A friend in need...makes a tasty stew??

Rob Pincus

New member
I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say "I know where I'm coming if [insert your own civil disorder here]..."

So that begs the question, if you have friends knocking on the door when the balloon goes up what are you going to do?

Circle the wagons and start an armed commune?

Take what you can carry, pack up the kids and abandon your home?

Give the rustiest thing you can find and 5 rounds of ammo and send them off?

Shoot your friends and eat them, because... well, too bad for them?
Strength in numbers, but only the well armed need apply.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Rob, Yell " Remember the Alamo" and "DAMN the torpedoes"and go out fightin'!...Well...That's what I'd tell them to do...grin :D
I've thought about this and could never turn a real friend away- regardless. I'm in favor of pooling minds, resources, & guns- strength in numbers.
the few people that we call friends, (as opposed to just someone i know), are all welcome here as i and the wife are there. i guess we're more like an extended family. all are armed and prepared for whatever. i have no trouble worring about these few people. what's ours is theirs, and vice versa. i am indeed a fortunate man to know and trust these people. all others? we'll just have to cross that bridge when the water rises! :)

fiat justitia
My neighbors are sheeples (sp?), suckling the gov't tit financially, politically, & philosophically while vociferously backing tyranny in the name of "control" and "order". Several of them are in the local Texas militia "so we can help the government in times of crises!" Any one of them would betray any of the rest of them for a "30 pieces of silver."

In Germany (11 years, btwn 1960 & 1976), I discussed the Third Reich & NAZI "culture" with many people of that generation. I increasingly feel I'm living in a time warp.

"...but the government says..."; "What can one man do?"; "The government must control this..."; "But it's the law." "It's not MY guns they want." "Why does anybody need a gun." "Only the government should have guns." etc.

I hear the same words in English today that I heard in German then. The Germans of the '30s and many of my current neighbors equate personal liberty with anarchy; tyranny with safety. It truly frightens me.

My general plan is to evacuate to the "beautiful Texas Hill Country" where I have friends who believe:
a) in personal responsibility,
b) in responsibility to your family, your friends, and then to citizens who are trying to help themselves.
c) the government is supposed to represent us, not rule us,
d) The Declaration of Independence, as it is written,
e) The U.S. Constitution, as it is written, and
f) Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I usually try to sum this up with: "Truth, Justice, and the American Way". I know that sounds "hokey", provincial, unrealistic, out-dated, etc. to many of my "modern", "cultured", college-educated peers. Tough.

To paraphrase JFK, at one time the proudest thing I could say was, "I am an American."
Lately, I'm not so sure.

BTW, my family and I are NOT what the government & Media wrongfully portray as "militia" or "right-wing, religious fanatics", or some kind of violence-prone "separatists". Nor do we advocate the violent overthrow of our government.

(Things must be bad enough when we feel, however rightly or wrongly, that it is advisable to put disclaimers on our stated beliefs...)

Am I being paranoid? Maybe?

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited 01-08-99).]
Hey... I'm modern, cultured, and college educated... Okay, maybe not, but I do have a Glock and I attended a college.. is that close enough?

Too many people in this country would actually be scared by your post Dennis.. Something is wrong.

The reason this topic popped into my head last night is because I finally got a chance to see the movie "Trigger Effect" that I have heard so much about. While watching it, I sorta thought that it had an anti-gun bend to it, even though I kept thinking the other way. It had a subliminal message that "if they hadn't had the guns around, it might not have been so bad".. the key word there is the "might".
Then I noticed that Spielberg was involved and it made me think that I may so biased that I look for media to be anti-gun. He is a slowly-coming-out-of-the-closet Gun Nut. Maybe they were saying that they should've had and been comfortable with guns all along?

Who Knows.

My piece of the planet lends itself to being defended by more than two people, especially given that I am realy not that far from the city and even my little town has a big population of "bad elements".

Truthfully, I would have my wife and kids go to an in-law's house who has 75% power back up generators for their home, a huge supply of propane to fuel them and plenty of space and food. It isn't in a great part of town, but it is a uniquely defensible piece of land and they will have plenty of capable people there. Myself, I'd hang out at the homefront, with a few friends who live downtown.
I'd also make an early trade with my neighbor for a few of his cows, given that he can't defend them anyway. (as noted in another thread, he doesn't even have a gun to put a sick one down...).

As the year goes on I will probably start storing up some essentials, which I should've done a long time ago. If nothing happens next year, at least I will be prepared for some un-hyped calamity that may yet come.

I'm w/ you, Dennis. It's a shame that I have to point out that (as an atheist, btw) I am not a racist or a religious fanatic. (okay, I'll take that back. I really dig Glocks...) Furthermore, I work two different jobs that bring me into contact w/ numerous "alternative" lifestyles. I am for less governmental interference in our lives, which means that I am in favor of personal responsibility, drug legalization, removal of most sex laws from the books, etc.

I am fortunate, in that most of my really good friends may be able to survive even better than I will during crisis! It helps to train in a realistic martial community. Hell, I have Bud Malstrom, Edmund Rowe, Bill Stringer, Spartacus, and numberous other buyu within a maximum of three hours travel.

When it comes to the doves among us...There are some few people that, for various reasons, I feel an obligation to. Those people, I have instructed to call me if/when they need help. That sense of obligation would also drive me, say, to drive up to Edmund's place if he suffered a dehibilating injury during a time of crisis, and couldn't use his trigger fingers! :D
I do like you folks. We could have great talks over a beer or two.

I'm in Dennis' position. College (graduate school - which gave me a good technical / business education, not necessarily smarts), kids, good job (thank you) and involvement in my community. However, if I were to really open up with many of the people I know, they would be rather surprised. After all, if you have brains you should realize that guns are unnecessary, right? ;)

Many (most?) of my 'acquaintances' - i.e. the average citizen in my experience - don't understand they are ultimately responsible for their own protection. And, whether they're plumbers, day laborers, CPA's or corporate presidents, too many of them are indeed sheeple - they don't really understand freedom, a market economy, personal responsibility, history and the fact that Bill Clinton doesn't 'make' the economy do much of anything. I'm not saying I do - just saying they really don't even have an interest.

On the other hand, my 'friends' do think about these things, believe in freedom, believe just as strongly in personal responsibility, and in self-defense. I would be comfortable trusting them on any day.

So, if we ever have a really bad day, my friends will be welcome, my family will be welcome (that liberal sister will be a challenge ;) ), and my neighbors will be watched until they make themselves known. I'd be in the mountains of Arizona. And, I have a few neighbors there who are former LEO and one who is former BATF. I guess I'd find out pretty fast what their philosophies really are. Hopefully they'll believe in freedom and the right to self defense. If that was their attitude, I would greatly value their friendship and expertise. Reading many of the LEO posts in this forum has given me renewed confidance that there are many LEO's that do believe in civilian freedom and right to self defense.

I like to believe the proverbial really bad day probably has way less than a 1% chance of occurring. But then, I do buy insurance on my home ...
You know who your true friends are...
So you know who to let in...
I am sure Noah suddenly had a lot of friends once it started to rain...
If those "Friends" knock... slip them a copy of the fable "The Little Red Hen."
If they are not part of the solution, then they are part of the problem.

Kenetic Defense Institute
"Sir Heckler"
Excellent posts; rational philosophy.

I refer to the menfolks in my family as the "Beachboys": My father played on the beaches of Normandy, I on the beaches of Inchon, and my son on the beaches of the Persian Gulf. These last six-someodd years have not been politically pleasing to me.

The "who to let in" argument was common during the fallout-shelter days of the late '50s-early '60s. It died out when folks realized the irony of banks being willing to lend money for construction of shelters, on a 20-year note...

I'm somewhat lucky in that my community is fairly self-sufficient already, and used to hardship on a daily basis. Since 12-hour to 40-hour power outages are fairly common, a lot of folks already have generators, and solar systems are becoming common. And a lot of folks have to haul their water--all of it.

By the way, Dennis, do you know Rob Key at "Just Guns" in Austin?

Later, Art
I have a few friends, and lots of acquaintences. Friends have keys to the house and their own codes for the alarm. Acquaitences have neither, nor do they have an address or direct phone number.

Friends get my blood, if needed.

Living here near Wonderland on the Potomac, I often get to discussing whether I am too cynical about the state of our country. For instance, our Marines are buying "non-lethal" ammunition????? Since when are they LEO's?
A couple of years ago the Army was called in to support the MPD of DC during large drug raids. Strictly unarmed, and for communications/driving/RE duties. Does this scare anyone? (Okay, fire when ready, I am ensconced in my mental bunker? :)

Bottom line is, living only 5 miles from the FBI and DEA academies, and USMC MCCRDC/EDC, I trust only those who have earned it. Guess thats why I only have a handful of friends.

Freedom is not Free
On a RBD, I think I will abandon town for life in the country again, at either my Dad's or sister's farms. They have generators, and I have the guns. Fortunately most people up here in rural ND are fairly self -sufficient.
Haven't met Rob Key. Only go to Austin on day trips (CHL Instructor school or to badger the EMS Division). Is he a friend of yours?

This grew too lengthy and may sound "preachy". For that, I apologize.

Near my home, no one seems to agree with the views expressed in TFL.

Political correctness, parochialism, multi-faced hypocrisy, and vindictiveness abound. Whoever is present at the moment is a great guy - those absent are verbally abused. If your political views differ, they attack the personal and professional reputations of your entire family. I heard enough and "dropped out" before they got around to me.

I found TFL. I'm a bit overwhelmed at finding so many folks with similar opinions on truly major issues. Our backgrounds are so incredibly diverse:
- From crowded cities to sparsely populated areas; from Washington DC to Washington state; from North Dakota to south Texas; from Australia, Finland, who knows where else.
- from all over the financial spectrum,
- from every age group,
- from every level of "formal" education,
- from diverse backgrounds: military & non-military; politically active & laissez-faire; those who serve and protect & the protected; doctors, engineers, pilots, nurses, LEOs, teachers, EMTs, the list goes on...
- from many different aspects of firearms interest and activities: air guns to artillery; technicians, hobbyists & plinkers; hunters using knives or bows to elephant guns; pure sport to pure violence, and yes, light/fast v. heavy/slow.

But most of us seem to revere the wisdom of our Founding Fathers: Universal rights of "the people" granting only certain powers to a limited government. When and where has such a philosophy ever been given such an opportunity?

We must prevail. We must not betray our descendants by compromising away Rights in return for liars' promises of imagined euphoria.

To Rich, Rob, Zach, and all the moderators: Thank you for The Firing Line and the incredible diversity of subjects discussed here.

To those I've mentioned and to those who post on TFL, thank you for your opinions and expertise.

To all, especially those who cherish Liberty, here is my answer to Rob's original question:

If we have a Really Bad Day, and you're in need, my family and I will share our stew, our bread, and our salt with any of you.

Personally, I would rather work with folks like us to ensure the Really Bad Day never happens.

I'll curtail this dang "book-writing" now.

Svoboda ne bezplatnoe

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited 01-09-99).]
I think Rich should you use the meat of Dennis' post as advertsing for TFL.

If I have in any way played the smallest role along with every other member here in making that post come about, then the hours of reading and posting have all been owrht it. Rich should be proud of TFL.

As the year goes on, some members will get distracted and not return, new people will join and some of us will remain. I hope that 6 months from now and 6 years from now the opinions expressed by Dennis are still felt by at least one member of TFL... besides me.

Dennis -

THNAK YOU. I got all swelled up inside, and started feeling more alive after reading your post.

To all: If you ever find yourself up near Wonderland on the Potomac, send me an email. My wife and I have five bedrooms for just the two of us, and several shooting ranges (indoor and outdoor) in the nearby area (the real reason we moved so far from work :D ).

Freedom is not Free
Dennis, you are quite eloquent, and I feel the same. Now, if you've ever done any professional wrestling, I'd like to talk to you about your future in politics ...