.45-70 "too much" for deer?

Look at all the reloading manuals, and you will see that you have a choice from 180gs to about 550grs so if you reload , you can go from short range plinkers to large game cartridge. For one of my single shots, used to use BP some filler and a 459dia rd ball and use channel lock pliers to seat it, fun round. There is so much info on the 45/70 out there you wont have time to shoot. :)
There is no such thing as to much power unless it damages meat

I have had Ruger #3 in 45/70, marlins, and now I have a Rememgtion rolling block action with a new barrel and stock that some one put way to much money into and sold it to the store I worked at. Black power only but its still does a nunber on deer. I agree with a lot of people here that the 45/70 is a great round that will do everything you want it to in north amercia other than dangerious animals like bear.
Black powder I wont go beyond 100 yards on deer.
If a .45-70 is too much gun for deer, then any modern blackpowder rifle of .45 caliber or over would have to be considered "too much".

"Too much" gun or caliber is so subjective as to be meaningless. 99% of the time, any deer that is dropped could have been dropped with a cartridge that is smaller, lighter, slower, or somehow "less".

Just for a laugh, ask these prudes if hunting with "barely enough" is better.
Just for a laugh, ask these prudes if hunting with "barely enough" is better.
Down here in the deep south we actually have a spear season for deer. I don't know anybody who has ever actually speared a deer, but there is a lot of talk.