A connoisseur … what do you like?

Scott Evans

Staff Alumnus
Well we've heard from many as to where we are from. I am further curious as to some of the things you enjoy. Now obviously we gather here because of our common interest in firearms and related topics … but what other things do we have in common? I am going to list just a few of my interests … how about you … what are some things that you like?

Fine knives
Fine firearms
Quality Machinist tools

Old King James Bibles
Old English dictionaries

(foods that are as much fun in the making as the eating)
okay.. I can follow that lead.....

Knives (more and more each day...)
AV equipment

Most of them...especially on the above things
theoretical physics (Hawking, Kaku, et al)

(Movies..gee couldya guess?)
I'm the guy that watches good movies over and over again.
If it is on AMC or TCM I probly like it.
If Frank Sinatra or Humphrey Bogart is in it, I probably have in on VHS, maybe DVD.
If Quentin Tarentino wrote/produced or acted in it, I probably have it on Laserdisc or DVD.
Steve McQueen.. love it.
Al Pacino.. fagetabowdit.
Harvey Keitel.. if he's in it, its good. (yes, even that Spike Lee movie..)
Alec Guinness.. Class Act, great english.
Chow Yun Fat.. who needs english?
Somewhere along the line I think Harrison Ford got confused about the type of roles he was supposed to play (he peaked dramaticaly in Apocalypse Now, I thought), but Mel Gibson just keeps on truckin'.
Sean Connery.. the man, even in Medicine Man.

I could go on....

Dennis Miller is the man, no question, contest is over, thanks for coming.
Honorable Mentions:
Steve Martin, Adam Sandler, entire cast of The Daily Show, Dennis Leary, Micheal Myers and Eddie Murphy.

(food, to eat)
Sushi, love it, can't get enough (literally, I'm in Tennessee)
Japanese food in general
Braciola (never could get it right, myself.)
Blue Crabs
Hooters' Buffalo Shrimp

(food, to cook)
Roasts & Stews of assorted variety
venison or beef jerky

Manhattans (with Gentleman Jack and an extra dash of sweet vermouth)
Gentleman Jack w/ water
Gentleman Jack w/ ice
Gentleman Jack
Chartreuse (green)
Vodka and 7up, the better the vodka the less 7up.
Shots of Old Crow with Old Friends
Beer, lots of beer.

My Wife (okay.. got that outta the way...)
Nothin' wrong with admiring a pretty lady and treatin 'em right (even the ugly ones) in my book.

Fun topic, Scott.
This could go on a while . . .

And turn into an interestng affinity group (beyond guns)

I could go on about any of the categories above

Cars - I'm partial to Bavarian Murder Weapons (the two wheelers, too), but Rob, I'd love to tell you about a buddy's Mitsu 3000 Spyder, 540 hp courtesy of HKS, programmable EC computer, active & passive countermeasures (f & r), PPK/S in secret panel - American muscle cars, too

Motorcycles (but gave 'em up as the MTTR keeps getting longer)

Bourbons - Jacob's Well, Jim Beam. Rebel Yell, still getting eddycaed on single barrels (like Blanton's best so far)
Jack Daniels
Scotch - Glen Morangie in a single malt

free beer
cold beer

Boats - I'ma sailor, currently driving a 31 CAL, wanna Sabre 34. Don't have much use for the sea-going Winnebagos, but the Fountain 42 the DEA has on my neck of the bay is pretty cool (esp. if the armory comes with -)

Cooking - I'll try anything (my dad was VP of Food & Beverage for a major hotel chain, guest lecturer at the CIA)
Eating -I'll try [almost] anything (and it shows)

Women - My wife, of course, and as Maurice Chevalier/David Lee Roth said "thank God for little girls (and all the other sizes, too)

Oh, hell - I don't want to sound like some kind of dillatante fop, but you guys haven't mentioned anything I don't like. This is too hard. Perchance we live too well? M2
This is going to take me a minute.
Knives - some of them... not all.
Good Books & Good Movies... please dont ask for a "Kodiac's prefered reading and watching list."There is not enough time in the day.
Motorcycles... italian over all... Honda machines a second.
Flying and all things aviation. Flew into Whitman Field twice for the EAA air show, Man, that is the best in the States!
Sports cars... M3s and Lotus cars may be sports cars - but they cost so dang much to repair! Hey yeah, I had a wicked 4 wheel drift around the bend at mile 71 on route 668, yeah, just before the bridge... slide into to rail there for just a second... Whats the estimate?
Food. Mexican 1st. Italian 2nd. 50's drive in stuff 3rd. (Waitress's on skates and in skirts... :) )
A really cold beverage sitting next to my really hot barrel... Mt Dew or Cherry Coke.
Dont "drink" anymore. The only thing I drink now is carbonated and caffinated... Jolt is great too.
Playing with my 3 boys... and looking forward to my 4th in late April!

Kenetic Defense Institute
"Sir Heckler"
Funny how much in common we all have, to be concerned gun afficionados (like the word, did I spell it right?) Here are some of my faves:
Free Beer
Free Cold Beer
Nascar Winston Cup Racing- Mark Martin #6, Chad Little #97, and the Remington car, #75
Movies- John Wayne, Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, Arnold!, sometimes Steven Seagal, Stallone SUCKS, Mel Gibson needs to concentrate on his front sight and quit bashing the NRA in his movies

Can't agree about Dennis Miller. Way too liberal and gun bashing

6 months ago I couldn't say this, but this message board and Glock Talk take a lot of my time

Used to be a farmer, but made so much money the bank made me retire. Have worked in Bean Elevator, Sugar factory, bartended, many other things, deputy sheriff of Traill County ND right now.

Reload, but having fits with .40 S&W caliber loads for my G35

Cowboy Action Shooting is one of my greatest pleasures as well. Hence the handle, Dakota Law Dog.

hey everyone!

Anyone out there addicted to open-wheel racing? i.e., CART and Formula One? Race cars are still my greatest passion.

Fly fishing.

Beer. The darker the better.



Anything that makes noise--guitars, keyboards, drum machines. Scratchy old records.

Medicine. Always trying to learn more before I die.
I race open wheel. Legends Division Nashville Speedway. When I get the new sight up for the '99 season I'll post you a link, Spleendeal.

Dakota, you'd get along well with my wife. She used to like Dennis Miller until she heard his "rant" about Gun Control, now she hates him. But, She's a Dallas Cowboys fan... so let's see she can't laugh at an hilarious comedian who makes jokes about guns, but she can cheer on beligerent drug addicted rapists, okay.. I get it, not. I think being able to see funny aspects of ones self and one's beliefs is important to one's sense of being.
I thought about this some more and referred to both of my Dennis Miller books for backup (this is by no means personal, DLD, lots of people agree with you....). There isn't any group or belief that Miller doesn't make fun of.
Who doesn't see the humor is:
"Now, obviously,we can't ban all guns, because many of them are used for the recreational sport of hunting. And people have to hunt because it's a simple fact that deer have to die. They have to be taken out, becuase if they aren't, they're just going to keep dashing through the forest, frolicking in the fields and nibbling the leaves and berries off tree bushes. I man, come one, Bambi is begging for it. The deer might as well just refuse to sell their casino to the Corleone family." (From DM's 2nd book)

Now, sure, you could take the position that if hunter's didn't take deer then they would stop frolicking because there wouldn't be enough berries and they would die of malnutrition and disease, Or you could argue that that Moe Green was shot through the eye with a .38 at close range, which is no way to hunt. Either way, you're falling into the trap of taking yourself to seriosuly, IMHO. We'd be better off if we just laugh.
--end edit

another die-hard anti-gun guy who cracks me up with his insight is Henry Rollins.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 01-12-99).]
Open wheeled racing?!?! Sheeeeeyeyit, you haven't lived until you've done a triple axel-half gainer-double lutz because some dweebescent fool got inside your wheelbase and lifted in a tight turn. I love racing (most anything), but I HATE open wheeled cars. You can have my turn. M2
Well lets see here.
Guns (especially shotguns & rifles)
Useful knives
Electronic gadgets (Ham radio, GPS, Computers)
Flashlights (Powerfull ones)
Just about any good book
Harrison Ford, John Wayne, some Clint Eastwood, Star Wars
Garth Brooks, Alabama, Shania, Alan Jackson, etc.

Snowmobiles! Ski-Doo MxZ
Anything with 4 wheel drive
putting out fires

Things I enjoy:

accurate firearms
quality tools
precision machines
fast cars
faster motorcyles
automatic knives
fixed baldes knives
folding knives
decent food
good clothing
argumentation and advocacy
four seasons
good men
fellow competitors
disciplined dogs
gentle horses
good literature
ribald trash
grande schemes
minor details
pleasant times
not so pleasant times
hard work
writing well
being honest
living life!

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse!

Yours In Marksmanship

This is a fun exercise. I like, and not necessarily in this order...

German automobiles
Knives; both folders and fixed blade
Guns; if it fires a bullet, I like it
Travel; both in and out of the US
Books; mystery, adventure, history, etc.
Music; folk, blues, jazz, old rock
Good food (Southern style and all styles of ethnic)
Beer; cold
Makers Mark Manhattans w/extra cherries
Dark Rum
Women; most
Good friends

I like men of honor.

<stodgy serious mode off>

Reliable guns
Inexpensive, bulk ammo bargains
Movies with explosions, Adam Sandler, or Damon Wayans (or both~Bulletproof)
Probably any Clint Eastwood flick made in the last 25 years
Good music
A finely turned word ("fop": ah...)

Writing something I'm proud of
Martial training
Drifting though the woods, with or sans gun(s)
Lifting weights
Being loving
Being loved
Cooking (to call my cooking eccentric would be an understatement. Ever had broccoli stir-fried w/ eggs, peanut butter, fish sauce, and chili garlic sauce (linguini optional)? Mmmm. :))
Sharing time with friends (Hi, forumites!)

Foods that make my body happy:
Fruit, veggies (broccoli and bell peppers), Sushi, venison
Peanut butter
Sesame seeds
Skim milk

Cider (Amber Hornsby's will do nicely)

'68 Mustangs
Cars w/ "Hemi" in their names
mmmmm- this is gonna be fun.

water- period.
mother ocean- surf, spearfish, sail
firearms, guns, pistolas, rifles,etc...
eating- mex, thai, SUSHI
traveling- prefer third world. It's cheaper and more exciting.

motorcycles- rode a yamaha xt600 to costa rica- and back. Right now got a virago 1100. Eventually would like to build a harley.

skydiving-(out of) skyvans, balloons, old DC3's, beech 18's. Someday off angel falls.
I really dislike visting my orthopedist

good friends, good beer
quite evenings with my woman
would like an evening with the singer jewel
monty python, dennis miller, old bill cosby

movies-cool hand luke, endless summer, easy rider, clint eastwood, etc.......

cars- 74 toyota landcruiser FJ40. Sold it in a fit of stupidity.

sunsets & sunrises
Forgot my passion for WWII Airplanes!

No offense taken on Dennis Miller. He's just one of those people that rubs someone the wrong way the first time, and you can't get past it? Smart A** Hollywood type, you know.

My sympathies on your wife's loyalties to the Cowboys, also known as the "Gee, I forgot I had a 9mm in my carry on bag" boys. Not normally a MN Vikings fan, but it's nice to see the boys doing so well this year. Steelers for me normally.

AND I could kick myself for forgetting my kids, Mikkel, 7, and Katie, 4. Mikk loves to shoot as much as I do, and I take him with me all the time.
I think it is a sign that we are real (grunt, snort) men that we forgot our kids. You've all seen pictures, so I won't post the links.

No Rap, Hip Hop or wacky foriegn music.
Otherwise, let it rip.
I would've loved to have seen a live performance by Sinatra, Martin and Davis, Jr. in Vegas, circa early 1960's.
Bruce Springstien.. poet.
Guns & Roses.. I hope Axl Rose is relaxing on a beach spending handfuls of cash.. If he ever makes a "comeback" I'll denounce him as being possesed by Satan.
This radio station I used to listen to recently became an 60's-80's R&B station.. I'm too lazy to reprogram my memory buttons and I've sorta developed a taste for it over the last month or so. However, I've got as much Soul as Newt Gingrich and Strom Thurmond dancing with their mothers.

Should've mentioned books on Freemasonry and related topics, the second biggest section of my library.

Things I enjoy:
Guns (of course!)
Good dogs
Walking in the woods
Swapping yarns around a campfire
Boy Scouting

A good steak
fried shrimp
anything from a dutch oven

Good books- no paticular catagory
Old rock and roll
Country music

Classic westerns
Action/ adventure
Anything with John Wayne, Clint Eastwood or Humphrey Bogart.

My wife and kids
I'll keep it short..

Firearms, both handguns and long guns..

In using the above I like to see VERY small groups!

Knives, can't stop buying them.. Particularily fond of Benchmade products but gonna have to start collecting custom pieces.

DARK Beer,

Fine cigars, preferably Cubanos, but the Fuente Hemmingway line is a close second.

Filet mingon

Any Seafood

25 year old Scotch

Sushi, Thai and Indian delights

and GRITS Ya'll

Nice thick steak
chili that removes paint
French Pastries

Vodka straight up (Stoli)
Bourbon (A.H. Hirsch 16 or 20 yr)
Scotch (Glenmorangie)

Sport Watches (Omegas, Rolexes)
Motorcycles (Yamaha R1, R6)

Brioni suits
Sulka shirts
Stefano Ricci ties
Hmm... GREAT question.

In no particular order:

Wine, especially varietals, eg Zinfandel, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, made with modern techniques.

Dry Martinis. Not too dry, and STIRRED OF COURSE AND NOT SHAKEN!!!!!!!!!

Whisky, and Whiskey. Mike in VA: look out for Grants "Black Barrel" if you can find it. It's a Scotch single grain of all things, very much like a Bourbon, and very distinctive.

Classical piano (Especially Brahms)

Fine quality things generally, I mean superb quality tools, knives, firearms etc.

Imagination and individuality

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers movies, like Roberta, and Follow the Fleet

Escapist fiction, and the classics, I've started reading American fiction (Mostly F.Scott Fitzgerald recently) Actually I'll read anything.

Peace and quiet reading a new gun magazine in the sauna while it's snowing outside...
Anything sharp
Anything that launches deadly projectiles
California Rolls
Camping gear
Well made boots
Well made clothes
Quality tools
Oakley wire frame sunglasses
Swiss perpetual watches that are waterproof to 1,000 feet and rhyme with Molex
My wife (something we had better NOT have in common!) ;)
Good friends and good times
Amstel Light
I have BMW tastes, but a Ford budget, so the SVT Contour helps cure my car fetish. It surprises the hell out of 328i drivers when a smallish 4 door V6 Ford passes them at 143mph (They usually don't know that their car is electronically limited to 135).

BTW, these are not in any special order, however I really like California Rolls (honey, put down my USP please) ;)