6.5 Creedmoor in a .260 Remington?

If the OP could find those two old gents, he should challenge them to try that stunt. The shoulder of the 6.5 Creedmore is larger the shoulder of the 260 Remington, so it would involve swaging the case down to be able to close the action. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it cant be done! I've seen 308s fired in 30-06 chambers, 270s fired in 30-06s, 8X57 fired in 30-06, 300 Savage fired in 308, 243 fired in 6mm, stuff like that. But it would be challenging to say the least.
If the OP could find those two old gents, he should challenge them to try that stunt. The shoulder of the 6.5 Creedmore is larger the shoulder of the 260 Remington, so it would involve swaging the case down to be able to close the action. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it cant be done! I've seen 308s fired in 30-06 chambers, 270s fired in 30-06s, 8X57 fired in 30-06, 300 Savage fired in 308, 243 fired in 6mm, stuff like that. But it would be challenging to say the least.

I can answer that one in 6 languages. (They all start with NO.)

Not interested in discussing anything with them, some of that bad juju might rub off, or their estate’s lawyer may say I put them up to it.
When living in Arlington,VA, I had a neighbor who was a Major in the marine corp working as a clerk at the pentagon. He honestly thought that a 7.62x39 would fire and operate in an M-14, but not vice versa. Said he heard it in the office.

Maybe I shouldn't let the cat out of the bag. worked as an instructor on the rifle range where I was stationed in Germany in the late 1960's. Wasn't the corp but AF. Something I came to discover was the more rank some those guy's had the more dangerous they were with a gun and the worse they shot!

The status of being in the military does not automatically translate in to a great shooter. That Major working as a clerk in the pentagon probably only fired a gun once a year to qualify and not qualifying is a hard thing to do. There are some great shooter's in the military and there are even more duds!
Gonna be a big fat N.O. on this one.

Creed is wider in the shoulder than the 260 Rem at the same distance from the base.

Look at a photo of the two side by side. It should be obvious why this won't work.
. Look at a photo of the two side by side. It should be obvious why this won't work.
It's obvious to you, me and most of the people on this forum. But...make it idiot proof, and someone will make a better idiot....and give them a hammer.

It's not impossible, but it wouldn't be as simple as loading a 44 special in a 44 mag. Brass is soft and easily manipulated. You would only have to swage the shoulder down about .006-.008 inches depending on the chamber and ammo tolerances. Given enough incentive or alcohol I am certain I could make it fit. But that doesn't make it a good idea.

But it might make a fun scientific experiment.....now to find a gun cheap enough and the money to purchase it....and someone else to pull the trigger:D
Overheard at LGS today: You can shoot 6.5 Creedmoor out of a .260 Remington rifle....

I'm pretty sure these cartridges have different dimensions, even if the cartridge body diameter is the same for the two.

Guy claimed it gave you more ammo options if you had a .260.
This is about like the old men who sit around and chew the fat at the local hardware store. They told an old lady there buying STP oil treatment that Karo syrup worked better and cost less. Care to guess how that turned out?