A belief no one should be armed

What purpose is served by cutting and pasting arguments from one forum into another? If people want to read the thread, they can just go to that board.

I think this is an off-topic thread. It really has nothing to do with furthering the goals of TFL, and I don't find it to be gun related.
What purpose is served by cutting and pasting arguments from one forum into another? If people want to read the thread, they can just go to that board.

I think this is an off-topic thread. It really has nothing to do with furthering the goals of TFL, and I don't find it to be gun related.

It is gun related. We are on topic. We are discussing the thoughts of anti-gunners. It helps readers of TFL to increase their knowledge about this discussion. You don't like what you see, don't read it.
In a perfect world guns wouldn't be necessary, there is nothing perfect in this world and generally speaking there are good guys and bad guys. Good guys generally follow the rules, bad guys generally don't. It's that plain and simple in my eyes, I actually wrote an essay that ended with that argument sometime in junior high school after citing several mind numbing facts about how gun control was actually counter productive.

I will say that the majority of CHL holder I know do not have the training or knowledge of the law that I would expect "us" to have. I'm in TX, the CCW test is breezy, marksmanship portion VERY hard to fail. I would have liked the training to be a bit more complete and some form of tactical shooting discussed, I've taken one basic course and got a lot of good advice from some action pistol matches and still realize I need a lot more training...a lot of "us" don't acknowledge that need and may well be more dangerous with their weapon than not having one at all. Just my opinion...
I will say that the majority of CHL holder I know do not have the training or knowledge of the law that I would expect "us" to have.

I think carrying a handgun, regardless of your ability, is a good thing. I would venture to guess that the great majority of cases where a gun is brought out in defense, there is never a shot fired, and the majority of those is not reported to police. In the cases where a shot is fired by a CCW/CHL holder in the instance of defending themselves/others, I have never heard of a case where an innocent was harmed. Have you? I think the only prerequisite of carrying a handgun is that you know how to successfully discharge it. Pulling the trigger, cocking the hammer/slide, use of any safeties on the weapon, etc...Not necessarily even how to reload it, clean it or anything else. This is the only way to basically understand how to prevent an accidental discharge.

Of course, there are tactical shooting stances and positions which are more desireable when in different situations. Things like if you are indoors and there are innocents around, getting on one knee shooting upward (if you have that opportunity), for example. The roof/ceiling/covering of the facility is a better backstop than an innocent standing behind your target or in your field of view.

But, rarely do shootouts with a badguy happen in crowded areas. Being in a situation where one takes place is even less likely. Most defensive shootings take place when the offender and defender are somewhat isolated and innocents are low in numbers or non-existant.
I think carrying a handgun, regardless of your ability, is a good thing. I would venture to guess that the great majority of cases where a gun is brought out in defense, there is never a shot fired, and the majority of those is not reported to police.

I disagree there. If someone draws a handgun that they're not willing to immediately use and haven't practiced, if they just nervously draw it and shakily wave it at the bad guy, flinching, the bad guy IS likely to just step in and slap it out of their hands, and then go to town on them...and leave with a free gun.

If you're going to carry, be willing and ready to fire as soon as you draw...and PRACTICE. Or don't carry.
I didn't say they weren't willing to shoot. What I am saying is that that just brandishing the weapon was enough to deter the offender and actual discharge was uneccessary.

If they are not willing to shoot on some level, I would agree with you that they should not have the gun.