911 Operator Orders Man to Return to Scene of Shooting, Man Killed

All I can say is that I alone have the greatest responsibility to keep myself out of harms way and I alone will decide what is acceptable safety and what isnt.
Originally Posted by Marty Hayes
Dispatchers are NOT sworn police officers, and thus, you have NO necessity to follow their directives.

Mr. Hayes, I know you are a well-respected attorney, but this statement is a generalization and, as such, it may or may not be correct.

In fact, I am currently taking a citizens police academy in the town adjacent to my town of residence. My home town has its own dispatch center, manned by civilians. The town giving the citizens academy has its own dispatch center, and it is manned by uniformed, sworn officers. I asked the chief about that on the first night of the course, and he basically said, "We do it that way because I'm the chief and that's the way I think it works best."

Whether or not someone on the victim end of a 9-1-1 call is legally required to follow the dispatcher's instructions is another question. I doubt most callers would know the dispatcher is a sworn officer, especially if the caller/victim is from a place where the dispatchers are not cops.

There is NO one-size-fits-all in this world.

You are correct, I stand corrected. I should have said the vast majority of dispatchers are not sworn officers.
Pay grade, and level of training aside. Nobody can determine if a situation is safe for me to return to better than me. I'll simply sit and wait for LE to secure the scene before I return to give my side of the story.
What is missing from this story is that the shooters were driving around all over the place randomly shooting. I live off 5th and Sheridan and I called the police at about 330am to report shots fired in front of my house. I then listened to my police scanner and heard 2 more calls of shots fired withing all of about a mile of my house. Then the shooting that killed the kid and one last time when they dumped the jeep.

They all more than enough information to make a logical decision to tell the victims to get to a safe place.
I hate it when stuff like this happens.

As a public safety employee for 32+ years I can't stand it when somebody who should know better does something stupid, or in this case tells somebody else to do something stupid, and something bad happens as a result . . .

I'm very critical of George Zimmerman in that shooting in Florida for disregarding the dispatcher's suggestion to stop following anybody and wait for the arrival of the police. That was correct advice.

Then this goof in Denver tells somebody to go back to the scene of an incident, to put themselves in danger without reason, and somebody gets shot as a result . . . incredible
First of all, YES Zimmerman screwed up...but, as a Floridian for about 7 or so years now please let me explain something to everyone else who doesn't live here. (Especially Orlando, Tampa, or Miami) Road rage is worse here than I have ever seen anywhere in my entire life, and I have been all over the USA. So, with that in mind. I have been harassed by police here over and over, for nothing. My first year here, I was pestered by police, for no reason at all, more than I ever was my entire life where I was born and raised, and I am age 45. One evening I had a driver in a huge truck punch the gas when the light turned green and slam right into my back end (PT Cruiser) shooting me into the intersection. Then he squealed tires backwards (as I think holy crap he's high and going to hit me again) then speeds off to the nearest exit ramp. When the police arrive (Orlando City Police) the officer tells me they can do nothing because I had no tag, even with an excellent description of the truck and that (get this) next time I should chase after whomever hit me and call it in while following them. Sounds like the same kind of idiot advice this poor dead man got to me!

The police need to be PROPERLY trained to handle ANY and ALL situations CORRECTLY. That having been said, doesn't it make sense 911 operators should too? Nurses nearly know as much if not more than the doctors, I think so should 911 operators. Oh and BRAVO! to those 911 operators who do their job well and truly care about helping those in need.

Our police are getting worse and worse people to deal with because the general populous is getting more and more stressed thus creating even more troublesome criminals than before. BUT!!!! This is NO excuse for professionals to start acting out, losing control, bullying, etc. THEY MUST REMAIN PROFESSIONAL AT ALL COSTS! If you can't, cya, there are plenty of others to do that job. Train our police better, teach them they aren't GOD because they wear a badge, their true job is to SERVE and PROTECT citizens...not POLICE them like everyone is a criminal and we all live in one big jail!

And for GOODNESS SAKES TRAIN our 911 Operators properly, screen them MUCH better, and watch them CLOSELY!

There is so very little common sense in the world it truly scares the living hell out of me...
I can't help but think that it would have been safer and smarter for all involved if the dispatcher had simply directed the victim to the nearest police station at which point he could accompany the officer(s) back to the scene.
Everyone seems to be down on the 911 operator. I read the article and it stated,

The victims called 911 after being threatened at gunpoint by a group of men at 10th and Sheridan early Sunday morning. They drove into Wheat Ridge but the dispatcher told them to return to Denver, and that’s when the suspects fired on their car killing one man.

It seems they left the Denver PD jurisdiction by going to Wheat Ridge. To file a report with the Denver PD, they needed to return to Denver. Denver is a big city. These guys could have returned to any spot they felt safe in Denver and called in to file a complaint. No one, as I read it, told them to go to 10th and Sheridan.

Why is everyone accusing the Dispacher of wrong doing and suggesting a big law suit ?
All I can say is that I alone have the greatest responsibility to keep myself out of harms way and I alone will decide what is acceptable safety and what isnt.

Very well said. This is the key to enhancing survival. When you accept full responsibility for your own basic security, I think you tend to make wiser decisions.
.....In fact, I am currently taking a citizens police academy in the town adjacent to my town of residence. My home town has its own dispatch center, manned by civilians. The town giving the citizens academy has its own dispatch center, and it is manned by uniformed, sworn officers. I asked the chief about that on the first night of the course, and he basically said, "We do it that way because I'm the chief and that's the way I think it works best."

How do dispatch officers fullfill the requirment to properly ID themselves? As for any officer ordering you back into a situation that is so dangerous you had to call the police in the first place, the legal implications are interesting if you refuse. You aren't refusing to meet with the officers and co-operate by telling where you are at a safer location.

They couldn't order medics or firemen into a situation not first secured by police---just witnesses, I guess.:rolleyes:
This is a sad story, but it seems to me these guys made a bad decision -- to listen against their better judgement to the 911 operator -- and they paid a heavy price ... at the end of the day, like any LEO, our job is to go home safe to our families, and that requires making sound choices and listening to our gut ...
Like Hook said,
The Complaintants were told to return to Denver. None were aware of the distructive mission these goblins were on.
I hope the dispatcher is pull from under the bus before it moves, and the goblins are found and locked up with there own kind.
911 call centers, dispatchers, recorded lines....

There are some posts here that I agree & disagree with.
I agree that as in my area, many towns & communities use 911 call centers or dispatchers who are NOT sworn LE officers(have no arrest authority/police powers). The dispatch or call center workers are considered non-sworn personnel. You should be respectful, avoid slang or profanity and remain calm when speaking to 911 personnel BUT you do not have to comply with everything they may say to you.
You are the one in the life threatening event not the 911 dispatchers. It's your right to speak to uniformed LE officers or deputies when they arrive on scene.
I'd add that you should learn your area's patrol zone or district. To know the main office/non emergency line can help too.
The 911 lines are recorded too so you can put cell phones on speaker & record all the voices or subjects. I've done that a few times doing security work.
In all honesty, some LE agencies or public safety offices train the 911 dispatch personnel better than others but many professions can say the same.
My main point is not be swayed or intimidated by responding LE officers or a 911 call center dispatcher in a critical event. I had a recent event with my local PD where my recorded statements & actions helped resolved the whole dispute.

Some dispatcher can give all the directions they want to. They are not at the scene and have no idea as to the safety at or near the scene of any altercation they get a call about. Leo or not-why follow directions that look dangerous to you-at or near the scene??