700 bucks for m44 mosin?

I was at Cabela's a few days ago and they were selling beat up round receiver M91/30s for $350, $399 for slightly less beat up ones. I don't think they even came with any of the kit. It was only like 5 years ago that I spent $130 on a hex receiver M91/30 in excellent condition with all the kit, and people then were complaining about the high prices because they weren't $75 any more!
I would remind you all that Gunbroker is an auction site. Often overly high priced items go unsold, and sometimes the price is driven up by bidding wars between just a handful of people.

The trouble is, that once some gun sells for $XXX, no matter what artificial conditions got the price that high, the rest of the sellers think, and act like every gun of that type (no matter variation or condition) is now "worth" at least that much!!

It's not a new thing, it just hits some guns later than others, or people don't really notice it, until it is done to a gun they are interested in.

Saw a guy doing that once, sort of. Long time back, now. Was at a show, and a seller was in the middle of adding $100 to the price of everything he had that said Winchester on it. From old collectable lever guns, to brand new unfired in the box, he was bumping the price up $100 on all of them, because Winchester had just announced they were closing the factory.
"Winchester's goin out of business, so now, these are all gonna be COLLECTIBLES!!" was his reasoning.

Offered to make me a deal, sell me the 9410 I had been casually looking at, for the "old" price...(which was stupidly high already)...I passed.
Off subject but the m44 I just got for a decent deal at another gun show has some white filling in the serial numbers and rear sight numbers. My old m91/30 also has this in it. What was the point in putting that stuff in there? and is there any down side to scrape it out, I dont really care for it.
I hate that white paint. Old time collectors and current dealers do that to make it readable. That and the never ending quest to 'improve' an old gun. When ever I post regarding this mini abomination, I get lambasted by the old collectors with a safe full of whited out letters. Lets see what happens today.
Anyway to remove it other than using a small metal pick and scratching it out? The problem with mine is that a lot of the paint has turned black from dirt and such. Makes the numbers even less visible.

$700 wow! The one I got a few years ago I paid $119 for at a gunshow.They had dozens of them in shipping crates your pick. I swabbed out the barrel and shot it at 2 or 3 CMP matches and it's been a safe queen every since. Pretty accurate but with no recoil pad it kicks like a mule.