A different case?

Drinking to the point that you don't remember your own house should not be classified as a mistake! If the drunk had driven a car and got into an accident and killed an innocent person would this be considered a mistake as well? People should remember that everything in life lead to a sequential events and there are always consequences to our stupidity.

While I'm not in favor just shooting a drunk banging on your door, if they break the door down it should be a fair game as one cannot predict what they intend to do.
What ever happened to just drinking to be able to hang lose and coherent. A drunk is always a danger to himself and others.

To answer the question,
1. Always make sure the door and windows are lock and effort should be needed to breach them
2. Quickly call the police and take cover while armed
3. If door is breached issue strong verbal commands
4. Lastly if you feel threaten then you have to defend yourself and your love ones with whatever you have.