45 ACP handloads

I personally like Longshot powder in that case. It's good for anything from mellow to magnum loads and it meters like water.

6.5gr for .45acp, 7.5 for 45super and 12 for 460rowland, >15 for 45 Cinderblock.
WOW! Thanks for the reply’s, lots of good info here. From what I’m seeing popular powders would be Win-231/HP-38 and bullseye. Honorable mention to Unique. A couple of powders I would more associate with shotguns, clays and longshot. Not too familiar with these. Bullets 230gr RN FMJ or plated seem to do fine. Primer size doesn’t seem to matter much, LPP preferred due to availability. To MG’s point about separating brass by head stamp/wall thickness, this makes sense. Will go ahead and break down the batch of brass to account for that. I agree with the philosophy that if I am going to take the time to load bullets for MY guns, they should be the best I can make.

I don’t have to tell you all components are hard to find right now. Will start searching out some of the above. Dies still wont be here for a bit, actually unknown when they will fill the order. I’m not in any rush to begin. Thanks for the insight to my new cal to load for.

If you going to pitch your SPP 45 cases, I might know a guy that would put them to the test.

Have been loading 7.0gr of Unique under a 200gr SWC for 40 years. In my Springfield, I can keep all shots in the black at 50 ft.
For nearly Bullseye Competition level of accuracy, I've found Missouri Bullet Co.'s 200 gr LSWC a great choice. It's a copy of the old H&G #68 design, that will work with most any 1911 feed ramp configuration too.

For powder, I like Win231 ~ 5.0 gr for a good target or close in defense load. Seated to just barely show the full width band (about 1/32" of full dia. lead showing), then taper crimped just enough to remove the belled case mouth, you have a superb combination.

Lg pistol primers are way to go...more brass available, tho I do save and load small pistol ones as well for use in the field where I generally lose the fired brass in the fescue. YMMv, Rod
308 Loader,

You'll find one nice thing about the old 45 Auto is it can be made to run on a lot of powders. Shotgun powders like Red Dot and Unique, Clays and Universal (note: the plant where the Clays line was made is now decommissioned and the new one isn't going to produce the exact same powders, so these will be replaced with new formulations) all work well. HS-6 is slow and works best at near max loads.

With lead bullet loads, I recommend seating out to headspace on the bullet rather than on the case mouth. This has cut group size as much as 40% for me, and it reduces leading significantly. (Third from left, below. Note that some bullet shapes do not let you seat out this far and still fit the magazine, but the SWC shapes will.)

. . . special considerations?

*sigh* Late to the party again :p

Unclenick has given you the obligatory plunk illustration; which is likely among the most useful things you'll ever seen on the interweb. So we got that outta the way.

I've been loading 45 ACP since October 1984. Tens of thousands of rounds, to be certain. With a minor shoulder shrug or two along the way, I pretty much agree with everything stated.

I want to emphasize the W231/HP-38 thing: It'll do about 95% of everything you'll need to do with 45 ACP - save max velocity; especially with heavies (230's). Otherwise, it'll do it all.

Bullseye is right there too. But it is just a tick faster than W231 and a lot more energetic. So that translates to less forgiveness on the top end.

As for TiteGroup: I've used a fair amount of it in 45 ACP. And it works great. But it runs hot, so it is best reserved for jacketed or plated slugs. But in that role, it delivers great, consistent performance. Even more than Bullseye, it's super energetic, so pushing max pressure can be a nervy task. I had great luck with it pushing 200gn plated FP's.

All that said, I think the main thing I can add here is that propellants used in 45 ACP behave slower than you'd expect. It's like burn rate chart "shifts" down a notch or two. I don't know, but I have speculated that it has something to do with 45 ACP's aspect ratio (it's short n fat :p), along with it's low pressure. Whatever the case may be, everything is slower. So what is considered to be a fast power can deliver some surprising velocities.
I’ve been using a lot of CFE Pistol lately in 380, 9mm, & 45 ACP. I can load less than max & get a 230gr plated 45 bullet over 900fps out of a 5” barrel if I want to but choose to load medium range at around 850 fps as it seems to group tighter for me, plus the CFE seems to have less residue & the pistols clean up a bit easier too.
Low pressure round that likes Bullseye up to 231ish speed powders. Clays also works well. 230 grain is best all around for nice consistent reloads. If you step up to 185s, you may want to go to a bit slower powder.
Lots of great info here. Thank you all. Dies will be here tomorrow. Sorting head stamps right now. No luck with any of the powders mentioned, out of stock every where I’ve looked. Same with bullets. Had an order placed with Cabela’s for some plated bullets, was notified today that it was canceled. Out of stock. Large pistol primers are also nonexistent. Seems that shopping the web is no go. Have had some luck with local stores for some components, just not these. Guess ill be waiting until next year to load anything. Did get some S&b rounds from the gun club, so at least I’ve been able to shoot a few through it. Was starting to get concerned I bought a expensive paper weight.

Thanks again for all the reply’s. will let you know how it went after the drought lifts.