6.5 grendel doing 1426y in 10-15mph nosler 130g rdf atn x sight 4k pro

get yourself the smartphone,tablet app and its alot easier to go threw the settings pages , and u can also name ur saved profiles anything u want that way makes it easier to find the proper profile if u have more then 1 saved

only thing i can think of is hang a plumb bob and look at it threw the scope and line everything up and then check the cant indicator on the sides of the screen and see if its reading 0
I took the ABL off and slipped it behind the focus ring--the instructions say "3. Place the included Tape/Rubber housing protector behind the focus ring on your scope." I don't have any such part with the 1500 ABL I got--do you know what they are talking about?
i dont but i can prolly find out for ya , like i said i was told to get the handheld and not bother with the abl
There are several really big problems with mounting the ABL behind the focus ring: 1) the width of the ABL (front to back) is about twice that of the mounting surface of the scope--and one of the screws on the ABL clamp actually overhangs void--which means it sets up an inherent uneven join pressure 2) The ATN splash logo tags are raised lettering that protrude above the scope's tube body surface 3) Putting any kind of tape or rubber band (which I tried) to "protect" the scope body around the scope puts an out-of-collumn alignment between the ABL's screws and the screw holes in the ABL body; ATN's directions say torque the screws to between 40 to 60 ftlbs; on my ABL body the soft aluminum ABL screw holes started stripping out at about 30 inlbs.

I remounted the ABL in front of the focus ring.
this is more then likely why i was told to get the handheld one lots of ppl in the atn facebook groups get a relocation kit to mount it to a pic rail , and they also make a ring kit for mounting behind the focus ring to fill that gap
I took it out today and zeroed the ABL with it's on-board laser. Right after that, the bluetooth on the unit went dead. Put in a fresh battery, did the bluetooth reset--no go, she's dead. So far, the unit has not even come close to be as useful as Applied ballistics software on my phone (the app is free) and using a good scope. Wheeling around all those menus--your game target will be long gone by the time you're done playing with it IMO.

I went on the ATN member's forum looking for help--it's filled with people having problems with their gear--I wish I had found it earlier.:(
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Gotta give credit where credit's due--customer service is definitely not one of their shortcomings--I called ATN today and within 1 hour a received an e-mail that a replacement ABL unit was on it's way.:)
just caught this , on the scope menu turn on the advanced shortcuts then u dont have to scroll threw the text menus .good to hear on the abl

did they let u keep the first abl i have heard of them doing that
did they let u keep the first abl i have heard of them doing that
They did--but the bluetooth doesn't work, so it doesn't do anything. I told them I wanted to send it back, they said they won't take it because they don't actually do anything there with hardware. The stuff's made in China--so they must essentially just bring it in and sell it. Kinda interesting it has an export restriction--considering it was imported from China.

I've been thinking about their ballistics targeting capability--and you would know much more about this than I can figure out--but I can't tell if their ballistics data includes an on-board calculator for things like spin drift and coriolis effect, it's point of aim feature at long distance could be pretty far off as you range further out. The two or three shots I got off before the bluetooth went belly up (on the first ABL I bought) were about 4" off at 125 yds after I zeroed the ABL. My ballistics input data is pretty accurate since I record lots of data through my labradar for my hand-loaded ammo.
keep it for spare housing and battery cover and lenses

my experiance and others experiance from ppl i know personally the onboartd balistic calcs work great , we dont use the wind drift part of it though just distance

when u zero ur rifle witht he one shot zero u have to do it at base magnification , i personally use a 50y zero on the grendel this gives me a 50 and 2xx zero depending on the round im shooting

for example the 90g tnts im shooting are 0 at 50/230 and 19 inches low at 400
I rezeroed today but didn't zero the ABl since it was too sunny out. I have to admit that since it appears the level is calculated by software and what I assume must be an on-board GPS receiver coupled to a level algorithm of some sort--that's pretty cool since that eliminates the whole tracking hardware issue with conventional optics. The technology is pretty sophisticated--but I'm guessing is "dumbed down" from the military-grade stuff. I just wish there was a way to connect the RLF software to the scope--it appears everything has to go through Obsidian 4. It's also kinda cool there's no limit (theoretically) to windage and elevation.
hmmm--that sounds like fun. ; ) Does it burn the ABL battery out fast if you use the laser for actual targeting? The video says don't use the laser except for zeroing.