6 of .38spl,or 5 of .357mag? Which would you go with?

Tropical Z

New member
All things being equal,in a 2" snubbie being used for a CCW would you go with a gun that holds 6 rounds of .38spl,or 5 rounds of .357mag. Everything i've read has said that there is no benefit to using .357mag out of a 2" revolver and that your'e just as well off to go with a "normal".38spl round such as 158 grain fmj or swc.Whats your opinion?
I'd take the .38 because I could hit better with it. However, don't let anyone tell you there isn't a difference in power. A .357 from a 2" gives much higher velocity than the same bullet weight in a .38 load from a 2".

Small .357s are hard to shoot well.
Five rounds of .357 with a 125gr JHP. If I don't hit 'em with the bullet, the sound will deafen and the flash will blind 'em.
Being that I sometimes tote my 5-shot, .38 Special
S&W model 60; why not opt for the extra round of
.38 Special?:cool::) :D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
Six of one and almost a half a dozen of the other. .357 loads of the right kind will generate plenty of velocity out of short barrels. .38 Specials with the proper load will also get you through the night. Find a particular model of gun you like, load it with a proven load and don't worry. Or buy one of each.
I think you're even powerwise. However, where I give the edge to the 5-shot is in concealability. J-frames are much easier to carry than 6-shot revolvers.
Tropical Z . . .

IMHO, this is a tough question to answer with analytical precision. My "gut feel" suggests that for normal, non-LEO personal defense scenarios, both alternatives are satisfactory because the probability of requiring more than five rounds is quite small.

Another approach to this dilemma is to select the revolver you feel most comfortable with and you shoot with greatest accuracy. Since either option meets the minimum criteria, the handgun you prefer is likely to provide improved defensive capabilities, since you shoot it better.
Thanx everyone.I'm either going to go with a Ruger SP-101(5 shot) or an EAA Windicator(6 shot).I know the Ruger is probably the overall superior gun although i currently have a Windicator .357mag with a 4" barrel and its a great revolver.A friend thinks the GP-100 in .357mag(6 shot-2 inch) would be the perfect choice,but when you see it side by side with the SP-101 its much bigger.
5 shot airweight snubbie (probably centinial)

as the lighter the better but a lot less expensive than scandium ir titianium. good ol plain (used) airweight S&W ):p
Just for sh*ts and grins...The GENERAL Ballistics data that is out for snubbies is....38 spec +P = 180-240 FPE
357 MAG = 350-400 FPE
These are 2-2-1/2 " barrels and a range of Bullet weights and velocities....an average of what is out there....

Shoot well
New York City's premier non-LEO gunfighter, Bernie Goetz, did very well with a 5 shot .38 Special Smith & Wesson Model 60. 4 one-shot-stops and the fifth round in the ceiling of the subway car. Kind of hard to argue with that kind of success.

Mas Ayoob mentioned good old Bernie recently in a Combat Handguns article (March 2002, p. 52).
I'd definitely take 6 rounds of .38 spl (main reason being its so much easier to control and get quick follow up shots than a .357 in short barrels).
I won't knock the SP101, because it's built like a tank. However, it's a heavy gun for what it is. For the same weight, you can probably carry a S&W Model 19 or 66 with 6 rounds. If you're going to carry, I'd agree with jmlv and suggest looking at the S&W J-frames either in stainless, titanium or scandium.
.38 Spcl for me. I have a 642 -- that's an AL DAO J-frame .38 Spcl. It's about 16 oz, IIRC. It HURTS shooting 158 gr .38 Spcl wadcutters. A titanium 11 oz .38 Spcl. or 12 oz scandium .357 Mag? IMNSHO, those guns just change dollars into recoil. No thanks.

If I'm going to shoot full house .357 Mag, I won't do it in anything lighter than a 3" S&W Model 60 (stainless J-frame) or 3" Ruger SP101. YMMV.

I held my first SP-101 last night at a local shop,and although i'm sure its durable as all get out i was not impressed with the fit and finish.Its the same as my Rossi and i guess i expected more.On a side note, a friend and i went to the range last night and while i brought S&B 158 grain fmj .38spl rounds,he brought Fiocchi 148 grain .357mag jhp's.All i can say about the Fiocchi is WOW!!!
I shot it out of his S&W and my Rossi 972 and that stuff is powerfull!:eek: