460 magnum

The .454 is all you need.

The difference between .454 and .460 is a cat whisker. Basically the .460 is S&W proprietary version of a "Extra Hot" .45 Colt. Basically all the .454 is. Biggest difference is platform. My P.C. .460 is scary accurate and a hoot to shoot compared to the .454 Ruger I had. Both were a handloaders caliber and I never messed much with factory ammo.

460's are just one of those guns that doesn't serve much of a practical purpose

My .460 is my primary deer hunting weapon and basically the whole idea behind the caliber. For that purpose and within those parameters, it works very well.

Actually quite pleasant to shoot but you need hands like an orangutan to hold it properly.
Since the grips of the X-Frame are smaller than those on a N-Frame and actually the same size as a L-Frame, I have a hard time getting this(other than the pleasant to shoot). The heft of the gun makes it so one needs more wrist strength to hold it, but for my purpose, the gun is basically always shot off some kind of rest, either in the field or at the range.

In my youth, loaded all my 357, 41, and 44Mags to the limit. After injuring my neck, I became more manure about recoil. I read an article by Brain Pearce in Handloader 268 on the 45 Colt. I got a 5.5" Bisley SS and got some of his recommended 280gr RCBS SAA bullets. I loaded a "Tier2" 10gr of Unique and started testing on some mud banks of a lake behind the house. Load chrono'd 1057, shot 1.5" at 25 yards, and was very comfortable to shoot. I w astonished to find that the penetration was 4-5 FEET!! My son later shot a 150# hog at 25 yards. Entrance below the eye socket, exit in the right ham with a fist sized hole. Amen.
I actually have shot an 8 inch something S&W 460 and a .30-30 TC Contender and by far the worst handgun I've ever shot pain-wise was the little .357 magnum Ruger LCR with factory (not hot loaded) 158 grain .357 magnum rounds.
That's very accurate and truthful. I bought a 500 S&W BFR and the very first shot was so "in your face" that I laughed in somewhat of a stunned state. That being said, it's not got a lot of real practical value and I didn't keep it around for long.