.458 WM made by Harold E. MacFarland

While the trigger guard may be plated I would almost bet that it is polished, in the white.

My FN Mauser from the 50's also has an in the white bolt. It was common back in the day. Perhaps this gunsmith just took that two tone concept a little further.

BTW beautiful rifle, very much in the Weatherby style. I love these old Mauser's
I have received both of the books and been able to glean almost nothing further about Mr. MacFarland from them, although they seem to contain a wealth of information about gunsmithing. I have located a few articles in various different publications written by him, and found that he passed away in 1992 in Arizona. Still hunting the particulars of my .458 as well those of any other builds by this gentleman. Bob Brownell actually wrote the forward to his book Gunsmithing Simplified, and seemed to hold him in high regard therein.