8mm Mauser

A bit difficult to be certain from the pics (and yes, getting good ones takes practice), but the rifle appears to have a smooth taper barrel. German military barrels were "stepped", with clear "step" at the change of barrel diameter. Sometimes, original barrels were turned, to the preferred sporter taper, but usually a smooth taper barrel means that it has been replaced.

That being the case, get thee to a decent gunsmithy, and have the chamber checked (chamber cast, if in doubt) and the bore measured. IT could be chambered for the standard 8x57mm, or it could be chambered for one of a dozen different European or American wildcat or uncommon cartridges.

Just because an 8mm Mauser round will chamber (and fire) is not an absolute guarantee with a rifle as reworked as that one is.
Hey, brother.

Sorry for criticizing your pictures.
We need clear, focused pics of markings, bolt, safety etc in order to ID your rifle.

But, I didn't realize it would hurt your feelings if I told you that the pics were no good.

I didn't mean to hurt your self esteem.

So let me say, your pictures are as good as you could make them.
You are not a re-tard photographer, you are not disabled, you are "differently abled."

You did the best you could, and that is all that we can ask of you.

I hope your damaged self esteem has been repaired.
The fact that we can't id the rifle with your fuzzy pics is beside the point, as long as your self esteem is not damaged.

Hi Jim Thanks for the reply , I now have 3 of these and i did a check on your info and what i see is the long extractor bar is one peice and has the 3/8 wide area with curve to pull the shell and i dont see any type of split ?
The bolt itself has Belg proof marks on it as well , in fact the barrel and the receiver have them .
Have you ever seen on or had any info about this manufacture name ?
Finding them in Canada makes me think they were inported here back then !!
Thanks Paul