.45 - Glock or Sig

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I am interested in buying either a Glock 21, Sig 245 or a Sig 220. It would be used for a home defense weapon and a general target pistol. I am alittle recoil sensitive and have medium size hands. I have other handguns, but I would really like a .45. Any opinions on these .45's listed would be greatly appreciated.

I have both a P220 and Glock 21, and would urge you to try out both at a range. I have small hands, and the P220 fits me MUCH better than the G21 (and this one is the new style frame) does. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy shooting the G21, but would not use it for self-defense because of the less than comfortable fit.

With your "medium" hand size, this may not be an issue, but you should still check it out. BTW, both of these guns are more accurate than I am, and either should fit the bill for your needs.

Regards - AZFred
I chose the Glock 21 because of its diehard reliability, tough finish and superior firepower compared to the Sig 220. The only thing that I would change on my Glock is the sights, it needs Trijicons bad!

However, you have to try both of them, shoot them at a range that rents out these pistols. I have never shot the Sig but I understand that they are very fine pistols. Remember, the Glock was designed to perform in adverse conditions. Glocks have been known to go through thousands of rounds without being cleaned and while being exposed to freezing and melting temperatures. Glocks possess combat grade accuracy, point being, your not buying this weapon for olympic grade target practise. This pistol is for protection and I really couldn't think of a better tool than a Glock 21!
I really like my G21 . It is also extremely accurate . If I decided to go with the Sig I would pick the 220 over the 245 , mainly because of how it fits my hand . Good luck , Mike...
Greetings, I would like to begin by stating
that all the weapons you have spoken of are
very fine handguns. Being a Sig fan, I would
have to choose the P220A for a

.45 Caliber
defensive handgun. Utterly reliable, very
easy to maintain, extremely accurate; and
they work every time, even in sub zero weather conditions. The G21 is a bit large
for my hands, and the P245 is just a bit
smaller than the P220 !!! I can wear clothing
that can conceal the P220 remarkably well.
You can't go wrong with any of the choice's
you have mentioned; try 'em all and see what
works best for you !!!

Message edited by Dan H. Ford on 11-12-99

Ala Dan

I've owned two G21's and a Sig P220. All of your choices give you a reliable and accurate weapon. In my experience the G21 proved to be more durable than the Sig P220, retaining more of its finish and not suffering from a minor problem the P220 had. The roll pin holding the breech-face started to back out after about a thousand rounds. I believe the problem with my P220 was an isolated one, but calls to question the design and overall durability of the pistol.

I like both of these pistols for the role of home defense. I would favor the G21 for camping/trail use and would favor the Sig for concealed carry. Either way you've chosen a winner.

I'm looking for info for a friend. Gun shops are few and far around these parts. I bought a g19 after considerble reading. I would say I'm large handed and felt the Glock 19 the best fit of all the 9's out there. The Glock seems a much better platform to me..it's got a low barrel(not much into tech-no terms) and it doesn't have a double action pull. I hear Sigs are great but my brother-in-law has many and none felt as good as that ugly Glock! Guess what..I fell in love with that really ugly Glock even though I spend no time taking care of it! Try all the models..Full size, compact, sub-compact..to see how they feel. Good luck. Luckyned.
I have both and have to say I prefer the G21 for shooting. I have big hands and it fits me perfect. It shoots 2 1/2 groups at 25yards off hand and it is the gun I use for IPSC and do very well with it. With 18 rounds(+4 base) of 45acp and unsurpassed durability and reliability, I don't think you can go wrong. The G21 can be totally disassembled with a punch in about 2min try that with any other gun! I have to also say I love Sigs (great quality- very accurate). I just feel The Glock handles better, faster and has more fire power.
Double Tap:

I don't suppose that your using Taylor Freelance +4's??? I've been back and forth with Robin Taylor for months now , and neither of us can figure out how to make his +4's reliable. Springs fold over and bind. If spring is shortened, it won't bind, but then it doesn't have enough power to feed 230gr. rounds. Get nosedives with the weaker spring.

If you do have Taylors, please tell me how you get them to work!
Grams! 4k through them in IPSC not a single problem. They are about $50 a piece and come with follower and spring. I can't recomend them enough. They use really long and wide spings I think they prevent binding!

[This message has been edited by Double Tap (edited November 13, 1999).]
The nose dives I experience were caused by Wolf variable springs that were too heavy 20-22lb and would't allow slide to cycle all the way back. This would only happen when I was practice shooting with a weak grip. The stock spring never caused a single nose dive even if I shoot limp wrist, I actually tried to get it to jam and it would not with the stock spring. Variable springs like Wolfs' slow the slide down more towards the end of the cycle, where the stock spring allows the slide to cycle alot faster. In competition I have use a firm grip and I run the 22lb spring because it really controls the recoil and never jams when I have a firm grip. I would recommend only using the stock spring for defense! I think weak mag springs will add to this nose diving problem but I don't think they are all to blame. What weight and kind of recoil springs are you using?
Why not the Glock 30 ? I was more accurate with that than the G21. Its about the same size as the p245, but holds more rounds, and has a better grip.

p.s. if you do get the opportunity to shoot the sig 220, let me know how it performs, I just passed it up for a Kimber Classic
I used to be a SIG fan until my brand new P220 locked up and wouldn't fire after only two shooting sessions. Definitely go with the Glock for reliability.
Glocks and Sigs are both good weapons. But being a Sig fan, especially of the P220 this weapon would be my first choice.

One is no more reliable than the other under realistic conditions. And neither is "perfect," as no gun is.

The model 21 does have more fire power in standard 10+1 configuration. But you can buy 10 round mags for the P220, so I guess that arguement goes right out the window, unless you want to spend $100! on those pre-ban 13 rounders. NOT ME...

The SIG IMHO does have a much smoother (perhaps the smoothest of any DA/SA pistol)trigger pull, very little felt recoil, narrower single stack frame that is ideal for smaller and medium size hands.

The Glock model 21 is a rather large semi-auto handgun that is not ideal for smaller hands. If Glock is what you really want, and you don't have big hands, I think that the model 30 .45ACP would be a much better choice.

Personally I do not like Glocks because of the "ROUGH" DAO triggers on them, and there less than elegant design. But that is just me. Many people swear by them!

I would say handle both weapons and decide for yourself. I think you will like the P220 as it is a very hard pistol to beat! I have walked into many gun shops to have the sales people say that it is "the finest out of the box weapon in their inventory!"

But again, decide for yourself...


[This message has been edited by James Montes (edited November 14, 1999).]
For a full sized 45, get a Ruger - it's a better value.

For a compact, either G30 or S245 would be good. But realize that the G30 grips are JUST as large as the G21.
Thanks for all the input.I had the chance to hold a Sig 220 at a local gun show, and it fit my hand very well. The Glocks were alittle large. I've heard alot of good things about the Glock 30. My only concern is that with a .45 that size the recoil might be a bit stout to shoot alot of rounds at the range.
Consider one of the Kimbers. I have Sigs, and they are no doubt fine weapons. Some people don't like the fact that there are both double and single action. With the Kimber or other 1911 style, it's one action.
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