9mm vs. .22lr for bugout bag gun

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I wasn't, but I will:

I live in a very big, very empty state, in a town of 58,000...but if every would be prepper starts heading for the hills, LOTS of people are going to live very short, very violent lives. Don't get me wrong, I have my gear and I know where I'm going, but what happens when 20 or 30 thousand people hit the hills and half of them or more think they're gonna "live off the land" because they have a rifle and 1000 rounds. 90% of them will be freezimg to death the first winter; will you kill them when they ask for help? If you turn them away how long before one shoots you in the back to take your place? Brother the land in Montana won't support it, so how do they figure to bug out of Boston, Philly, or New York? To where? Think you're a one man Army? Consider this: there are gangs in this country with over 20,000 known members.

I'd go like so many others: My EDC .357 (a "nine" is fine) and a .22 long gun. The 9mm with FMJs won't tear up a bunny too bad, but it is loud and tells humans where you are.

Forget all this bugging out alone. It is okay for a few weeks or maybe a few months, but once the exodus goes full blown I don't think the land can support us all on wild game and berries. Find a ranch or farm where other peiple have guns, food, and goods & services to trade. Learn an old time skill that will be in short supply.Me personally, what I want is a trade, an ability, so that commerce starts again. Because if the best way to acquire goods remains murder then there ain't none of us gonna last long on our own. I know we are all going to win all of our bug out gunfights... but who's to say your assailant doesn't just snipe you and be done with it...especially if he sees you packin'?

I have several friends/neighbors that are ex-military, ex-leo and a couple current leo. There's decent hunting and fishing right here and we're far enough away from the big city to make it pretty inconvenient for various malcontents, walking dead and other assorted riffraff.

We're setting up a defensible compound and hunkering down.
Maybe a .22Mag rather than .22LR. Depending on where you're going and if there are large wild animals around, I would prefer a 9mm with hollow points and two additional magazines handy.
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