9mm suggestions for small hands

PaoChow's suggestion sounds good to me if you want a high quality semi-auto...in fact, I can't think of a better choice. I met a guy at the range with one...he had VERY small hands. The Walther P-99 has three different grip size inserts for the gun...I have one (a .40) and have the large grip insert...he had the 9mm and had the smallest grips installed (you install these yourself)...boy it WAS small...I swallowed the grip up in my hands. I would suggest a look-see. The gun shot great...even without a good fit in my big hands.
Good luck.
To me the obvious choice is the Glock 19. You stated that CCW is not an option in your state, although it certainly could serve that purpose if your laws change. You also said that she favors higher capacity. This makes the Glock 19 a natural. You have a compact and basically soft recoiling package with 15 round mags available. If she can't reach the trigger on the 19, she really does have "baby hands" and she should forgo the additional capacity and go for the Sig 239, in 9MM of course. If she can't reach the double action pull on the 239, a short trigger is available(at least it is on the other Models).
Glock 19 the obvious choice? I disagree. Double stack magazine gives it a big grip circumference. I have a Glock 17 -- basically same as a 19, but shorter grip and barrel. My wife has short fingers. Can't reach the trigger properly. She can do just fine with a Kahr K9.

I'm not saying that the Glock 19 isn't a fine gun -- it is indeed. But the grip is too big for people with small hands.

I agree, I love Glocks (heck I love guns) but my wife's small hands never fit any I own. I think a full size 1911 would better fit smaller hands...or maybe a Glock 36?
I'm gonna have to echo "Kahr" as well (big surprise :rolleyes: ) The trigger on the P9 is QUITE sweet... just a bit better than the K9, but the feel of the K9 beats the heck out of the P9 for comfort.

The Kel-Tec does have an AWEFUL trigger, and the slide is a little harder to pull back than the Kahr. Also, with all that "contour" on the P11, there seems to be a bit less to grab on to when pulling the slide back, as opposed to the wider, flat slide on the Kahr.

Pro-Mag (don't laugh) offers 8 and 10 round mags for the Kahr 9mm, and many Kahr owners have used them with 0 flaws (Oleg NOT included).

The BHP suggestion is also a good one, but only if she's 100% comfortable with a SA trigger.
I'll have to second M1911's recommendations! I am not sure what we will do if the wife decides she is ready to move into the world of semi-autos. Currently she is very happy with her Taurus 85 . Although she qualified for her CHL with my Glock M27 it was not easy for her to handle that short, fat little booger. ;) I suspect she will remain a "wheel gun" gal!