7.62x39 Home Defense?

We have some words of wisdom here from several posters but I think both Kraigwy and plouffedaddy have made excellent points. Kraigwy's point that you have to have your defensive firearm with you is a good one. Plouffedaddy's point that Zombie Max is repacked and higher priced SST is also spot on. The bright side is that if you can get to a long gun in 7.62x39, SST ammo is an excellent choice for home defense.
I think 'over penetration' is a bit myth and often exaggerated. Know what's behind your target. I also think ball ammo in a rifle cartridge would be a mistake. Simply because it wouldn't be incredibly efficient at stopping compared to a good expanding load. If the bullet doesn't yaw, you've basically made a .30 cal hole. If a JSP doesn't expand for whatever reason, then fine, worst case you've got performance similar to a FMJ, best case, you get .50-70 cal expansion and a nice golf ball or possibly larger exit hole and a very uncomfortable BG.

Ball ammo is for lining up headshots on zombies so you can take 2-3 with one stone. Since we don't live with zombies, I'll take expanding ammo.

BTW, seeing how easy it is to shoot through an interior wall, I'd be nervous to use any cartridge/projectile combination that claims not to penetrate through interior walls. If it can't make it through a bit of dry wall, how do you expect the it to make it though bones, sinew, and flesh adequately to stop the target?

SST is a pretty good projectile, but I'd have to do testing at point blank (SD ranges). Hitting at muzzle velocity may cause unwanted fragmentation of the bullet.
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Overpenetration is a serious concern, and most people like to stay on the safe side. Look around your house at possible places you might be shooting. What's behind it? A wall and the kid's bedroom? Who wants to fire a rifle round into that wall based internet claims that it won't penetrate? You look at a window as a possible entry point. Whats beyond that window? The neighbor's window across the street or the woods? Learn your house's layout, and figure out what shots are safe, before you ever need to find out. And for God's sake, if you want to know what your gun will penetrate with a certain ammo, get some drywall scraps run some tests of your own! If you shoot through a wall and kill somebody, the guy who posted on the internet that it was safe isn't going to be suffering the consequences.

Prefrag ammo, Glaser Safety Slugs, etc. are great answers where penetration is not desired, and for calibers that have a propensity for it.
Over penetration is a myth invented by the inferior caliber crowd to try to disguise the incababilities of their cartridges. If I'm wrong provide evidence of people being killed by over penetrating bullets.
I'm waiting.......
5yrs later I'm wating......
1000 years later I'm waiting.

Yes the zombie max/sst is an excellent choice.
It would make a hole in whatever you shot it with, that is for sure. Also, the muzzle flash and concussion of unleashing that round inside a hallway would be rather impressive...if not severely detrimental to your own senses.