problem.
No person has ever been shot with a plastic gun. Liberal politicians will tell you its because of the ban. Its easy to ban something that does not exist and then claim the ban is working.
TimSr., while you are correct, the technology does exist to make a functional, effective and reliable firearm that does not contain enough metal to be detectable by the typical metal detector. Fortunately, cutting edge technology is beyond the reach of most people who would use it nefariously. But, if you have a smart phone, you have more computing power in your hand than the first shuttle combined with the ability to track via GPS, calculate long range ballistic solutions, trigger remote devices, etc. So what was cutting edge 20 years ago is common today. There are implications which we, as individuals in a declining society, should be ready to address.
But, if you have a smart phone, you have more computing power in your hand than the first shuttle combined with the ability to track via GPS, calculate long range ballistic solutions, trigger remote devices, etc. So what was cutting edge 20 years ago is common today.
So what? Do we punish all smart phone owners because one guy does something harmful? No. So why stifle innovation in one area, while rewarding it everywhere else? Oh, right. Because it's guns this time.
Calm down Tom. Read my post again. I never advocated hogtying all due to a few bad apples. My premise has always been to punish those who harm others, PERIOD!
Ricko, I used "9mm training ammo". It is a polymer case and polymer bullet with a small aluminum case head. I used the German stuff, but there is a Swedish version too. I never fired a full powered round through the set-up. I do a lot of testing of firearms and material failure issues, so I knew what the risks were. I can't go into significant detail, but suffice it to say, we were able to dispatch slaughter animals with the set-up with about 95% one shot kills after a few tweaks to the ammo.
That finally makes some sense. I'm sure a .22 Short would work about as well.

Actual 9mm pressures would have left you standing in a cloud of plastic.

That's the real problem - there doesn't seem to be any way of rifling non-metal so the gun could be legally constructed. And illegally constructed plastic guns have existed a long time.

Did no one see "In the Line of Fire" twenty years ago? Sure it's a movie, but the resin design of that gun was pretty straightforward. Used an old .38 low pressure round.
I'm sure a .22 Short would work about as well

Maybe. I tried some .22LR and got case ruptures. The polymer flexes so much that you really need the stronger case head of a center-fire round combined with the polymer chamber.

I used a simple tapered steel cylinder with 3 spiral ridges and a T-handle threaded into the center to cut the rifling. I heated the cylinder and pulled it through. It worked well enough for my purposes.
I "made" a Glock magazine, barrel and slide on a 3D printer in 1997. I put it on a Glock frame and shot a complete magazine of 9mm training rounds out of it. A friend who is LEO walked it through a metal detector, fully loaded, to see what happened. It was not detected. Nothing new.
Any references to this test? I am also skeptical based on my experiences with rapid prototyping materials; at theoretical best they are no stronger than injection-moulded plastics, and those are all far too weak for something Glock-sized (or else Hi-Point would be making them that way :P). I won't say "never," though, since this could be super-ninja-science DARPA stuff you were dealing with :D. I am calling BS on the metal-detector claim however, unless the ability to detect metal by magnetic field monitoring is a hoax. Reliable plastic bullets, cases, and primers are a more shocking (and profitable) development than even plastic firearms.

Did you actually read my posts? :eek: I was using TRAINING AMMO! Plastic bullet, plastic case, aluminum case head. The stuff won't penetrate a sheet of 1/4" plywood, it won't even move a stock Glock out of battery!
defcad.com is the home of the plastic liberator project.

Some people have printed barrels with the rifling built in.

The undetectable firearm act renewal bills S1149 hr1474 are expected by several reliable sources to start moving again after thanksgiving. Please write your reps and to the NRA to get them to oppose these efforts. Note that those two bills would also ban any plastic bodied magazine or receiver that is not produced by a type 07 FFL.

www.examiner.com Has had a lot of in depth coverage of this and other gun issues.
www.reason.com Look under the science/tech 3D printing section.
www.ttag.com Has had very good coverage of this and other issues as well.
Here is a question concerning building 3D guns that ran around several of my friends.
I looked it up at the ATF site but couldn’t get a concrete answer.
If you have a 3D printer and manufacture a gun for your own use does it require a manufactures license?
I know it’s true if you manufacture one for sale you have already broken the law without a manufactures license.
My point is that if you’re breaking the federal fire arms act by manufacture a firearm even for your own use then there is already a law in place.
It is not against federal law to manufacture for your own use. But you would still need to meet all the other requirements for what is a legal firearm.