A couple of "orphan" revolvers...

Sorry, but the revolver shown could just as easily be a No. 2 Mk 1*. We won't know for sure until the poster takes the sideplate off.


Another delusion I was suffering...

I thought the Mk** meant it was DA only and hence the bobbed hammer...

Now I see that the change was with the Mk*, and that the Mk** was some internal 'safety' change that was later reversed back to the Mk*...

So educate me some more...

What was the change and why did they revert back later?
"What was the change and why did they revert back later?"

To speed up wartime production, they removed the hammer block safety. This made it possible for the gun to fire if it were dropped onto the hammer.

After the end of the war, all No. 2 Mk I** revolvers were recalled and retrofitted to No. 2 Mk I* standards.
I have a chance to buy an H&R revolver like the one above, but am not sure whether its a swingout or top break. I'd guess with my cursory look it is at least 90/95% condition and the price is $250. Can someone give me a WAG if this shooter is worth the price?
To the topic:
Fantastic guns... and quite skilled at shooting the pictures, too. No doubt. I love, just love the wear on the .38/44. I'd love to have a solid revolver in perfect working order with exactly that kind of wear on it. That wear looks phenomenal. Ya can't fake that look.
I have a chance to buy an H&R revolver like the one above, but am not sure whether its a swingout or top break. I'd guess with my cursory look it is at least 90/95% condition and the price is $250. Can someone give me a WAG if this shooter is worth the price?
If it's the top-break, and it's 90-95% condition, it wouldn't go for TWICE that price, but it would inch in that direction. Suffice to say that if it is the top-break and you can get it for $250, do it YESTERDAY. Even one with the amount of wear in SaxonPig's revolver would maybe get that price today. All of the H&R top-break .22cal revolvers have climbed in price over the last 4-5 years... I have watched them do exactly that.

If it's a swing-out cylinder H&R, I can't comment further. I have no interest in those and I have not been tracking those prices. It's worth less, and has less demand.
Got this one a month ago at a local show for $325. I see them going for $500+ at auction and I think that's too high.


Guess I should have read all the posts and not just looked at the pictures.

Thanks for reply anyhow. An HD or Outdoorsman in on my list.......but I have never seen one for sale in my area. Picked up a M28 to suffice for the time being.

The rugged, retro look of the HD is appealing to me, as is the big framed 1917's. I have seen those locally, priced through the roof.

Very nice revolvers, congrats to you