45acp on deer

Regarding my first reply on this topic, this was the scenario I had in mind: the hunter was sitting in a well concealed blind. Deer are expected to appear at some distance away and the hunter had a long gun. However, sometimes surprises happen. This deer appeared from a different direction and the hunter suddenly found himself looking at a deer really up close right next to the blind. He carried a 45 ACP during a hunt and used that to take the deer. He didn't set out to go deer hunting with his 45, but it was the logical choice in that situation. So yes, without question a 45 ACP can, does, and did take deer. If you expect nothing but up close and personal appearances, certainly the 45 will work. But it's not the greatest choice as far as outfitting yourself for deer hunting. If that's the only handgun you have, by all means go for it. Best that can happen is you will bag a deer. Worst that can happen is maybe some deer will show up but you didn't fire because they are a little bit too far. Still have deer stories either way.
Here in PA. semi auto pistol is not a "sportsmans" gun. Revolver only for hunting here.

PA is also a "shall issue" state for concealed carry. (gotta love that!!)

So after carrying a cap and ball revolver for a side arm while scouting, (several encounters with black bears within 30yrds.) I decided that I needed something more reliable. Went with a HighPoint in .40S&W.

Not trying to hunt with the pistol. But if during rifle season a deer wanders up close, would sure beat nailing it with my 7mm Rem Mag from 15 ft.
JERRYS gave the right answer!

The 45ACP shoots a 0.451/0.452 diameter bullet same as the 45 Colt - therefore, if a 44 Mag, 45 Colt or the 454 Casull can kill a deer using a 240 to 260 grain bullet at 900 to 1,000 fps - then the 45ACP can do it just as well.

The 45ACP is more efficient than the ole black powder SAA 45 Colt and that round harvested everything that walked, crawled or flew during the late 1800's.

One just needs to have the necessary skills to place a properly constructed bullet in the proper place on the animal they intend to harvest. Nothing magical or difficult about killing with a 45ACP. The deer, bear, boar, elk or moose will react similar to the 45ACP bullet as they would to any other bullet fired from a shotgun or rifle - that is: if a CNS strike is made they go down - if no CNS strike then they will either take off at warp speed and pile up a short time later or just react a little to the bullet strike and then just stand there like nothing happened until they bleed out and tip over.

There are hundreds of game animals harvested every year by handgun hunters and included in that list will be an occasional bison or brown bear. Most harvesting large animals will use heavy for caliber bullets such as 300 grain 0.452 bullets at moderate speeds (1,200fps/1,400fps) and that provides a lot more punch than the 45ACP can deliver.

The heavier bullet and a little more velocity provides the handgun hunter the ability to take game at about any angle and still possess the penetration ability to reach the vitals. Therefore, the extra power provides more versatility in killing power than the 45ACP, so the 1911 man has to pick his shots and a Texas heart shot on an elk may not be doable for the ACP.:)

Yes, the 45ACP is a great hunting round - one just needs to stop thinking of it as a self-defense round only for 2-legged vermin. The bonded hollow points are great for thin skinned deer and the 255 grain Buffalo Bore can harvest about anything on the North American Continent with confidence.
from a carbine yes but from a pistol it just doesn't have the penetration to be super effective. if you could get to archery ranges it'd be super but that is a difficult task unless you're in a tree stand over a pile of corn.

it's a slow, fat bullet which compared to other 45s doesn't have a lot of weight behind it.
45 ACP is underpowered for whitetail deer hunting as is the typical 357 mag except at short range. You owe it to the animal to use an appropriate caliber and hunt ethically. This is one of the reasons hunters are called sportsmen.

All centerfire calibers are legal in my state to hunt deer with. I used to say if the state regulations allowed for a particular caliber, then using it is ethical. Not anymore. Even the 25ACP is legal in my state unless they changed the guidelines again and I'm not aware of it.
Even the 25ACP is legal in my state unless they changed the guidelines again and I'm not aware of it.

Same here in Idaho. I once bought a 25acp at a local gun dealer and told him I was going to use it for deer... He knew I was kidding. :D
45 ACP is underpowered for whitetail deer hunting as is the typical 357 mag except at short range. You owe it to the animal to use an appropriate caliber and hunt ethically. This is one of the reasons hunters are called sportsmen.


that, my friend, is a 9mm carbine, the 147gr loads I worked up are about the average load you would expect from a 357 revolver in that weight class. I shot it at 50 yards, a very reasonable whitetail range. I did not have to dump an entire mag into it and my shot placement was not ideal but it killed a dead deer just as dead as my younger brother's whitetail with a 30-06 with the exact same shot placement. neither deer made it more than 10 feet. I am sick and tired of people claiming that using pistol calibers is unethical. if YOU can't do it then it is unethical for YOU to try it. if the OP is a good shot and knows when to pass up a poor shot then there is no reason why it is unethical for HIM to attempt it.

however I still stand by my original statement. 45ACP out of a 5 inch barrel is a pretty poor hunting round, put it in a carbine and then it becomes a whole other ballgame.
Another way to look at this 45 acp question. Doable or not depends on your Department of Game and it's Regulations concerning Big Game Hunting.

Simple question: Is it legal or not to harvest a (deer) during your States scheduled Deer Hunting Season with a 45-ACP handgun?

For a Tennessean as read it's lawful. In my State its unlawful to use it for that purpose. Irregardless of my ability.
In my opinion, there are some things that are just not done and this is one of them. If you're gonna hunt with a handgun do it right, with a 6-8 inch magnum tricked out for that purpose. It seems that you've already decided to do it so let us know how it goes.
When I was a kid, I was focused on shooting ability versus caliber. I always felt then my Dad's 30-06 was not necessary for deer hunting. Got a little older after loosing a deer I shot with my 243 because I was such a good shot (and I was).... That was the last season for that rifle and I upped the power level to 270 win which is consistant with my Dad' old reliable 30-06. I saved all summer for a new Remington M700 BDL in 270 win. That was a huge expenditure for me when I only made about $1000 working the entire summer every day.

With handguns, I thought a 357 mag was a huge handgun caliber when I was 21. Killed people... deer is about the same, right?..... but so does the 22LR. After buying a 6" Colt Python, I changed my mind. I upped the power level to 41 mag and was comfortable there and still comfortable with that choice. But I now use a revolver chambered for 480 Ruger for deer. I wanted enough power that a slightly imperfect shot in the front shoulders would break bones and put the deer down, and create a good blood trail if it ran a bit. I feel you don't get that with a 45 ACP or 357 mag from a HANDGUN. Tahuna, notice I said HANDGUN.

Ethics and sportsmanship come into play if you're a hunter and sportsman. But when I was 16, I believed the 243 was plenty for deer with a 100 gr soft point bullet. I changed my view based on MY experience.

Tahuna said...however I still stand by my original statement. 45ACP out of a 5 inch barrel is a pretty poor hunting round, put it in a carbine and then it becomes a whole other ballgame.

And I agree with you.

Many "hunters" take poor shots all the time, and the problem is compounded when an inadequate caliber is chosen in a HANDGUN. It goes like this.... I know I can hit pretty well at 25-30 yds with this gun, and the buck is at 50 or 60 yds... I can do it if they have a good handle on the distance at all. That's how deer are wounded all the time and lost to die a slow miserable death.

If I were Fireman, I would use the 44 mag and leave the 45 ACP home.

Tahuna, YOU used a rifle with 9mm. Not my choice, nor would I recommend such with factory ammunition. But that is what you chose. You also seemed to make a point that you didn't use the entire magazine.... that struck me as odd actually.

I agree with what RangerHaaf said. Use enough gun! I mostly use a 480 Ruger these days and leave the rifle home.
Funny how many questions are asked about a 243 or 30-30's ability to take whitetail humanly and then we have one about using a 45ACP! You could use a 22lr if you were close enough but should you? Respect the game you're hunting and use enough gun, not a 45ACP.

... we should all hunt responsibly!

This does not mean a WT deer can't be taken with a .45 ACP. I've taken many a deer with a .44 Colt/Walker black powder pistol. Distance is everything. Under 40 yards, I wouldn't hesitate to take down a deer with a .45 It's all about practice and knowing what any pistol will/will not do. Never took a shot @ a deer that far (with a Walker) but have done it many times on paper. I know exactly where that Walker hits @ 100 yards.

Hunting in southern Michigan we have 2 choices... shotguns or black powder rifles. I've also taken several deer out past 200 yards with a BP in-line rifle. (try that with a shotgun). Yep... got 1 shot... how many ya need? Practiced out to 250 yards and I know what the rifle will do. Having a pistol to get one up close is a good idea. Also to put a killing shot into an animal that might be flopping around out there before you can re-load your BP rifle.

Responsibility in hunting goes far beyond caliber... it boils down to effectively and mercifully taking the animal. Knowing exactly what you can and can't do with any firearm or bow and arrow for that matter.

Go get 'em!


The 45ACP shoots a 0.451/0.452 diameter bullet same as the 45 Colt - therefore, if a 44 Mag, 45 Colt or the 454 Casull can kill a deer using a 240 to 260 grain bullet at 900 to 1,000 fps - then the 45ACP can do it just as well.

...except a .45 ACP can't launch a 260gr bullet @900-1000 f/sec .... 230 @800 is the standard loading.

.45ACP =/= .454 Casull.
My own observation is: Most people I know that hunt with a handgun practice a lot and spend time knowing their firearms , similar to a lot of serious bow hunters !

While I figure most folks that frequent these forums are all interested in knowing their firearms well , how many times have you seen people a week or two before hunting season shoot a few rounds once a year then feel they are ready to fire at a deer 200 yards away running full tilt because they can point & fire a bullet wielding over 2000 ft lbs of energy in the general direction ?

Anyway , I'm no ballistic expert nor have I shot a deer with a .45 auto but there are folks here that have and more humanely than getting hit in the hind quarters or gut shot with a .338 magnum !

BB .45 acp +P 255 grain HCFP = over 900 fps ! :D
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Well jimbob86, it appears you have never considered hunting with a 45ACP handgun, as if you did, you'd probably reload your own cartridges or maybe purchase a few rounds from such makers as Buffalo Bore, as opposed to shooting commercial hardball.

You can easily and safely get a 265 grain cast beartooth up to 1,006 fps from a 5" 1911 using VV N350 and Buffalo Bore 255 grain cast ammo does right at 940 to 975 fps from various 5" 1911's/Glock 21's - so, maybe you would like to rethink your definition of "can't" when talking about the 45ACP.:)

Plenty of "big hole" penetration there and both loads will break both front shoulders on a whitetail or mulie and will usually make 2 big holes in the process.

If you feel the need for more power using the 1911 I guess you could step up to the 45 ACP Super or the Rowland and start knocking on the door of the 44 magnum.

To conclude - the 454 Casull and 45 ACP using the same bullet going the same velocity of 950fps will be ======.:) That was my point in the 1st post.
Funny how people like to compare high pressure, high performance loads in one caliber to standard loads in other calibers. How about comparing the Buffalo Bore 44 mag load to the 45ACP BB load.
re: Hunting with .45ACP

Well jimbob86, it appears you have never considered hunting with a 45ACP handgun, as if you did, you'd probably reload your own cartridges or maybe purchase a few rounds from such makers as Buffalo Bore, as opposed to shooting commercial hardball.

You can easily and safely get a 265 grain cast beartooth up to 1,006 fps from a 5" 1911 using VV N350 and Buffalo Bore 255 grain cast ammo does right at 940 to 975 fps from various 5" 1911's/Glock 21's - so, maybe you would like to rethink your definition of "can't" when talking about the 45ACP

I did consider it when I was younger and thought I was smarter than everybody else ..... I managed to get a 230gr XTP up to near 900 f/sec with vN-340 .... but then I noticed that several palces on the gun were taking a beating, and I was still just barely legal from a ft/pounds minimum standpoint ....... I doubt that a steady diet of BB loads are going to be any kinder to my gun than what I loaded.

You can make a Honda Civic run like a street rod, but it's either a short term proposition (you are exceeding the design parameters) or you have to modify it (you change the design parameters) to the point it is no longer really a Civic.