A day at a California Range

Atticus Thraxx

New member
The name of the range and the shooters I'll withhold to protect the stupid, apathetic and just plain weird. Sunday I roll up to my local bang-bang place and experience that little jolt of joy you get when you're the first one and have your pick of stations. And brass scrounging too. Side note, all you guys throwing once fired 30.06 brass all over the place...thank you! Anyways, I get setup, go over and pay for my target and wait patiently. After a little bit, the RO I call Cliff Clavin ( he knows everything about everything, yet nothing at all somehow) comes up on his golf cart and gives me the okay to go place my target. Openly grinning now I head down range and place my target and start heading back. I see the prone station now has a fella in it. The RO is no where to be found. Not quite halfway back I see the guy has a gun case in his hand. I holler and wave a push back with both hands and prone station guy waves back. Now I like a friendly sort, but that was not the reaction I was hoping for. Closer now I ask him to get behind the yellow line, there are people downrange. Prone guy apologized, but he is in violation of the no uncasing until RO says ok/no self clearing rule of this range. Ultimately though the RO is the one I have a case of the ass with. More on that later.
So the first firing period it's just me and prone guy. He's got some kinda space-age rifle with all kinda nonsense strapped to it, but I peaked at his target and it seems to be working.Whatever, it's his money. Now two trucks pull up and start unloading. Five guys start bringing gear to the line and the very first guy, and I sheet you not, had slippers and bright blue pajama(?) bottoms on. Slippers! He was well north of 250lbs so I kept my mouth shut. The next two guys seem okay but then Mad Max comes up rolling a big case. He's got a leather tactical vest on, fingerless gloves, and wait for it...black flip-flops! He goes to the end of the line to setup whatever monstosity is in that case. We get to firing and guy #1 with the pajamas is shooting a banged up Garand and throwing hot brass right at me, my rifle and most importantly my coffee. I stop and ask him if he brought a brass catcher and you'd have thought I'd asked to sleep with his sister. Of course he didn't. I stop, clear and safe my stuff and settle in to wait. On a good day I can out wait a rock. This wasn't one of those days. I get the attention of Cliff Clavin and ask if they have a brass catcher and he blew my mind by coming back with one. I give it to pajama bottoms and when I do, he starts fuddling with it all PO'd like it was a terrible imposition. Grinding my teeth, I say nothing. Now except for smelling what I'm pretty sure was pot smoke in the parking lot, the rest of my Father's Day at the range was uneventful. I shot like crap. :eek:
So I clearly attend a substandard range, and here like any public range, there's all kind of shooters. I get that. But there should be only one kind of RO and we don't have that. Now I could confront him. But since he's an expert on everything, my experience is he won't adjust his approach. And I could go report it too I suppose. The former is not likely to change anything as far as I can tell, and the latter goes against my nature.
So I'm starting a crowdfund to build my own range, I'll accept any and all donations. Kick in enough and I'll name a lane after ya! :D
The name of the range and the shooters I'll withhold to protect the stupid, apathetic and just plain weird. Sunday I roll up to my local bang-bang place and experience that little jolt of joy you get when you're the first one and have your pick of stations. And brass scrounging too. Side note, all you guys throwing once fired 30.06 brass all over the place...thank you! Anyways, I get setup, go over and pay for my target and wait patiently. After a little bit, the RO I call Cliff Clavin ( he knows everything about everything, yet nothing at all somehow) comes up on his golf cart and gives me the okay to go place my target. Openly grinning now I head down range and place my target and start heading back. I see the prone station now has a fella in it. The RO is no where to be found. Not quite halfway back I see the guy has a gun case in his hand. I holler and wave a push back with both hands and prone station guy waves back. Now I like a friendly sort, but that was not the reaction I was hoping for. Closer now I ask him to get behind the yellow line, there are people downrange. Prone guy apologized, but he is in violation of the no uncasing until RO says ok/no self clearing rule of this range. Ultimately though the RO is the one I have a case of the ass with. More on that later.
So the first firing period it's just me and prone guy. He's got some kinda space-age rifle with all kinda nonsense strapped to it, but I peaked at his target and it seems to be working.Whatever, it's his money. Now two trucks pull up and start unloading. Five guys start bringing gear to the line and the very first guy, and I sheet you not, had slippers and bright blue pajama(?) bottoms on. Slippers! He was well north of 250lbs so I kept my mouth shut. The next two guys seem okay but then Mad Max comes up rolling a big case. He's got a leather tactical vest on, fingerless gloves, and wait for it...black flip-flops! He goes to the end of the line to setup whatever monstosity is in that case. We get to firing and guy #1 with the pajamas is shooting a banged up Garand and throwing hot brass right at me, my rifle and most importantly my coffee. I stop and ask him if he brought a brass catcher and you'd have thought I'd asked to sleep with his sister. Of course he didn't. I stop, clear and safe my stuff and settle in to wait. On a good day I can out wait a rock. This wasn't one of those days. I get the attention of Cliff Clavin and ask if they have a brass catcher and he blew my mind by coming back with one. I give it to pajama bottoms and when I do, he starts fuddling with it all PO'd like it was a terrible imposition. Grinding my teeth, I say nothing. Now except for smelling what I'm pretty sure was pot smoke in the parking lot, the rest of my Father's Day at the range was uneventful. I shot like crap. :eek:
So I clearly attend a substandard range, and here like any public range, there's all kind of shooters. I get that. But there should be only one kind of RO and we don't have that. Now I could confront him. But since he's an expert on everything, my experience is he won't adjust his approach. And I could go report it too I suppose. The former is not likely to change anything as far as I can tell, and the latter goes against my nature.
So I'm starting a crowdfund to build my own range, I'll accept any and all donations. Kick in enough and I'll name a lane after ya! :D
Well, it is California.
Open public ranges can sure get interesting. I went to one once, once, just for the fun of it. It's a no fee no RO range owned by the state's dept of natural resources. There was about 20 people present when I first got there. I set up on the 100 yard range to sight in a Saiga 223 that I just put a red dot sight on. Waited for cold range to set up a target. On my way back to my bench, the guys next to me were handling a large bore revolver and a M1911. The one with the 1911 was dry firing it, pointing it down range but not directly at me. When I got within speaking distance of them, I proceeded to chew them out. Not shouting or using profanity, even though I had the right, I was surprisingly clam towards them. They laughed and put the guns down. I didn't stay around long, as the place became packed, so I loaded up and left, never to return. I have never heard of an accident there, but after seeing what I saw, one will happen soon.
Good story... the last few trips to the range has seen a plethora of new people with no experience, finger discipline, or general knowledge of what not to do. Lots of new owners.
Public ranges scare the hell out of me, haven't been to one in over 20 years.
That being said I had a ponytail in my early 20's, in the summer time wore mostly shorts with no shirt and generally behaved in such a way as to draw the disdain of elders, I was also an ardent supporter of Ronald Reagan and a competitive shooter. By the time I was 30 my hair was cut short and I learned how to dress and act for success.
With the coddling of youngsters these days it seems like it's taking longer for them to get with the program.
All bets are off in Kalifornication.
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With fatherlessness having become the norm, fewer and fewer people having an adult to introduce them to shooting, participation in Scouting groups way down, military service much rarer, too many new shooters are getting their introduction from TV, movies, video games,etc. That gives us both an obligation and an opportunity to help them learn proper safety and gun handling and shooting techniques.
At one range/gun shop I there is no RSO, they have a large window so they can observe the range. During one range session I helped new shooters with screwdrivers,clearing jams, etc.
One of the owners thanked me for that.
OP you seem too critical and judgmental. Not everyone shoots what you want to shoot. Not everyone looks or dresses like you. You should consider lightening up and being more like SIGSHR.
And if you prefer to shoot by yourself I guess you’ll have to buy some land. I myself do not like shooting around others, been muzzled more times than I can count at ranges, gun shops and shows.
There's always one . OP , been there but as someone posted it's California . I'm in NY and believe me this state is done . Just like the range , the ones in charge are , I'll leave it at that.

The name of the range and the shooters I'll withhold to protect the stupid, apathetic and just plain weird. Sunday I roll up to my local bang-bang place and experience that little jolt of joy you get when you're the first one and have your pick of stations. And brass scrounging too. Side note, all you guys throwing once fired 30.06 brass all over the place...thank you! Anyways, I get setup, go over and pay for my target and wait patiently. After a little bit, the RO I call Cliff Clavin ( he knows everything about everything, yet nothing at all somehow) comes up on his golf cart and gives me the okay to go place my target. Openly grinning now I head down range and place my target and start heading back. I see the prone station now has a fella in it. The RO is no where to be found. Not quite halfway back I see the guy has a gun case in his hand. I holler and wave a push back with both hands and prone station guy waves back. Now I like a friendly sort, but that was not the reaction I was hoping for. Closer now I ask him to get behind the yellow line, there are people downrange. Prone guy apologized, but he is in violation of the no uncasing until RO says ok/no self clearing rule of this range. Ultimately though the RO is the one I have a case of the ass with. More on that later.
So the first firing period it's just me and prone guy. He's got some kinda space-age rifle with all kinda nonsense strapped to it, but I peaked at his target and it seems to be working.Whatever, it's his money. Now two trucks pull up and start unloading. Five guys start bringing gear to the line and the very first guy, and I sheet you not, had slippers and bright blue pajama(?) bottoms on. Slippers! He was well north of 250lbs so I kept my mouth shut. The next two guys seem okay but then Mad Max comes up rolling a big case. He's got a leather tactical vest on, fingerless gloves, and wait for it...black flip-flops! He goes to the end of the line to setup whatever monstosity is in that case. We get to firing and guy #1 with the pajamas is shooting a banged up Garand and throwing hot brass right at me, my rifle and most importantly my coffee. I stop and ask him if he brought a brass catcher and you'd have thought I'd asked to sleep with his sister. Of course he didn't. I stop, clear and safe my stuff and settle in to wait. On a good day I can out wait a rock. This wasn't one of those days. I get the attention of Cliff Clavin and ask if they have a brass catcher and he blew my mind by coming back with one. I give it to pajama bottoms and when I do, he starts fuddling with it all PO'd like it was a terrible imposition. Grinding my teeth, I say nothing. Now except for smelling what I'm pretty sure was pot smoke in the parking lot, the rest of my Father's Day at the range was uneventful. I shot like crap. :eek:
So I clearly attend a substandard range, and here like any public range, there's all kind of shooters. I get that. But there should be only one kind of RO and we don't have that. Now I could confront him. But since he's an expert on everything, my experience is he won't adjust his approach. And I could go report it too I suppose. The former is not likely to change anything as far as I can tell, and the latter goes against my nature.
So I'm starting a crowdfund to build my own range, I'll accept any and all donations. Kick in enough and I'll name a lane after ya! :D
So your essential issue from all that nonsense is that you're cheesed they didn't have a brass catcher? If the rules don't require a brass catcher I would have told you to stuff it.
As some of us get older we fall into that trap of I don't like the way this person dresses or looks like because they don't look like me. Being judgemental, we all do to a certain extent but it's a bad habit to get into because sometimes the book just doesn't match the cover!
I go into complete strangers houses everyday in the pest control business and often times am completely surprised especially by this newer generation of shooters, droopy pants, skinny jeans, feminine looking attire you name it, sometimes they're totally opposite of what you might think.
BTW I'm never mistaken for anything other than what I am, I try not to look to "tactical" but it's almost impossible with everything that's on my person.
Double K said:
As some of us get older we fall into that trap of I don't like the way this person dresses or looks like because they don't look like me. Being judgemental, we all do to a certain extent but it's a bad habit to get into because sometimes the book just doesn't match the cover!

I can't tolerate judgmental people!! j/k

Under the right circumstances, a helpful word of advice can do a lot for a new shooter even at a public range, but that requires a receptive audience. I've had a few occasions when range behavior represented enough risk that I elected to leave.
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I don't particularly care about the fashion style people wear when shooting, but I do care about functional safety aspects.

I really don't want to be there when Mr FLip-flop or bedroom slippers has something hurt their foot (due to not wearing substantial footwear) and goes hopping about in pain, while possibly HOLDING A LOADED GUN!!

Likewise any kind of open shirt, scoop front, V neck thing, especially for the ladies. Fine for when you're off the line, but when shooting, cover up to prevent hot brass getting to tender spots!!

Eye protection and ear protection aren't questioned, (any supervised place requires them) but there are other parts of us that should be protected, as well!

Courtesy is important, I have a "subtle" answer for the guy to the left hitting me with his fired brass. It's a Walther P.38! :D

It ejects to the LEFT!!! :D

amazing how many people don't have that "lightbulb" over their heads light up, until your brass starts hitting THEM...:rolleyes:
Fortunately for me, I shoot with the same bunch of guys, every Sunday, for the last 15 - 20 years. One week you toss the brass...the next week you catch the brass. It all works out in the end.
I dont have the patience to shoot on public ranges. When I ran the SWAT training range, we didnt have many rules. Common sense was the rule. I didnt run an idiot proof range. I ran an idiot free range. Make it safe by vanquishing the idiots, not by making a million cumbersome rules that annoy everyone else.

I work 12 hours a day with a loaded weapon pointed at the biggest artery in body. Logically why would I care if a sniper rifle is sitting on the bags with the bolt closed? They dont fire themselves. The sniper shoots balloons 2 ft over my head in training. I going to nut up about how he leaves his rifle sitting?
Common sense, we need more of it.
"OP you seem too critical and judgmental. Not everyone shoots what you want to shoot. Not everyone looks or dresses like you. You should consider lightening up and being more like..blah blah. Maybe. Or maybe I was raised by sober serious humans who wouldn't let me go to the range with them in open toe shoes and pajamas for safety and aesthetic reasons.

"So your essential issue from all that nonsense is that you're cheesed they didn't have a brass catcher? If the rules don't require a brass catcher I would have told you to stuff it." And that is exactly the selfish attitude I'm attempting to illustrate. It doesn't affect you, so what's the problem? And if that's how you respond to polite requests when what you're doing is negatively impacting a fellow shooter, you're not doing yourself or the sport any favors.

Maybe as I age as one poster put it mildly, I'm falling in the "you kids get off my lawn" paradigm and sure I need to be aware of that. But come on, show up sober, serious and safe and I'll be the best shooting buddy you can ask for. But I'm done raising kids and other people's kids are not my burden to carry. Thanks for listening. ;)