9mm 1911


New member
I've been toying with the idea of a "carry" 1911 for quite some time in 9mm.

I like the idea of a Commander-sized 9mm 1911 (I know, I know I should shoot 45, but I prefer the 9mm cartridge for my own reasons)

The springfield Range Officer line looks nice to me, but I've heard good things about the newer RIA pieces.

Weight isn't much of an issue, I'm 6'3" 200lbs and have a habit of carrying full-sized double stacks (I even occasionally conceal a Beretta 92FS).

Any recommendations or suggestions for me?

A 9mm Commander is a really big gun for relatively few small cartridges.
If you like 9, get a gun proportional to the size of the cartridge.
The SIG P938 and Kimber Micro 9 are half the size of a Commander, weigh ten ounces less, and still hold 7+1 rounds.

The Springfield RO line is really good.
I had a full-sized .45, and liked it a lot.
Years ago, I had a full size 1911 in 9MM and it was a wonderful gun.

I don't particularly like 1911s, but if I ever get another one, it will be a 9MM.
Check out the Springer Range O's, good 9 milli. Not as much knock down power but does have a softer kickback and holds more bullets
I have the Springfield Armory Loaded in stainless and it is a great shooter. It is a full sized 1911 and holds 9 rounds. The heavier slide allows for a lighter spring, making it an even softer shooter. If you feel adequately armed with 9+1 of 9mm, carry what you like. I can't carry anything that big so I'm limited to sub compacts for concealed carry. I know someone will say to dress around my carry, but I am fine with my sub-compact and 2 spare mags.
Yep!. If a pistol round could knock the person down it hit, it would also knock down the person firing it.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
I have a Colt Lightweight Commander in 9mm, and I love it. If I ever cut back on my collection (fat chance), it's one of the "core" firearms I'd never give up.

Meanwhile -- and you may know this history -- the army's original 1949 requirement for a lightweight sidearm specified 9mm, and this is how the 1911 Commander came into being; 9mm is closest to the Commander's roots. In any event, 1911s chambered in calibers other than .45 ACP are in fact "real," they're great fun to shoot, and I would argue they're actually better, at least in smaller sizes and weights.

All that said, if I were to carry a 1911, I think I'd want an aluminum-framed, Glock 19-sized piece, and my first choice would be the Springfield Range Officer Compact.
If you like 9, get a gun proportional to the size of the cartridge.

I’ve got a few of those... this isn’t an end-all, EDC, single-use pistol discussion.

One could argue my 92FS is an oversized, overweight 9mm, and they would be right. Doesn’t mean I don’t still carry it on occasion.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about the polymer wonder-9s and own a few.

I’m just looking for input on a 9mm 1911 that could be carried need-be.

It sounds like the Springfield RO may be a strong choice.
A 38 Super would probably be a better choice. A steel frame Commander does a good job of dampening recoil.
I've owned a couple of 9mm 1911's over the years. A Rock Island, and a Metro Arms. I liked both guns, but traded them off for something else. The Metro was especially nice, with features found on much more expensive guns. They were also as slick as an eel.

These days's I've only got one, a Springfield EMP. Downsized for the 9mm cartridge, I like it quite a bit. Good shooter.

I have and carry the Ruger 1911 9mm LWT Commander and love it. Don’t let anyone tell you that the 1911 pattern is too big for the 9 mm cartridge; what it is, is a LOT of fun. Well, it’s fun if you like really fast and accurate shooting, with almost zero felt recoil, and absolutely minimal muzzle flip. If you don’t like that sort of thing, then I guess it wouldn’t be fun.

Though I do concede that one chambered in 38 super is ballistically superior. I’m hoping to get one of those next year, when the gun buying ban expires.

Also, you can get 10 round magazines for these things, so if you carry a spare mag plus one in the chamber, that’s 21 rounds. So ‘ix-nay’ on the idea of not having enough rounds to defend yourself.

The SA 1911 9mm RO is probably a nicer gun than my Ruger, even the Ruger Night watchman. I just like a Ruger’s, which is Why I went that way.

If conceal-ability is an issue I’d also consider the SA EMP, which isn’t a true 1911 pattern (so I hear), but operates just like one while being slightly smaller. You can look up Rob leatham’s YouTube video of his review on the EMP If you’re not familiar.

Honestly, my only caveat here would be that if you’re really going to EDC this gun, i’d advise that you pick one from one of the more reputable manufacturers, such as Colt, SA, SIG, S&W, etc. Or Wilson Combat or Dan Wesson if you can afford such.

Just my two cents.
Of the various 1911s I have owned and shot over the years, I think my absolute favorite is my Colt 9mm Combat Commander. It balances perfectly in my hand and shoots like a dream.
I have a 9 mm Springfield RO Champion. Aluminum frame, 4" barrel. Shoots incredibly well. Chip McCormic mags hold 10.


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My Springfield RO is a target/competition gun but it is very nice. Heavy, but very smooth with no recoil. I would not hesitate to carry it although the trigger is probably too light for that. I never thought I would go for a 9 mm 1911 but I love this one.
I have a DW Valkyrie Commander in 9 mm. It's pretty sweet. To say it's large for a 9 mm, compare it to a Glock 19. NOT MUCH DIFFERENCE and, the 1911 has a safety.................
Don't forget Colt. I have a 5" in 9mm and it is a joy to shoot. I'd like to have a Colt LW Commander in 9mm, but can't justify it at the moment.