A good cottontail distress call?

I start my calling on the soft side in case there's coyotes close by. Then I'll increase the volume after I've called for awhile, I never do blow real hard into my calls.
A coyote can hear a good distance, this will vary depending on the conditions and terrain.
One time I called one in and seen him come off a hill a mile north of me, he came on a dead run.
However when the wind shifted and blew my scent right in his face he left just as fast as came in.
Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Wasn't much wind today 5mph on the kestrel was the avg. It was a crosswind. For some reason the cottontail call kept sticking and i checked it out and bent the reed slightly. Going to have to mess with it to get it to work right again. So I used the jackrabbit. Was unsuccessful but i'm going to give it another go. Just got to find out how to sequence the calls, how long to stay in a hide, etc. Foxpro should be in this week which should give me some help. Feel like i'm calling too loud and thats probably the case.

Depending on the population of rabbits if we have more cottontails (which we do) than jackrabbits it would be correct to assume that a cottontail distress would be more useful right?