81 year old Colt, 1" groups!

If I have time today I'll pull together a family picture of my Police Positive, my Police Positive Special, and my Official Police.
I'd do it for you High Valley, but all of my pic posting abilities went the way of the dodo when Photobucket started charging almost $500 to 3rd party post. Rod
I removed my account as well from Photobucket. Haven't found a suitable, easy to use alternate site yet.... So no pics from me either (on all the gun sites I frequent).

Looks like the o' Colt shoots pretty well. Need to get it out there a bit more, say 20 yards though for a true test :) ha!
I have a late 1926 Colt Army Special which was the year before Colt had renamed it the Official Police. It is in 99% condition but although I haven't shot it yet, the original owner told me that back in the day his grandfather had won the majority of the Police .38 Special pistol matches with this revolver. But like others, I had to dump Photobucket and I also haven't found a suitable picture host.