.45 Lc


So I want to buy a conversion cylinder for my 1858 remmie and I was wondering about ammo. What is the most powerful factory cowboy cartridge in .45 LC available and where can I purchase? I want this as a house load for burglers and such and when I go hiking. Thanks.
most people stay away from the heavier loads in the .45 colt /bp conversions. They are really intended for the cowboy loads that tend to put the 250 grain bullets out in the mid 700fps range. These loads are not a bad choice for home defense and it is debatable if any of the more recent testosterone loads are really any more effective.

You would definately want to avoid the Buffalo Bore or Corbon hunting loads as these are intended for the full sized ruger blackhawks, redhawks freedom arms and such like. They carry warnings against their use in single action armies or the replicas

If you want to get the most out of the 1858 for defensive purposes, I suggest using the load it was designed for. Take 35-40 grain of regular blackpowder or an equivalent volume of a BP substitute under a round lead ball of .451 or .454 caliber. I'd wager that it would get the job done and you're looking at more power than in any cowboy loads you would be shooting through a conversion cylinder.
Thanks Mec and Low Key, but the problem is that I live in the city and can't shoot every week. So I would like to be able to load and unload it for the pistols sake and for political reasons which the cap&ball(which is fine for me in the field or range) is kinda hard to deal with. But I think that 800-900 FPS would be sufficient if you guys could suggest factory loaded brands. Much appreciative.

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I know you're not looking for doing it that way, but you can unload a BP revolver without firing it.

The CO2 unloaders work quite well. Remove the nipple, dump the powder, and blow the ball out with a shot of CO2. I bought one for the tool box for that "just in case" day when I ram a ball in there and forget powder or
need to empty the thing for some other reason.

Cause we either have, we will, or we're lying about it :D
Another method would be to uncap the pistol, carefully unscrew the nipples, dump the powder out the back of the cylinder and push the ball back out the front end with a dowel rod. You might also check out cheaperthandirt.com they have a variety of ammo and you could most likely find what you want there. Cabelas.com also caters to the CAS crowd and they have both low and medium powered loads for the 45LC. And winchester makes a 225gr silvertip hp that MIGHT not be too hot for a conversion. Definitely stay away from the buffalo bore and ruger only loads.
TexasSIGman, Shame on you for telling him that! None of us have ever messed up so bad that we had to stoop to such drastic ways to unload our cannons:rolleyes: :)
Yep, Just leave the cylinder out if your looking for safety and leave the gun on half cock. It takes less that 2 seconds to be ready to shoot when and if needed. Mike
Yeah, I'll pile on too! TexasSIGman,REAL men never need to ask directions,make all the decisions in their households and never, ever load a ball in a powderless chamber! So....., your CO2 unloader? If I were you, I'd hide it well and never let on I ever even thought about one.

Well, I heard that they work good. I of course have never had to use mine.....
Some guy I knew once had a cousin that used one.
"Well, I heard that they work good. I of course have never had to use mine.....
Some guy I knew once had a cousin that used one."

Good one!:D
ok,i'll admit it,i have loaded my 58 with ball and no powder!whoops!i took the nipple out and use a steel cleaning rod to hammer it out.one of those when as you are driving the ball home something tells ya "oh crap".been there done that!lol.but you dont do it too many times i tell ya.
There are two types of people, those who have loaded a ball with no charge behind it, and those who have done it and will actually admit to it! :p
If you haven't done it yet, you will...just wait for it! ;)
You can also leave the cylinders loaded for months on end with no damage or problems. Then you have an excuess for taking a ride to the country for a little target practice . ;) Keeping the cylinder loaded and caped but separate is no differet than keeps the shells separate from any other gun. Mike
Thats The Good Thing About Living In The Counrty Hell I Just Step Out On The Front Porch And Shoot At My 30 Yrd Target Set Up On The Hill.lol.the PEOple That Live Near Me(but Not Close)dont Mind When I Shoot Because They Are Used To It By Now.the Only Time They Show Up Is To See What Im Shooting Next.lol.
Oh! To be able to step out my door and shoot agin. I owned 6 acres in central western Mich. about 7 miles from Lake Mich. I had a hundred yard target range right out my front door, a little 2 inch dia upside down lillipop gong supended from a tree targets and pop cans and water jugs below and a giant hill behind, and a dense woods behind that. Up the hill behind the house by the barn we could shoot 200 yards if we wanted. 3/4 acre trout pond near the house and 3 acres of grass and a trout stream that seperated me and my neighbor to the north. ducks, geese, turkey's and deer year round. OMG I miss it.

3 houses on my road and we all shot long guns and hand guns and were able to hunt on our own, or our neighbor's property. The only rule in the neighborhood was "don't shoot towards anyone's house or you will take incoming."

Now I'm in northern Los Angeles County CA, The town I live near is like Kenasaw GA. wihout the handgun carrying rule, but there still isn't a place to shoot that isn't a club or a gunshop or better yet, close.

If you fire two or three shots here in the boonies in the high Desert, you get a visit from the local constabularyafter a few shots or so. PHOOEY! They claim they have a device that can trace one shot fired...I say Phooey, 2 maybe 3 to triangulate from but not one. They do have listening devices in the big citiy of LA, but here in the county...I don't think so. Yes I'm a frustrated shooter here in LALA land.
Yeah, I miss the freedom to do that. Bieng from Arkansas myself I grew up never far from unpopulated spaces. But now I'm stuck In the most anti-gun city in the country, for a couple more months at least and then I leave for Brooklyn, NY.
Funny thing is I moved to SF(I can't bring myself to spell it out):barf: fairly moderate(politicly) and I'll leave a little further to the right. But hey, what better place to stoke an addiction for things that go bang:D
man,i could'nt live anywhere but the country!LA?no way in hell!!! i love the freedom and the people that live here.ive lived outside of nashville,tn all of my life.i dont know any other way.
Man, I'm sorry for you guys that live in communist occupied California. :(
I live up on top of a big hill with one close neighbor and several at a distance, I can go out and shoot whenever I want in my back yard. My next door neighbor and his kids watch me out their window, they get a kick out of me shootin the old 58 remington I think! All that smoke and fire out of the barrell gets the attention of anyone nearby :D I'm just waiting for them to walk over and ask to fire off a few, I'd be happy to get them started on it. :)
I could not live anywhere in Los Angeles County except where I am. it is high desert, nestled in the Angeles National forest and though we have neighbors, we are on a private road and only two houses on it, but it ain't like home for sure.

I provided amusement for my neighbors in Michigan also. they could stand in their enclosed front porch and watch me shoot. Several times he'd come over and shoot too, but he got a kick out of watching me shoot my Model 29 Smith or my Ruger Red Hawk. both scoped and man could I make that lollipo swing...the trick was to keep it moving for 6 shots. My neighbor loved to watch, see the recoill, hear the bang and hear the "Twang". The most fun , however was shooting my buddy's Ruger black hawk 45LC with open sights, I learned that I could shoot with that gun. The guys OI worked with were all shooters and everyother weekend or at least once a month the whole gang would come up and we'd burn lead.

I really miss not being able to step outdoors and shoot. I came out here 5 years ago on a 5 month contract, now can't seem to be able to get out of here. 5 years is enough. I just moved my sister back to N.C. I realized that I miss the hard woods, grass and water of a free state. Most of the shooters I know out here all say that they live in the Republic of California, not the state.

As for living in SF, LA, or any other big city...NOT IN THIS LIFETIME!