A horrible scenario!

ctdonath, I hear you, but .... help us understand how you're going to get 'you and yours out'? I don't see that as a likely, practical success.

Regards from AZ
bug out as best as you can, staying together, and keeping your hand on your holstered weapon. If the BG fires at someone, or threatens to, or turns to notice you, draw, yell out something on the order of "Drop it!" At that point, it's his choice.
This would be a tough choice,IF my family was laying down I think I would tell then to get up and point out the best direction or cover to head for if there was time.However I am sure they would not be laying down they would already be heading for cover if there was any.One thing is for sure I would not open the ball by firing first,unless he was pointing directly at me and maybe not even than unless he was very close and I was absolutly convinced this was for real.There is so much stuff going on in a place like that I think several seconds would pass before most people would be convinced that this was really happening including myself.I do believe that sooner than later if I was still in close range of him and I was witnesing people getting shot and nothing was getting done I would probably shoot.this may not be the smartest thing to do but I dont think I could live with myself knowing I continued to let inocent people get shot and killed when I had the means to stop it.
Hm. If someone has drawn a weapon, and is screaming threats, he has announced his intention to kill. He has the ability to do so. This- and the inability to rapidly withdraw everyone threatened- satifies legal requirements for unleashing deadly force.

Understand me. I "talked down" a mean drunk at the party I attended last night, even though he was obviously just looking for targets to unload his spite upon. I was sweet and kind to him, even though he was a jerk. I feel it is my obligation to treat those I contact with respect and love-but if someone is threatening innocents* in my vicinity, and I have the means to stop him, I will. If that means killing him, so be it. And I'll hope he comes back as something nicer, like a butterfly.

*as opposed to getting caught between rival gangs or third world guerillas
this is why i dont go to amusement parks.
too many kids.
too many liberals.
refuse give money to anti-gun organizations like disney by buying thier tickets.
This scenario is an almost total "no-win" situation.


1. It's an actor in a scene you're not aware of. Highly unlikely, but hey, it's RatWorld where anything can happen, right?

You plug him, thinking he's a nut. Guess what RatWorld PR will turn you into, a gun toting nut. Now you've given more fuel for the gun banning fire.

2. It's a nut, but you miss. Oopppsss! Incoming fire is a b****! Now you're either dead, wounded, or in the middle of a firefight in a panicked crowd of kids and tourists.

Again, RatWorld PR (and the networks they own) will turn it into "Shootout at the OK Amusement Park" with you as the only surviving (maybe) loon to prosecute.

3. You hit the nut. Good job. But now Ratworld PR....you get the point. Plus his family might sue you and you could go to prison where you'll have to deal with nuts like him on a daily basis.

4. You and your family do a quick 180 and slowly (so as not to draw attention) walk away. If nut opens fire you'll have a head start on the panicked sheeple, if he doesn't (it's been known to happen) and RatWorld PD takes him away or puts him down, you haven't escalated the situation or exposed yourself.

1,2, and 3 are losers for you, 4 is the only winner.

Now if you placed this scenario in israel, then within a second or so there'd be 50 guns pointed at nut job and that would be the end of that.

If sheeple choose to go unarmed and are faced with an armed loony, then they shouldn't expect an armed citizen to take the risk and responsibilty they weren't willing to assume themselves to try and save them.
I agree with exfiltration. If I'm behind him, all the better. If he's a looney, he's got targets to the front. If I thought I'd have to shoot, I'd wait till he capped sheep. Then, he's so clearly a threat that not even liberals could gainsay the incident. Yeah, it ain't the bright, shiny way, but it is the most survivable, physically and financially.
Mr. Donath is a rational man. Your goal is the most important decision. You want to save your family and yourself. Heroism for others puts your family at risk. That's unacceptable.

If you know the tactical literature, you are aware of the case of an LEO who left his little girl to engage several bad guys at the mall. In the course of the fight, one the bad guys shot his child to distract him.

Have you considered that in this attack, the madman isn't that mad and maybe not alone? Perhaps he wants to cause a rush to a choke point for his accomplices.

Also, those of you who want to approach him have little tactical conceptualizations. Distance is your friend. If your approach goes wrong, you are toast.

For those who kneel, you are subject to a trampling mob who is in a fluid state. Bad move. In an excited state, kneeling might be
a fumble.

If you need to take him down, best go for body shots repeatedly. However, if you can get your family safe without engaging - that is your goal.

Gun lists are subject to too much reflexive commandoism. Take Mr. Donath to heart. Easy to be a dead eye shoot when you are typing.
Interesting discussion ... for those who think you'll be able to simply walk away, I would encourage you to visit Disneyland / Disney World again. On a slow day, perhaps you could escape. But, generally, when I've been there ... and, adding the panic element of a guy waving a gun around ... I really don't think you'll be able to move much, if at all.

My point? I think escaping this guy is a nice sounding option, and probably totally impractical.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

Regards from AZ