.50 cal bmg for big game

Just my thoughts here, but IMO the .50 is not going to explode things like deer when hit in the ribs on a broad side. reason being is that 1) Its not a fast cartridge

What in the world do you consider fast? Here are some velocities from different bullet weights out of the .50bmg.

640 grain at 3044fps 13,144 ft-lb
655 grain at 3029fps 13,350 ft-lb
700 grain at 2978fps 13,971 ft-lb
800 grain at 2895fps 14,895 ft-lb

Note that even the 800 grain load is going faster than most 200 grain 300 win mag loads.

If they are still on the slow side, back before maddi griffin closed down they had load data for the sabots they sold, that pushed 220 grain .30’s out of a 50 bmg at over 5000 fps.
There are many references to "not carrying" and "not hauling" a .50 BMG around on a hunt.

That's the whole point!

You sit on top of a ridge, wait for the animal, and pick it off at 1,500 yards.

I have no interest is doing so, but the idea is to get a good view, and wait for the animals to come within striking distance. (Same concept as all you stand/blind hunters, actually.)
If they are still on the slow side, back before maddi griffin closed down they had load data for the sabots they sold, that pushed 220 grain .30’s out of a 50 bmg at over 5000 fps.


Now THAT would be something to see! Can you imagine 220gr "varmint grenade" style bullet at 5000+ fps! Wow!

"Useless" to be sure, but I'd like to see that just once!
Considering the "SALE PRICE" of .50BMG is $4+ I wonder what a target specific round would cost? Lets ask Barnes!:D And yes... just to make sure folks know I am not anti .50 hunting... A prairie dog at 600+ yards with one would be the epitome of RED MIST!!!:D
I guess I'd say this thread amounts about the same as "why would anyone ever hunt with an assualt rifle?"

I don't, but if I wanted to, why should anyone care? If I can do it in a safe manner that affects nobody and can make a clean kill, then who are you to tell me what I can and can't hunt with?

just think about it.
I'm rarely interested in passing laws against somebody's notion of how to do things that don't really hurt anything.

My problem with the use of a .50 BMG is that's not particularly a hunting gun. A shooting gun, yeah, but I pretty much figure that shooting what I hunted for is sorta up close and personal. Now, some might think my self-imposed limit for range at around 400 yards is longer than they'd shoot, but to me it's reasonably up close and personal.

Shooting something which is basically farther away than is readily or easily seen with the nekkid eyebone just doesn't sit right with me.

And hunting is supposed to be fun. Toting somewhere around 30 pounds of go-bang doesn't really strike me as fun.

So I wouldn't want to pass a law against it. But the idea strikes me as really silly.
Yeah, I agree. NO LAWS against it, please.
After thinking about it for awhile, I believe it's really a 'to-each-his-own' kind of issue.

For example, I'd have no problem at all with using one to turn varmints into

That would actually be fun. Maybe, too much fun.:D
I KNOW it would be too much money.:eek::eek::eek:
I have always wondered why they never used the 50bmg cartridge for DG in Africa. They do use big bores down there. With the progress that barrett and mc millian have made with the rifles, it seems like a logical choice. Just a thought.
I thought I saw someplace that due to the burn rate of powder the "limit" of burned propellent shots is something like 5050 fps? I dont' remember the exact number.
What in the world do you consider fast? Here are some velocities from different bullet weights out of the .50bmg.

I consider using normal bullet weights for the gun that shoot over 3200FPS or so 'fast'. when off the shelf bread and butter 30-06 and .270's shoot right at or very close to 3k FPS, it seems more of a 'normal' velocity than a 'super duper blazing fast magnum' round. Sabots are a whole different story, which of course ups anythings velocity considerably. W/o a doubt the WEIGHT of the bullet that the .50 can shoot at 3k FPS is impressive, but the velocity figure itself is not IMO. Perception differs per person though a round at a mere 2k FPS would seem blazing fast to one who only shoots black powder weaponry....for example...
I actually saw a guy using one to hunt grizzly bear on the outdoor channel the other day. Made a 500 yard shot on one and dropped it where it stood.
I'm 100% the OP's never hunted in the bush (Africa) or for competitive game like Ibex, Himalyian sheep etc.

There comes a time when you're so fatigued even a side arm starts to weigh a 100 kgs.
My new hunting setup.

A Barrett .416 (still supersonic @ 2500 yds.), 12" reflecting telescope (spotting), card table, lawn chair and cooler. Oops, minimum wage guy to fetch.

Now I can get from 50 to 100#s of meat for only about $20K!
My brother has a 50 BMG. Like 1 person said he wouldn't want to lug that around. It is a heavy gun and you need almost double ear protection to shoot it. What I read the bullet doesn't start to drop until after 1800'. Plus it one hell of an expensive bullet to shoot, Last time I shot it the rounds were $50 for 10. There is a couple benefits if the deer is behind a oak tree you shoot threw the tree and and if your hungry you could cook the deer meet with the muzzle flash.
I remember reading I believe in Bud Anderson's (WWII Ace) autobiography that Chuck Yeager was the best shot he ever saw. He said that during training, Yeager would kill antelope for fresh meat for the squadron, with a M/G on his fighter rigged to fire single shots. A ground crew followed in jeeps to pick up the kills.

True or not? I have no idea. Also not sure if the A/C had 50 or 30 cal guns, but IIRC it was a Bell P-39 so I'd guess 50.
For the past year I have actually started hunting with my barrett 50cal. I thought to myself hmm.. this $10,000 gun "with scope" that I enjoy to shoot more than any rifle I own seems like it would would cause less pain for the animal. So I decided to try it out.

Now I would agree that going for lung/heart shot would totally mangle say a deer of any size. That being said iv always used neck shots, wastes no meat and very very fast kill (not saying its best way, just what I prefer)
Some say its not sporting to hunt with a 50cal etc, sure its a easier kill but when I set out to hunt my goal is to take down the animal with little to no suffering. And of course to feed myself, which my barrett did with perfection.

Most drop to the ground or simply fall over without ever taking a step, no suffering.
But this is just me, not saying its right or wrong way I have avid respect for any hunter that makes a clean kill no matter the weapon used.