50 caliber

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the video is a good demo of a 50 cal semi auto rifle...
the report has some interesting parts too... http://www.house.gov/waxman/Guns/50/Report/report.html

May 3, 1999
Statement by Rep. Henry Waxman
Long-Range 50 Caliber Sniper Weapons

Good morning. I want to thank the General Accounting Office, the Violence Policy Center, and Arizona Ammunition Inc.
for being here today. I also want to thank Rep. Dan Burton, Chairman of the Government Reform Committee, for his
cooperation and the courtesy he has extended to us in making this room available.

This is not, of course, an official hearing of the Government Reform Committee. Only Chairman Burton and other
Republican members are authorized to convene official committee hearings. Instead, this is an unofficial hearing
organized by the Democratic members of the Government Reform Committee.

In particular, I want to commend Rep. Rod Blagojevich for his leadership in making today's hearing possible. In
February, he initiated our Democratic inquiry into firearms. Today is the first in a series of events where we will release
the results of our ongoing investigation.

This morning's focus is on a legal and extremely powerful weaponÑthe semi-automatic fifty caliber long range sniper
rifle. This weapon has a firing range of four miles and is extraordinarily accurate for at least one mile. And it is capable
of destroying automobiles, helicopters, and other specialized vehicles.

Three months ago, we asked investigators at the GAO to conduct an undercover investigation to determine the
accessibility of both the semi-automatic fifty caliber rifle and a particularly powerful type of ammunition called API, or
armor piercing incendiary, bullets. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>We also asked that they try to trace actual ownership and use of this weapon.[/quote]
GAO Special Agents assigned to this project have completed their undercover investigation and will provide us with a
briefing on their findings in a few minutes.

Before hearing those findings, I want to make a personal observation. I had and continue to have a real reservation about
making our investigation public. My concern is that providing information about the semi-automatic fifty caliber rifle
might have the opposite effect of what we intend. The disaster at Littleton has caused demand for the TEC-DC9 to
increase. There is a risk that publicizing the dangers of fifty caliber sniper weapons could have a similar effect.

I believe, however, that the risks of speaking out are less than the dangers of remaining silent. GAO has found that this
semi-automatic sniper weapon is already in the hands of:

International and domestic terrorist organizations,
Alleged assassins,
A mentally ill cop killer,
"Survivalists" and "doomsday" cults stockpiling hundreds of weapons, and
International drug cartels.

It almost seems that the only people who don't know about these guns and the threat they pose to public safety are
millions of law abiding Americans who will be outraged by GAO's findings.

So, despite my hesitation, I believe it is important that this information be made public. We must build public awareness
so that we can keep these weapons of war out of the civilian market.

In preparation for this hearing, the minority staff completed a report on the long-range fifty caliber sniper rifle. This
report outlines the history of the development of the weapon, as well as its use by the military in the Gulf War. It also
analyzes the findings of the GAO investigators. This report is available on the side table.

Before we turn to GAO's statement, I want to give everyone a sense of what we're talking about today. What is this
weapon? What is it used for? And what is it capable of? When we first began to ask these questions, we found out that
the fifty caliber sniper weapon was primarily a military weapon. In fact, it was used extensively during the Gulf War to
take out vehicles, bunkers, and other facilities.

As part of the investigation, the U.S. Marines invited the minority staff to Quantico to see the weapon in action at their
test-firing range. We have a video that shows what we learned about the weapon from the Marines. This video was made
possible by the efforts of Captain Ukeiley, who is the Officer in Charge at the Scout Sniper Instructor School at
Quantico; Staff Sergeant Bryan Zickefoose, who helped brief us; and Major Mike Walker, who set this up and organized
everything. We thank them for their help. I would like to play the video now.

With that, I'll conclude my comments, and I look forward to hearing about GAO's undercover investigation.

Please review the reports on 50 caliber weapons and ammunition

Please review the audio tapes made by GAO undercover investigators
Please review the video demonstration from the US Marine Corps
"...revealed the sale of one used fifty caliber sniper rifle for only $29.95."

Oh, really? $29.95? Where?

"...long-range fifty caliber sniper weapons have been linked to suspect organizations and individuals."

Ah, they've seen how many Barrett rifles the KLA seems to be toteing about...

"... the availability of various forms of specialized ammunition for the fifty caliber

Yeah, that would be the ammo the USG is dumping for dollars on the ton...

"...needed ammunition capable of..."taking down" a helicopter."

Um, how many helos have we lost to small caliber rifle fire in places like Vietnam and Somalia?

"...enhancements have been developed
to make the rifle easier to fire, such as "muzzle breaks"..."

My muzzle's broken, and it can't get up!

Let's see, .50 is "too powerful" today, .308 is "too powerful" tommorow, and .223 is "too powerful" next week.
Y'know, I oughta send this putz a pic that my dealer has up in his shop:

His wife, 8 months pregnant, firing a mounted .50.

For the children, of course.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
You have to go undercover to figure out they're readily available for sale?

Listen, dumbasses: They're LEGAL. No one's hiding anything about them.
the transcripts of the phone conversations are prety rich...

Agent: Okay. Do you know though, sir, if I got the sniper round instead of the API, would that still go through
ballistic glass?

Dealer: Uh, yeah. That will still go through—oh, I don't know—I don't think we've tested on ballistic glass. It'll go
through three inch aircraft window.

Agent: Okay. But then, the—you know, the first round, would probably, the bullet would probably veer off though,
would it not?

Dealer: Uh, I think—depending, I've never tested it, but I'm pretty sure's anything out of that 50 gun will shoot through
ballistic glass.

Agent: Okay, but say an armored limousine, though. These sniper rounds may not go through an armored limousine,
or . . . ?

Dealer: Uh, we've never tested it on that. Because it is a brass, you know what I am saying?

Agent: Uh, huh.

Dealer: It doesn't got a steel penetrator inside of it. The bullet itself is solid brass.

Agent: Okay. Alright, well, what is the price for these sniper rounds?

Dealer: Uh, the sniper rounds are four dollars a round by the hundred or fifty a round by ten-round.

Agent: Oh, so they're more than the API?

Dealer: Yeah, oh yeah. These here are, the bullet alone in that cost like a dollar seventy.

Agent: Okay. Well, I think I'm better off with API because I'm going to be using this against, um, you know,
something with an armored limousine and something with ballistic glass, and I just want to make sure I'm going to be
able to penetrate. I don't want to take the risk of getting the sniper round. Um, so. Alright, so put me on with your
assistant there and maybe I can figure out how I can get this shipped to me.

Dealer: Okay, hold on.
are they going to make 50 cal rifles illegal because they fear a revolution against the limo driven people?

are they mongering fear in the congress & senate?

joe six pack with a fifty is not going to snipe at congress critter

a revolutionary soldier would obtain the required weaponry on the black market

strange times

US Govt vidio is wonderfull! I had thought about a Barrett for years but really thougt I didn't have a big enough firing range to have fun with it. I'll be needing some of those Ralph ? rounds that the Gunny is talking about though.
Seriously, if you have RealPlayer this is a must! Enjoy. It will take 5 or so but well worth it!
Good Shooting, Hank
so how did they:

We also asked that they try to trace actual ownership and use of this weapon.


Agent: Okay. Well, I think I'm better off with API because I'm going to be using this against, um, you know, something with an armored limousine and something with ballistic glass, and I just want to make sure I'm going to be able to penetrate.

Dealer: Okay, hold on.

Ugh. Won't the VPC have a field day with that one. I hope there aren't many gun dealers out there who ignore blatant assasination plans like this.
The thing I don't understand is everyone knows Barretts,et al are so cheap and easy to find. I can barely read any of the other gun ads in the classified section of the newspaper for all those pesky .50 caliber rifles for sale. And at the local gunstores, you just trip over all the "sniper grade" API rounds for them too.
The sad thing is your average big city dweller is dumb enough to believe that this is the next "crisis" gun on the horizon. Never mind the reality that a good .50 caliber costs more than some used cars, or that ammo isn't cheap or plentiful. SIGH.
That Rep. Waxman has got waay too much time on his hands... what a b@++hole

Yankee Doodle
For those interested in getting a .50 Cal...

I held one the other day. It was a very simple design with a bolt action, 36" barrel, muzzle brake, stock w/ 3/4" pad, and integrated bipod. List price was under $3000! And the guy in the shop said that they had sold 6 already! In Lincoln, NE, no less. So they must not be too hard to find.
Thanks for the video link! That was neat.

Drop the assemblyman a note thanking him for providing such a delightful video, and ask him for his support of the Constitutional right of responsible citizens to own and use such interesting items without government harassment. ;)
me thinks HR waxman has boosted 50 cal sales dramatically

the average gunny is kinda neutral on the idea of a 50bmg rifle

then you see the video

it must be something in the genes that sees the big holes and goes:
woof! mongo like!
mongo want! http://www.ar-bmg.com/]http://www.ar-bmg.com/
mongo need!


[This message has been edited by dZ (edited August 09, 1999).]
Hey, dz, no porn on TFL!

Oh... you mean I'm not supposed to be het up by that pic?

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Awwww, guys...I've been trying hard to limit myself to just a few guns. I thought the AOW would satisfy the final need for a "way cool" gun. Now, I see all the demos and specs and bills about .50cal BMG, and I'm starting to itch for one of those. When I started, I thought I could stop at 3; I haven't even taken posession of my 8th and now yer makin' me drool over a 9th!
but why do i want one of these?

when does manhole cover season open?


[This message has been edited by dZ (edited August 06, 1999).]
on the other end of the scale i am thinking of one of these http://www.eaacorp.com/airguns/IZH61LG.jpg
Sometimes a product comes along that makes you say "I've got to have one!" The IZH61 is such a product.
It looks like it came out of the 21st century. This 400FT/second, .177 Pellet, lever cocking, five round
capacity, air rifle is a "Gotta Have." Standard features: A)5RD magazine B) Heavy duty cocking handle C)
Adjustable rear sight and fully hooded front sight D) Lock out catch for cocking handle E) Black synthetic stock. http://www.eaacorp.com/airguns/IZH-61.html

anyone shoot one?


[This message has been edited by dZ (edited August 09, 1999).]
dZ, you know as well as I do that that evil-looking gun is a "tweety-bird sniper rifle", the avian terriorists' and birdie-mercenaries' assassination weapon of choice.