870 Super Magnum upgrades for HD please help .

" I plan on using 2.75" 00 loads but I want to be able to use any shell I want to , after I shoot a few 3,5" shells I may never want to shoot them again"

Make sure you get someone to video tape it if you do shoot them. I wish I had filmed my dad shooting one out of my 870. It drove him backwards.
If you shoot 3.5s out of that gun you will regret it. That buttstock angles downward in relation to the plane of the barrel. What I mean is, the recoil is going to be in a straight line with the barrel, putting that force into a small area at the top point of your buttstock.

To illustrate, lay the gun on your kitchen table. Slide the gun backwards and notice which part if the buttstock crosses an imaginary line first. That point is where your recoil will be concentrated. Make sense?

Basically I'm suggesting you replace it.
Not so much a suggestion of 'add on's' but since you've made a few mods., when you practice , shuck it with some authority to make sure it functions well. Under stress a fella sometimes gets a bit stronger and faster with the adrenaline flow going on. Just don't get to fast and short stroke it or you'll be left standing there with a good looking club. :eek:

Would also try loads other then 00 buck and see what patterns best at the furthest distance I'd have to shoot in the house. There are some nice reduced recoil HD loads available for shotguns these days.
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new Choate stock picture

replaced the old one today, top image , new choate stock .
bottom image , old assault style stock . it had a poor fitting fore end & the length of pull was too short for me .

the new fore end fits tightly, does not bind up, the new stock's LOP is longer & fits me better, it has a soft rubber pad & does not have any sharp parts underneath where my thumb wraps around the pistol grip .

it has a much better area for cheek weld. I can see straight down the top of the rib on the barrel .

now if I can find a great flash light & maybe a good side saddle for a few extra rounds I think I will be satisfied. I'm not sure how many will fit on the side with the style of fore end I have ...


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big speed safety

photo of big speed safety, painted red ring on safety to enhance visual check of safety, yes I know when the safety is engaged or disengaged but I thought it was a nice touch. :)


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Ruger480 I ran 16 rounds of 2-3/4" full power 00 through it the other day and yes it left a nice bruise on my shoulder, I am 6'-4" & I weigh about 360pounds & the recoil was impressive to say the least.

I also shot some Remington reduced recoil 00 buck & it was much milder than the full power rounds . quieter, less recoil , less muzzle flash at night in the dark.

I did cycle the gun with some authority and had no problems with either type of shell I used .

I have not had a chance to pattern it yet but will do so as soon as I get the barrel rethreaded for Rem chokes & a large brass bead sight installed , I found a smith here in OKC that is going to do it for me as soon as I get the chance to take him the barrel.
That setup is much better. Have you tried any 3.5s yet? Quite frankly I find those things unnecessary. 3 inchers are more than adequate in my opinion.
You might want to hook up with your local bowling pin league, and try running that thing against the timer.

I think you'll find the ergos of the factory wood stock are way superior to the, uhm, accessory stocks.

Here's why- they big advantage to using a long gun in a defensive situation is the four points of contact- butt, cheek, right hand, left hand. Most of these aftermarket stocks don't give you the cheekweld that makes the shotgun such an instinctive hitter. In the dark, at speed, under stress, you won't get a cheekweld, and you're more likely to miss.

In my opinion, less is more with a defensive shotgun.
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