45acp for hunting?


New member
with either hard cast lead bullets or heavier construction hollow points(xtp's?) can a 45 acp used to humainly take deer sized game at under 65 yards?
I would say no. Some other yahoo will no dobt have a "Now this ain't no sh!t!" story about how they took one from over 100 yards with an old WWII Government Model they found in Gramps closet, but that doesn't mean it happened or that you should try it.:barf:
Head Shots YES.

Body shots, Not Likely, get ready to travel 'cause you are likely to have a half a mile to three miles of hard tracking ahead of you.

Head Shots; the pros (make that full time poachers) usually use a .22 hollow point. Usually a target pistol or old rifle so that they don't look like poachers and because the .22 head shot drops nearly every deer in it's tracks. They are NOT sport shooters they are Meat Hunters.

We grew up hunting for table food only. I was 18 before I heard of people making more than one shot or shooting for the chest. I couldn't and still don't understand it. I consider chest shooting cruel, inhumane, and too likely to waste the meat by losing the game.

Get close, shoot for the center of the brain, and use what you can do that with. Most likely a rifle. For chest shooting, I'd go with a .50 BMG hollow point. :rolleyes:
Greeting's All;

I'd have to agree with my friend blades, on this one. Most likely
it does occur; really how wide spread, no one knows for sure?
But, I do not think the .45ACP round was made for hunting anything but BG's!!!:D:) Just my opinion folk's.

Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
Was just looking at some trajectory and ballistics charts.

45 ACP is too heavy and too slow to effectively use past 40 yards. At about 50 yards, it drops a whopping 6".

10mm yes.
357 mag yes
40 something mag - yes.

9/40/45 - heck no! Not even 45Super!

Maybe 40Super?
For game that you can take relatively close shots, like hog hunting, the .45 ACP can do the job with well placed shots. For deer, there are superior calibers that are more humane.

I kow some folks that have hunted with the .45 ACP cartridge and taken game. They went for head shots and mainly hunted for 'stealth'. In essence, they wanted to be more quiet and get as close to the deer as possible. If they couldn't get within 20-30 yards, they would not take a shot.

It's not recommended for anything over 30 yards. There are better handgun calibers that are suited for hunting deer.

Moving to the hunt'n forum.
Some states -- Virginia is one -- require minimum muzzle energy standards for handgun hunting. When I last checked, standard pressure .45 ACP loads did not meet this requirement.
GA is another with a power floor. The GA Arms .357 hunting load (158 grain @ 1475 fps from 6" bl, IIRC) is the minimum load. Has to produce over 500 ft-lbs of energy @ 100 yards; even some .41 Magnum loads don't make it.

OTOH, when I was younger and lived in AL- where any centerfire is legal for deer- I carried CorBon 230-grain Gold Dots in my Glock 21, for those times when I could stop on my way home, and spend a few minutes hunting. Don't know that I would be willing to do it again, except at very close ranges, or in a survival scenario.

i have hunted deer at close range (25 yards or so) with 45 acp plus p... with a heart lung broadside hit... an animal will run about 30-40 yards and expire...

for more range... i would consider 45 super express... a 200 gr express round will move out @ 1300fps... with muzzle energy of over 500 ft.lbs @ 100 yards... that's out of a 6 inch tube... the conversion is cheaper that buying a new firearm... and it is my understanding that it is a legal hunting round in all 50 states...

regards... v.
I have commented before that a bad hit from a .30-'06 is more likely to stop an animal than a bad hit from a .243 or .223.

The same holds true for pistols. Further, it takes a higher skill level with a pistol, to be able to pretty much *guarantee* a killing shot, rather than a bad hit.

If one is a still hunter or a walking hunter, a high level of skill is needed just to ensure that any shot is taken within an effective range for a killing shot, within the "energy limits" of the cartridge.

$0.02, Art
Curious as to the energy delivered by a "standard" arrow. & before anybody starts, I'm aware of the different penetration characteristics.

Still, a handgun round (unless of the TC-class +/- rifle cartridges or a CNS hit) kills just as does an arrow - by hemorage. By some's definition, any standard pistol or archery could be deemed as "unsuitable" as they don't "drop 'em in their tracks." Food for thought ....

I could see using a .45ACP for deer IF one was to exercise the disipline to hold the shot unless presented with one "w/in range" & that would be pretty close in my book.

As with archery, I'd think your tracking skills ought to be up to par to deal with a critter that's liable to walk a ways.

IIRC, CO has a min floor of factory-rated 550 ft lbs at 50 yds & 6mm + for caliber, 4" bbl or better. .357 mag doesn't cut it & 10mm's right at the bottom.
Labgrade, am I correct in my understanding that a modern broadhead arrow which is legal for deer hunting causes much more hemorrhage than would most pistol bullets?

Actually, Art, I didn't consider that at all. I'd suspect you're correct. CO's got a 7/8" wide cutting plane minimum for broadheads, most are a bit wider + many have a 90 degree insert.

I'll buy your implied argument I'm thinkin'. Still, I'd counter (not arguing, mind you) that a .45ACP could be used humanely & properly sporting IF the person understood the overly limited potential & acted accordingly.

All-in-all & personally, I'd pass. Too many better cartridges out there to do it better.
.45 ACP on a deer, huh?

It would be a bad idea to do that with a pistol. 65 yards is a little far to be sure of accuracy (at least for me). The possibility of just "winging it" is too high. Maybe closer, like 25 yards. There is no doubt you could kill it, but maybe not humanely. If you had a Marlin .45 ACP Camp Carbine, yeah. It would give you better accuracy and much more velocity. But you should limit it to about 75 yards. Using a .45 ACP semi-auto pistol to deer hunt is ununsual and probably not a good idea, unless the deer is virtually on top of you, or right underneath you.
Agreed on the arrows not dropping a deer it's tracks.

My only deer killed with an arrow, I killed with head shots as well.

I have only hunted from a tree stand a couple of times and HATED it for the hunting aspect. However tree stands are one of the best places on earth watch the dawn and rising sun and to have coffee and breakfast.

I preferred stalking, or still hunting, or what ever they call it these days. I call it just sneaking up on the deer (I used to run up on them but this old body won't let me do that any more).

As far as distance with a .22, .38, .45, or .700 magnum express -- I am opposed to most of the "expert" distances quoted. The distance has some relation to penetration and energy of course (still talking head shots here) but the ONLY input for distance shooting that makes sense to me is "how far away can you consistently hit the exact target based on your practice and experience". If you can reliable hit a silver dollar at 50 yards with your .45, one hand standing in timed fire, as my old shooting buddy could... Then certainly 50 yards is not too far. If you can't hit a bull in the butt with from a sand bag at 30 yards with a rifle then you need to get closer and practice more. :)
good morning...

folks deerhunt with all sorts of weapons... slug guns... high-powerd rifles... pistols... muzzle loaders... muzzle loading handguns... bows... and crossbows... should we be telling folks what they should be hunting with? after all... we have chuck schumer and dianne finestine and sara brady to do that...

it seems to me that a hunter's skill with the weapon is at least as importiant if not more importiant with than the weapon it's self...

just my thoughts...

regards... v.
I've finished off cripples(by other folks) with my GM, and do not regard it as a humane and certain killer in the field over 25 yards. Here in Md, it's below the threshold of legal power.

I also used a 357 Blackhawk with 7 1/2" bbl (legal) to put a 146 gr Speer in the shoulder crease of a meat doe, maybe 20 yards and still. With one of my hunting arrows,a slug, or a ball from a M/L, that placement would have resulted in a bloodtrail of less than 100 yards. Doe died 1/4 mile away, and the trail was sparse in places. Perfect placement, no exit wound.

IOW, not the best choice, and not even a good one...
V-MAX, I don't think we're actually *telling* anybody to do anything. I think the point is a fair-chase, clean kill. Ethics and morality of the hunt.

The consensus seems to be that while certain things CAN be done, possibly or probably they SHOULD NOT be done--strictly within our own moral context as hunters.

My father told me the story of a one-armed guy who showed up at a hunt with a S&W K-38. The rancher was dubious. The guy shot at a 100-yard target and put six holes in about a six-inch circle. He commented that he never shot at a deer over 30 to 40 yards away. Lots of agreeable nods...

I guess my attitude is that folks can do what they want, how they want--but some of them just might not be welcome in my hunt camp.

:), Art
mr eatman...

ethics? morality?

when i was a child... in the late 50's... my great uncle... (a combat vet of w.w. 1...) taught me to kill whitetail with a 22. rifle... since that time i have been less than receptive to folks who insist that you need a bazooka to deer hunt... frankly... it is.................................. incorrect...

this evening... i had venison... baked potato... corn-on the cob... and red wine... (by the way... kikkoman steak sause is great with venison... ) the main course was courtesy of my ruger p-97 and **one** 185 gr corbon-plus-p round... the animal was killed with one shot... at about 25 yards... she ran 30-40 yards... laid down and died... she weighed around 150 lbs... and when i split her breast plate... and examined her internal organs... they appeared healthy... the slug traveled about 18 inches inside her chest cavity... destroyed a lung... and her liver... she had massive internal bleeding and organ failure and died quickly... humane?? the p.e.a.t.a. folks say no...................... you tell me mr. eatman...

as to your hunt camp... hunt camps are a part of the reason i started hunting with a . 45 acp... i own a fair amount of land... and each deer season... i have a lot of folks poaching on my land... they wear only cammo and tend to avoid land owners... i started hunting with a 45 because i didn't want to accidently shoot one of the fools...

good hunting mr. eatman...

regards.... v.
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