9mm range

lethal range?

The OP could have likely used a different term other than lethal. He goes on in later posts regards missing his target in home defense. Which then brings up the issue of penetrative qualities of the 9mm cartridge and the issues of "range".

Concerning lethal, I would think a 9mm projectile could be lethal way out there. If stable and nose first, I would not be surprised a 9mm FMJ could inflict a penetrating, potentially lethal wound exceeding 1000 yds. I rewatched the video where the host took a 9mm carbine to 400 yds, and FMJ ammo fully penetrated 9" of more of a gel torso. The same ammo punched thru a 1/2" plywood target backer AND the 2x4 supporting it. It does not take much imagination to realize what that bullet could do against a human skull/temple, soft tissue around the neck and spine, the eye socket or slipping between the ribs of the chest.

The 9mm FMJ bullet has always been recognized as a good penetrator. I recall reading an account written by a white hunter in Africa conducting elephant culling. After the shooting with the heavy rifles, the fellow would pop the down giants with a round or two of 9mm FMJ at point blank to insure the beast(s) were done. If a 9mm will go into an elephants brain.........

There is also much video of 9mm ammo penetrating pseudo interior and exterior house walls of wood construction and exiting with lots of energy. Such bullets are likely somewhat deformed, unstable and would not have the same carry as one undisturbed, but still could be plenty dangerous. I would have not a clue as to how far such could be lethal and it would likely vary shot to shot.

Lets not confuse lethal range with effective range and maximum range. Effective range is how far one can hit accurately. In the video in ideal circumstances, the host was getting consistent hits on torso sized targets fairly easily at 400 yds with a 9mm carbine. A handgun is much harder to shoot well at that distance, I suspect 100 yds is the limit for those really skilled (bamaboy can ring a C-12 42" popper with a Glock consistently at
100.....young eyes) and half that or less for many of us.

Max range is how far a round will carry when fired at the ideal angle. Internet search states 2300-2500 yds:eek:
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I have tried some long range shooting with 9mm--I found effectiveness to be dependent on a lot things; but all things being equal (which according to 44 amp they never are :D) it tends to decelerate to a point that 1) it acquires a rainbow trajectory 2) it also destabilizes enough that it will negatively affect consistency. Can it hit and impact something with enough force to kill it at long distance? sure. Would I rely on it for that? Not unless I didn't have anything better. 75 yards in on my property, using my higher power loads, I would be much more confident stopping even a big threat with good aim and ammo. That's all I need.

The US Army claims the "effective" range of the 9mm handgun is 50-55M, I read different things on the net and don't have a field manual.
I read the effective range of the MP5 subgun (and possibly the Uzi) is considered 200M. Bamaboy has a Ruger 9mm carbine, second gen model, with a dot on it, and a 10" steel plate at 100y is simple to hit, even off hand. We've not tried it, but a 42" popper would likely be easily done at 200y by holding on the head and dropping them into the 12" center section.

The pistol caliber carbines are popular. They are relatively cheap to shoot in 9mm, a hoot plinking, and would be fun shooting at running jackrabbits if we had them in Alabama. A good argument can be made for them in HD for the tender shooter .

I can see their attraction, though the only one I own is in 10mm, not cheap to shoot, and not particularly accurate.
By JBM, a 115 gr 9mm FMJ at 1600 fps from a carbine is still doing 718 fps at 500 yards. Of course the "drop" is enormous, but if you launch one at high elevation, it is going to be deadly several blocks away.
The pistol caliber carbines are popular. They are relatively cheap to shoot in 9mm, a hoot plinking, and would be fun shooting at running jackrabbits if we had them in Alabama. A good argument can be made for them in HD for the tender shooter
I totally agree that a 9mm carbine is pretty much at the top of the heap for semi-auto carbines for most fun/value for the bang coefficient. Sorta like an AK, getting your optics dialed in for effective close-in use and then targeting waaaaay out there is going to have to take into account the zeroed distances and hold-over. Also like an AK, I've found getting a consistent grouping at around 1 to 1.5 MOA at 100 yds is very challenging with your typical 9mm projectile. With my handloads I would be quite confident engaging a large 2 legged predator or medium sized game on my property out to 75 yards if I had to.
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This whole post is moot, there's no such thing as 'home defense' at 100 yards. If someone outside your house is shooting at that distance your best bet is to get in an interior room and call 911.
@chris in va Then call it self-defense. Scenario is if you had to shoot at someone at a distance for whatever reason. No plans. Simply a discussion of what might be expected of a 9mm round fired from a carbine. Actual home defense situation I would try for the shotgun or the handgun, whichever was more feasible.
This whole post is moot, there's no such thing as 'home defense' at 100 yards. If someone outside your house is shooting at that distance your best bet is to get in an interior room and call 911.
No such thing is an awfully bold statement. 100yds is not nearly as far as you think. Getting out of sight to an interior room could be a great option. That assumes you and all your loved ones are already inside the house and are able to get to an interior room. It does not work so well if your just getting home, are doing yard work, or your kids are playing in the woods. Sometimes hiding is not an option.
@chris in va Then call it self-defense. Scenario is if you had to shoot at someone at a distance for whatever reason. No plans. Simply a discussion of what might be expected of a 9mm round fired from a carbine. Actual home defense situation I would try for the shotgun or the handgun, whichever was more feasible.
Based on the video, assuming you can hit what your aiming at, id say 440yds plus. Realistically, shooting unsupported, maybe 150 to 200yds with a red dot.
I've been considering a Henry Homesteader, but I'll take a look at the Smith & Wesson. I wasn't aware of Smith pistol carbine.
Homesteader and FPC are somewhat different in nature. FPC is most like KelTec SUB2000, while Henry is similar to Ruger PC Carbine. Smith actually offer two: the aforementioned FPC, and an AR9 style PCC called "Resolve".
No such thing is an awfully bold statement. 100yds is not nearly as far as you think. Getting out of sight to an interior room could be a great option. That assumes you and all your loved ones are already inside the house and are able to get to an interior room. It does not work so well if your just getting home, are doing yard work, or your kids are playing in the woods. Sometimes hiding is not an option.
It might not be the best option unless you're sure you're in a well-hardened space--if someone is on your property emptying magazines from a semi-auto it's just a crap shoot that nobody gets hit as they make Swiss cheese out of your house. I've seen the aftermath of these kinds of hits.
"call 911"

I am not going to cower in my home for 10-15 minutes OR MORE, taking gunfire to my home, hoping that the suspect(s) do not enter my home without my awareness or a round slip through wall boards and hit me or my family. An unlikely scenario, but stuff happens.

And 10-15 minutes is a hopeful response time. Often there are only 2-3 deputies on duty at any given point, and maybe one trooper, and all may or not be 25 or more miles away on other calls, or out of contact for whatever reasosn. . Heck, I can't remember the last time a patrol vehicle drove past my home.

Others may believe that the authorities are on their way to save them in timely and effective fashion. I am not that trusting.
FWIW... The typical 9MM , when fired from a 16" carbine, will have a trajectory similar to a 22LR from a 16".

I would give most 9MM ammo about a 115yd range, and still be able to expand reliably as designed. ( IE like it does from a handgun at the muzzle )

The 9x19 can have respectable velocity increases from a 16" barrel.

Enough of an increase that the designed for a pistol velocity HP bullet might be overwelmed.

As for lethal range... well that is debatable and dependent on shot placement.
I mean getting thwacked with a 124gr FMJ at 200yds, in the head, v. in the thigh type thing.