A LE goes on a shooting spree?

Wonder how the die hard, LE can do no wrong, folks, especially over at "coptalk" will spin this one?
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Nice Dust Monkey :barf:. What is there to spin? My heart goes out to the victims. Still more news to come I'm sure.
From the mentioned site above, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071007/...onsin_shooting

CRANDON, Wis. - An off-duty sheriff's deputy went on a shooting rampage at a home early Sunday in northern Wisconsin, killing six people and injuring a seventh before authorities fatally shot him, officials said.


The suspect was 20 years old and worked full-time as a Forest County deputy sheriff and part-time as a Crandon police officer, Sheriff Keith Van Cleve said. He would not release the suspect's name but said he was not working at the time of the shooting.

A seventh shooting victim was in critical condition at a hospital in nearby Marshfield, said Police Chief John Dennee. A Crandon police officer who fired back was treated for minor injuries and released.

Gary Bradley, mayor of the city of about 2,000, said earlier Sunday that the suspect had been brought down by a sniper, but Van Cleve would not confirm that officers shot the suspect.

It wasn't immediately clear what the suspect's motive was. The shooting occurred in a white, two-story duplex about a block from downtown Crandon.

One of the dead was 14-year-old Lindsey Stahl, said her mother, Jenny Stahl, 39.

She said her daughter called her Saturday night and asked whether she could sleep over at a friend's house. Jenny Stahl agreed.

"I'm waiting for somebody to wake me up right now. This is a bad, bad dream," the weeping mother said. "All I heard it was a jealous boyfriend and he went berserk. He took them all out."

The State Patrol and the Crandon Fire Department detoured a steady stream of traffic from two blocks of U.S. Highway 8 in the downtown area. Some residents stood in nearby front yards.

Marci Franz, 35, who lives two houses south of the duplex, said gunshots awoke her.

"I heard probably five or six shots, a short pause and then five or six more," she said. "I wasn't sure if it was gunfire initially. I thought some kids were messing around and hitting a nearby metal building."

Then she heard eight louder shots and tires squealing, she said.

"I was just about to get up and call it in, and I heard sirens," she said. "There's never been a tragedy like this here. There's been individual incidents, but nothing of this magnitude."

The sheriff said he would meet with state Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen on Monday morning to discuss the case. Dennee said the state Department of Criminal Investigation will handle the case because the suspect was a deputy and officer.

The Crandon School District called off classes Monday.

The community, about 225 miles north of Milwaukee in an area known for logging and outdoor activities, is facing a trying time but is pulling together, Bradley said.

"We are a strong community. We always have been," he said. "This is agonizing, but we will prevail."

I'm not sure what type of "spin" coverage some of you are looking for. Guy snapped and people died, it seems that simple at this point. The only guy responsible for the actions of this suspected Sheriff is the suspect himself. The LE community is not responsible for his actions, just like no one here is responsible for my actions should I ever snap myself...

Have some respect people...:mad:
jfrey123 wrote:
Have some respect people...

I think the issue is that taxpayers expect better from the people whose salary they pay, and there are pro-government apologists out there that will try to minimize this while blowing similar, non-government incidents out of proportion. Respect works both ways.
How can a 20 yr old be a Sheriff's Deputy? Isn't it a Federal Law that you have to be 21 to buy/carry a pistol?

Good shooting and be safe.
How can a 20 yr old be a Sheriff's Deputy? Isn't it a Federal Law that you have to be 21 to buy/carry a pistol?

State law in many states says you can buy from a private seller at 18. I worked armed security and was a reserve officer at 18 in MI, a little over 20 years ago. I bought one of my first handguns from our chief of police at the ripe young age of 18. Getting a CCW in most states require you to be 21, but there are a few who at least in theory will issue a CCW at 18, I'm not sure on local govt issuing a weapon. I would say WI has no law against it though since they obviously did it.
The federal law prohibits some sales and transfers, not ownership or possession itself -- you can let a teenager use a gun, although it'd be ugly from a civil liability viewpoint if you weren't careful. Wisconsin is a little tougher, but does not seem to prohibit possession for those over 18.
Local laws may be more harsh.

Note that concealed carry is still prohibited with no licensing option available, and that open carry is legal but typically results in police scrutiny.
How about I 'spin it 'for you?

A kid gets a job being a cop. I say 'kid' 'cuz that's about all I was when I hung my first badge on in '76- at 20 years old. I kept my mouth shut (at least that's how I remember it) and tried to learn all I could from the old dogs, until I could get hired by an outfit that sent their people to a top-flight academy. Excepting a few years where I took regular jobs that paid better, I've been at it ever since. Yes, I have seen bad cops. Taken a few down; had my gun on two of them at different times. Not a fond memory.

This particular kid was obviously not officer material. I have to ask myself how a man goes this bad, without sending clear signals that something is severely wrong with him. My experience says they do, but I know nothing of substance regarding the case in point. For that I am thankful. I'm glad I wasn't anywhere near this one.

All I can leave you with is this- an officer went bad and another officer stepped up and punched his ticket. My heart and prayers go out for all the tortured souls, living and dead, who are or were caught in this maelstrom. Nothing I can say or do will explain it, or make it better.
Only the police and military should have guns...

say the Brady Bunch. So clearly, they will have to change their position to "no one should have guns, period." Who thinks they will?
The sad thing is, I was thinking the same thing. We have gotten as bad as them. :(

My heart goes out to those folks. We have to do something that actually strikes at the causes of violence, not the tools. Something is wrong with people these days.
It seems that letting only cops have guns is NOT a way to prevent mass murder after all.

It does seem sort of odd that a 20 year old is allowed to join the department though. Don't most departments require applicants to be 21 or over now?
I hope this should get the point across that people should NOT look to LE as the source of safety to those who may previously have thought so.
I hope this should get the point across that people should NOT look to LE as the source of safety to those who may previously have thought so.

The same way you shouldn't look to doctors for medical care, since a number of them have killed people intentionally, same for nurses.
Fireman to put your fire out since a number of them have been convicted of arson.
Postmen to deliver your mail because some have been convicted of mail fraud.

This guy was unstable and not suited for the job. It doesn't mean every cop out there is a bad guy. Like any other profession, there are bad apples. Nobody remembers the good guys; only the bad one(s).

How's that saying go??
Build one bridge and nobody calls you a bridge builder.....................
I have the same question--why was he a police officer so young? What qualifications could he have had to justify him being hired with very little "life experience?"

I had a professor who was also a local police chief. He said that he never allowed anyone under 23 to be hired. But his department policy didn't quite word it that way--his department required a bachelor's degree and at least one year of full time work experience, OR a two year degree with at least three years full time work experience. He said that it was because it was just not acceptable to him to grant a wide latitude of authority to a teenager or young adult because of intellectual and emotional maturity. And since they would be carrying firearms, he did not want any hot headed mishaps on his department, especially since police officers are largely undersupervised, when compared to other professions.

And now we see a perfect example of that with this incident in Wisconsin. Wasn't there some mention of a possible motive of being a jealous boyfriend?