7.62x25 Roamanian Tokarev or CZ-52?

Mike Irwin:
That ½ cock on those TT33s is one strong, deep, wide notch. If I didn’t mind dinging up my gun, I’d beat on it with a hammer and I’d bet a good chunk of cash that it wouldn’t discharge. 1911s and TT33s are two very different guns, as are their operating characteristics..

A while back, someone posted that the Russians tested the ½ cock by dropping it off the roof of a three story building. I PMed him to find out his source of info. Being very familiar with the particular gun, I have no reason to doubt it. On mine, one can’t rack the slide unless the hammer is fully down or fully cocked. If the ½ cock isn’t for carrying with one in the chamber, what is it there for, seeing as it makes the slide unrackable?
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Who'd else but the Czech's would think of putting a roller lock in a pistol?
The Germans.
Heard of the HK P9?

Began being produced in 1969.

Me again...

Yeah...but the Czech Vz./CZ52 was fielded in 1952 compared to 1969 for the H&K P9. The Czechs thought of it first (MG-42 doesn't count)... :D

Tokarev / CZ82

Well my CZ-82 9mm Makarov and Romanian Tokarev came in yesterday. My CZ 52 is on the way. Some of you guys said to buy both so I bought 3 instead! LOL. Anyway the finish on the CZ 82 is not the greatest. It looks like paint not blue. I think I'm gonna refinish it after my first shooting session. The gun is tight and looks well put together. That one was on sale at SOG for $179.95 and came with two 12 Rd mags, holster, and cleaning rod.

The Roamnian Tokarev was $219.00 and came with 2 extra mags, holster, and cleaning rod. This gun is in Excellent ++ shape. It's as close to new for a Miltary pistol as you are going to get. I just got them both cleaned up but it decided to blizzard outside so no shooting today:mad: I'll give a report after I shoot. Thanks for all the replies!
I like the CZ52 the best..... I also have the PA63 and like it better and all of them... After you redo the blue. Post pics... Be glad when I get my C&R lics. and hope they still have some of them.. Like to get some to put up...

Just because something looks good doesn't mean that it is good. Unless you have some very sophisticated testing equipment, you no way of verifying the condition of the metal itself.

A good example of that are the "low number" Springfield rifles. The receivers look just fine, but metallurgically many suffered from extreme brittleness and are prone to possible catastrophic failure. There's no way you can veryify the receiver's condition just by looking at it.

Also, the notch in the hammer is only 1/2 of the equasion.

In order for the hammer to hold back, the sear also has to be present.

You might not break the half cock notch, you could also break the sear, and the effect would be EXACTLY the same -- a fun that has the potential to fire without the trigger being pulled.

Look, there are LOTS of ways to do stupid thing with guns, things that are not, and never should be, recommended. Carrying a semi-auto pistol with a round in the chamber and the hammer on half cock is one of those very stupid things.

If you insist on doing it youself, that's one thing. But don't advocate that others also do a very stupid thing.
I suppose I could go to a machine shop and put the thing under an 80 ton press and crush everything out of the way until the hammer went all the way down.

My question still stands: If one is supposed to carry with the chamber empty and the ½ cock prevents one’s racking the slide, what would then be the purpose of having a ½ cock at all? To benefit a charging enemy?

The half-cock is only there to intercept the hammer in case the gun attempts to go full auto.

Then what's the purpose of the sear disconnector?

Now, if there was a round in the chamber and the hammer was at ½ cock, it would prevent someone from racking the slide in error and ejecting a live round in the confusion of combat....
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Glad you decided on the only logical course of action and got 'em all! :D

I got bitten by the CZ52 (I think more properly it's the Vz52) bug a while back. Got one, paying way too much for it because I wanted one NOW. But I shot it a lot and loved it. I broke one firing pin (who the heck but some Com-Block nation would put such a crap firing pin in an otherwise robust weapon? :mad: It's like putting tin-foil treads on a Tiger Tank!), put in a new machined one and it's still rockin' along. :cool:

Take a careful look at your rollers and the notches they fit in under the barrel. The original rollers, IIRC are a bit softer than they should be and can gou out of round. If that happens, they "wallow" more than "roll" and can wear the notches. That means you have to buy a whole new barrel. If you do, though, they're not that expensive and you might as well replace the rollers with hardened ones while you're at it. In fact, if bought as a shooter rather than strictly for collecting, I'd replace the firing pin and rollers as a matter of course before ever loading up.

Next I bought a Tokarev, as I had my C&R by then and got a Romanian with holster, 2 mags, and cleaning rod for just shy of $200. Now the Tok sees far more range time than the '52. That really small grip fits my hand better than it does some, I guess, and I enjoy shooting it. Both are quite accurate. My 13 year old hit a golf-ball sized "target of opportunity" at the range from about 35 yards the other day with my Romanian Tok.

Then came the P-64. Found one at a gunshow for $165 with two mags, person-to-person (i.e. no paper). It is indeed size comparable to my PPK (just a wee bit longer) and the Wolf spring kit is essential. But OMG the recoil! :eek: I've shot a lot of hard-kicking guns thru the years, but this is one of the few that left my hand sore. One might say that it "kills on one side, wounds on the other." Still, for what it is, I think it'd be a great CCW piece. I put some really beautiful wooden grips on it that I got for a ridiculously low price. They look great, but make the weapon way over-sized. I'll most likely yank 'em off and put the original black plastic ones on it, especially should I ever decide to carry it.

All that said, I'm thinking my next cold-war gun will be a CZ-82 while they're still cheap. I suspect these cheap foreign military guns and the ammo that feeds them will be first on any new gun control measures. Gad, given all the stir about the FN 5.7mm round a while back, I sure hope none of the anti crowd decide to test the 7.62.25mm abgainst Lvl IIA body armor!