Did I read that right on the Berretta 92s? Almost 3 pounds empty? Although the price looks pretty good, the weight might be kind of a deterrent, especially for concealed carry, or in a pack, riding or hiking as Caleb mentioned (IMO). This is a good thread, and I thought I'd put down a couple of weight stats and comments on the two pistol I have, and what I've experienced with them.
The ugly ;>) heavy, clunky, but totally reliable C9, with a 10 round mag (makes it look even more desirable...) weighs in @ 2lbs., 4 ozs. and that's with a full mag. The only thing I really have against the C9, is how it breaks down to clean. The first time I did this, it was a real PITA; not user friendly at all. Once one learns the trick on the deal, it's o.k. but still a PITA. The grips on the pistol are very good, too, as out of the box (IMO).
My new Ruger SR9E, a totally cool gun, weighs in @ 2lbs. 3ozs. and that's with a fully loaded 17 round mag. I did add a Galloway traction grip pad on the pistol, which made it fit my hand perfectly and still kept the pistol's trimness. The adhesive grip cost 10 bucks, with free shipping; well worth the price (IMO). So now, with the 10 buck grip pad and a new mag I bought for it for $37.95 (shipping incl.) I'm still under 400 bucks, barely, but that was my mission on my new 9.
Still, I can't help but imagine that the Berretta 92s is a smooth, accurate operator.