7.62 x 39 vs. 223

Just my 2 cents.

I am an LEO, and have access to as much 223 brass as I can carry.

I reload, so I can pick and choose the bullet for the job.

My kids and I have taken somewhere between 10 and 15 deer with the caliber over the past several years. 0 were lost, few were tracked, all were shot within 150 yards.

Is it perfect for the job. That depends on your parameters. With proper bullet selection and range of shot discipline, it's certainly a viable option. Perfect would be if it were your only gun. There is no "perfect".

To all of those "you need an '06 Magnumizing, thousand yard, flame belching, mortarizing, meat grinding, shoulder hammer from hell", I say if that's your flavor have at it. A 120mm cannon will kill deer in ranges in the miles, not yards and your '06 won't......the bottom line, bullet selection and know your limitations, regardless of caliber.
Sorry, had come back from work dealing with those self same wonderful humans, sometimes it colors my commentary.
Yes, back in "the day" it was often necessary for people to hunt to supplement or fill the larder, either with meat or to garner pelts/meat to sell. I would hazard a guess that was that way in the backwoods of America for many years, and in the deep backwoods of today it probably is still a requirement, make every round of ammo count. With the transportation network of today, plus advanced food storage available, most likely not so much, and yes, including the fact that poor families can sign up for government provided food in various quantities.
BTW, yes, poor people can get free smart phones, check out the Obamaphone that is offered on your tax dollars. It is ostensibly so the provided person can have a phone number to find work. Facebook is free, so yes, that same person could be on social media as well, I would have to assume. But yes, to answer your question there may be, and most likely still are people who hunt regularly for regular food items, shooting or trapping. i don't know anyone like that to verify it, unfortunately. Ya know, unless I missed their post on Facebook. ;) Sorry, couldn't help it.
this is just coming from a proud murican taxpayer, but I've been down on my luck. I've had to move back into my mother's house as a grown man(trust me, not fun), and I've been unemployed for several months on end despite heavy job searches. not once did I dip into taxpayer's coffers and get a free cell phone, food stamps, welfare, unemployment, etc etc, I manned up, buckled down, took the cruddiest work, and I hunted to suppliment my food where it was feasible(IE, not driving 30 minutes to go hunt pheasants, but rather, driving 2 miles from home to hunt deer). so trust me, I have little sympathy for folks who think that just because they made a series of bad decisions, think they deserve a bunch of handouts other people work for. however I don't pretend that everyone drawing welfare or on food stamps is there because of decisions they've made. some people do have a reason to be on those programs. it's also worth noting that obama phones are basic models, not smartphones, no internet, no data plans, just voice and in some cases text.
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Shooting a deer with a .22 at a specific range with an appropriate bullet with appropriate shot placement produces a kill. If I use another caliber with similar or superior ballistic characteristics I can do the same thing, all things being equal.

Is the opinion "one deer is more dead than the other"? If it is then this is just another stupid 'forum' post I have wasted my time reading and responding to...

It would be so nice if guys spent more time showing results of how they reached a conclusion, or forming an opinion, than just expressing one and gauging whether or not they are in the ball park based on the responses to their post.

I am pretty sure that my opinion...

I am pretty sure that if you are pretty sure that your opinion is all you think it is, you would not have to validate it on TFL...

Go kill something with both calibers in equal circumstances and tell us why one deer is more dead with your preferred caliber than the other. TAKE SOME PICTURES TO POST to support your position. Enfrigginlighten us...
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I think the "Black gun" had a lot to do with the .22 caliber for deer debate. I still drag my 99' Savage 22 HiPower out of the closet and hunt deer once and a while. It was not really uncommon for guys around here to use a .222 or 22/250 for deer. Maybe it was Gunwriters that started the debate. Most of them could not find their butt in the dark if they used both hands. Who knows?