7.62x39 Bolt Rifle


New member
I'm in the market for a 7.62x39 bolt gun and have narrowed it down to 3 brands. Ruger American Ranch, CZ 527 Carbine, and the Howa mini action. I've done lots of research and watched many videos on them. I'm leaning towards the Ruger, but the CZ with the iron sights really has my attention. The rifle will mostly be used for range work and hunting on occasion. Can anyone who owns one please give me your input on these fine rifles.
The cheapest option is the Ruger $419 with free shipping. The CZ is $185 more, but you get iron sights and a walnut stock. Mag capacity on both is 5 rounds, that's fine with me. I'm familiar with the scope mounting options on both and their triggers and their safety's. I just can't make a decision on which one to buy.
Iron sights are great and all for the 7.62x39, but a red dot optic will hold up and isn't something I'd worry about, not when the difference in price is $185 and the Ruger can basically be made into an intermediate scout rifle with 20 round Mini-30 mags.

Get the Ruger, I have yet to find another bolt action or even single shot 7.62x39 rifle that's better.
If money is not the object here then I would consider the CZ first and then the Ruger and the Howa last. I own a CZ 527 in 7.62 and it is a very nice rifle.
Toss a coin. Commercial hunting rifles are all pretty much the same. I would try 'em all on for size if you can though. One of 'em will talk to you.
And you should consider the cost of aftermarket stuff like extra mags.
About $40 for a Ruger mag(The American uses a Mini-30 mag). If you can find one.
Five rounder for the CZ is about the same money.
$52 for a Howa mag. Also if you can find one.
"...a red dot optic..." No good for rifles. Dots are too big. A 2 or 3 MOA dot will cover the entire black on a regular sighting in target.
Thank you all for your replies and knowledge on these fine rifles. After much deliberating and fussing back in forth, I just placed my order for the CZ carbine. The iron sight and walnut stock just calls my name. More than likely I'll buy the Ruger too, but it's going to have to wait a few months.
"...a red dot optic..." No good for rifles. Dots are too big. A 2 or 3 MOA dot will cover the entire black on a regular sighting in target.

Waaaht??? So, all the aimpoints on all the military rifles and the eo-tech on my DoS issued rifle wont work??
You won't be disappointed with the CZ, it's a solid rifle. I've handled the Savage and Ruger budget bolt rifles and one of the things that sticks out in my memory with me is the bolt never feels smooth when I work it back and forth. I know it doesn't matter in the end when the bullet hits the target, but it's certainly something that doesn't feel "quite right."
I have the CZ 527 in 7.62x39 and its my favorite rifle. The trigger is amazing.

But as stated, all 3 are great options.
I have the Ruger Ranch in 76239, and a Howa Mini in 223. The Howa is a much nicer rifle. Its action is silky, the Ruger is clunky
>>The Howa is a much nicer rifle<<

This would have been my first choice too, but I long ago made it a rule not to buy a gun where magazines were next to impossible to get or were prohibitively expensive.
>>The Howa is a much nicer rifle<<

This would have been my first choice too, but I long ago made it a rule not to buy a gun where magazines were next to impossible to get or were prohibitively expensive.

I gave the Howa a lot of consideration but every gun shop has none in stock and reviews on-line are scarce. The reviews I found were excellent but I would have like to see one and fondle it a bit. The CZ and Ruger I have seen and shouldered, so it kind of narrowed down my choices right there. Also Howa has an amazing amount of different configurations in each model, and if your not familiar with them it can get confusing. For those of you that have the Howa, do you have the heavy barrel? And what barrel length do you have?
I bought my son the RA Ranch in 39, I cant wait for him to outgrow it. I love that little rifle. Compact and surprisingly accurate with quality ammo. Takes Mini 30 mags so they’re easy to find and relatively cheap. Plus it’s threaded for a can or break if you prefer. That 16.5” Barrel makes it real handy too.
My Howa Mini in 223 is a #2, 22" barrel, which is pretty light. It shoots very well when I am able.

I got it online from Cabelas when they were on sale, I think I paid $329.
>>I bought my son the RA Ranch in 39<<

And that will be my choice too, if for no other reason, the magazine situation.
boy's rifle

I'm pleased to see that many folks are buying bolt x39mm rifles as "boys rifles", as I've always thought that such a rig would be about ideal as a first deer rifle for a youngster.

I got a MkII-77 in x39mm on the theory that it would serve as his first deer rig. He shot it a bit, killed one deer with it. Then I inherited my Dad's .243. The boy was big enough at that point to handle the full size rifle (the Ruger was a 20" lightweight) and the type of hunting we were doing (shooting houses and fields/ROW's) that the flatter trajectory and better reach of the .243 had advantages, and he skipped up to the .243. Now he considers the .308 Hog Rifle his own!

He's not shot the x39mm bolt Ruger since, but I sure have. Might have been my plan all along!!!!!!
A co-worker got one of the first generation 77s with "boat paddle" black plastic stock.
He was troubled with misfires of ChiCom ammo, so we got him a Wolff Blitzschnell double extra power striker spring. That set 'em off, fer shure. Made the bolt lift pretty tough, too. I wonder if the single extra power spring would have been enough. Or use better ammo.