9mm 1911

If you want to try it out pretty much for free...

You can still easily buy Star BM's for $150-$200. It's a smaller 1911 in 9mm. Fondle it, shoot it, maybe even carry it a bit.

After that you will know if you want to spend the money to buy a "real" one or not.

Either way you could get all or most of your money back out of it after you tried it out for a while.

I got one for myself. It goes bang every time. I decided against a 1911 carry piece, but I kept the Star around just because it's a decent service pistol and is fun to shoot.
I’m surprised nobody has mentioned Kimber. My 9MM pro and full size Kimbers shoot just as well as my 9MM Dan Wesson Valor Commander. They are all extremely accurate and shooting them is pleasure.
I still like my 1911s in .45, but the 9MM is more fun to shoot in a 1911.
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i was exactly where you are.....i already have multiple carry guns but wanted a little longer barreled 9mm and was looking at the 1911. I found a nice deal on a kimber pro carry 2 I ended up buying. I had heard some quality control issues for the kimbers as of late but mine was made in 2010 so i felt like they didnt apply. At 28 oz empty i feel like this gun is on the very outer limit of what i would want to carry on a daily basis. I have a pf9, sig 938, glock 27 and now this gun so i feel like i have the whole spectrum covered lol.

I like how accurate i am with the kimber though i might move to a 3" gun like a defender or emp.
I have a full size Springfield 1911 9mm and love it, such a smooth shooter and is a favorite of mine. If I was looking to add one to the collection today I also would consider a Ruger. Not sure if your looking at a light weight frame but it would help with the carry part of your equation.

My dad has a Colt Commander size 1911 in 9mm and it was the first centerfire pistol I ever fired and it holds a special place for me.
I went the other way , Colt 3" 1911 it's a New Agent , Colt stopped making them about 5 years ago . I think the commander is a well Ballanced 1911 . For EDC pistol and my favorite to shoot is my 3" 1911 came with CT Laser grips . The Defender is a New Agent with sights . Great little pistol.
If you want a 1911 like pistol with better capacity look at the Wilson EDC X9. It weights about the same as the Glock 19.


If you really want a 1911 look at the Dan Wesson Valkayrie CCO or Commander in 9mm.

fast and accurate

I know of at least one fella that shoots a 1911/9mm competitively in IDPA and is quite fond of it. I'm betting we hear from him on this thread. The single action trigger allows good accuracy and first round speed, and the 9mm is softer to shoot than a .45, allowing quicker recovery for follow up shots. Since IDPA is a gun game with magazine capacity limited by rule, he gives up 1 rd to the hi-cap striker fired pistols, 9+1 V. 10+1.

Accuracy and speed are good things in a fight I would believe too. And the 5.25" tube of the 1911 will yield good velocity from the 9mm ctg ahead of shorter tubes. MOdern ammo supposedly makes the 9mm a better cartridge these days. And money wise, the 9mm is far cheaper to shoot than .45 acp. Perhaps not traditional, but a 9mm /1911 offers some advantages and would not be a bad choice if a guy wants one.
I know of at least one fella that shoots a 1911/9mm competitively in IDPA and is quite fond of it. I'm betting we hear from him on this thread. The single action trigger allows good accuracy and first round speed, and the 9mm is softer to shoot than a .45, allowing quicker recovery for follow up shots.

My main IDPA ESPs are 9mm Springfield and Colt 1911oids.
They are great shooters, but may take more "tuning" than a .38 or .45 because of the shorter cartridge.

"...he gives up 1 rd to the hi-cap striker fired pistols, 9+1 V. 10+1."

No I don't, I just have to use a Barney mag to get to 10+1.
10 round 9mm magazines are about where 8 round .45s were ten years ago. Available and workable but maybe not perfected.

The CMC XP 10x9mm was at or near the reliability of a 9x9mm, but has been dropped since the Wilson buyout. The "Range Pro" successor is of more conventional construction. The one I bought to test has done ok so far, but I am still glad I bought some more XPs while available but out of the catalog.
After buying an aluminum frame 4" range officer, my girlfriend took it over. I liked it enough to buy a Dan Wesson PM 9. Full size stainless 9mm. So far its the balls. I have shot 1.5" groups @ 25 yards and just getting started with it. This is not for carry, I have a Micro 9 and a Colt LW Officers ACP.

After buying the last few guns, I realized I do not like striker fired pistols. 1911 is king.

I've been toying with the idea of a "carry" 1911 for quite some time in 9mm.

I like the idea of a Commander-sized 9mm 1911 (I know, I know I should shoot 45, but I prefer the 9mm cartridge for my own reasons)

The springfield Range Officer line looks nice to me, but I've heard good things about the newer RIA pieces.

Weight isn't much of an issue, I'm 6'3" 200lbs and have a habit of carrying full-sized double stacks (I even occasionally conceal a Beretta 92FS).

Any recommendations or suggestions for me?

I carry a Kimber Pro Tactical in 9mm. It is the commander size. I truly love this gun.
I'm a 1911 fan. Been shooting them in .45ACP for as long as I can remember. Several years ago I bought a Kimber 1911 in 9mm to specifically use at Front Sight. I soon discovered that I can shoot my 9mm 1911 at the range three out of four times with the fourth time being the 45ACP. Saves some money shooting the 9mm and basically training with the same frame. However, I much prefer to carry my 1911 in 45ACP.
The only 9mm 1911 experience I've had is with my fathers Wilson CQB and it's an understandably fantastic shooter, but I do like the 1911 in 9mm. A little heavy, sure, but slim and easy to carry if you get the right setup and 10 rounds is still a decent number of rounds to have.

Depending on how much you want to spend, I'd go with a Ruget Lightweight Commander, Colt Wiley Clapp commander or DW Guardian.

Personally, I'd save for the Guardian and go .38 Super. But that's because I want one and want to play with loading .38 super.

But id still go with the DW.
My Rock Island TacII 1911 in 9mm is a 10 shot magazine. Though the factory mag that came with it soon went into a trash can. Replaced by 2 metal form 10 shot mags. I purchased them from Midway.

Once I got the good mags for the gun it has been 100% reliable. No stoppages at all. Accuracy is greater than I will be able to milk the gun for.
Once I got the good mags for the gun it has been 100% reliable. No stoppages at all. Accuracy is greater than I will be able to milk the gun for.

How much use has the gun gotten? I'm hesitant to trust RIA at the price point but keep hearing good things from those who own them.

I've heard the factory mags are pretty rough, seems smart to upgrade!